This picture made me lqtm.
So Uhh, Theres several things I'd like to mention now actually. First things first, I have recently discovered that my NEW shoes are broken, that didn't take long. I bought them, what, 3 weeks ago?
How disappointing right? Any one who knows me will know that I don't go shoe shopping very often, I always get one pair that I fall inlove with.. then wear them until they're in pieces lying all around my house and my family is dragging me, kicking and screaming, away from them.
I usually manage to K.O. a few family members in attempts to retrieve my shoe bits. But now that this has happened a few times they're learning and have started wearing protective gear. Helmets, knee pads, shields, armor...
So yeah, Im going to keep these now broken shoes, and I AM going to continue wearing them. But I have decided to get new shoes also, you know, just incase it rains - I don't want my socks to get wet. BECAUSE MY SOCKS ARE SO FCKING COOL!!!
Siriusly, you need to see my socks, ALL of them. I should get some pictures.
On other news, which is more closely related to the emo pica, I'm in the process of trying to decide what to do with my hair in celebration of end of exams. I was thinking bright red, then I was thinking of putting my pink streaks back in, or green again. Then I was thinking re-do my blonde, and add small amount of pink. I dont want to do the ENTIRE of my head another colour because although I've done it before (AND IT LOOKS AWESOME), I like the goldy colour I have at the moment.
The emo cow is related because I was google imaging different hair types and it came up.
So Im going to put red in my hair tonight - in the blonde parts, too see how it looks with the pink im also going to put in it lol. THEN Ill see where to go from there.
SHOULD BE PRETTY SPECTACULAR!!!! I can honestly say I've missed my mental hair. Its been too many months looking plainly orange and blonde. Need something new!
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