Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Birthdays.. blegh

This is kind've a life update. When I'm at my mums house the internet isn't really capable of co-operating to the level dads does. Mums internet is a few sandwiches short of a picnic basket...
So writing and updating my bloggerino is a tad difficult. But thankfully my sister, Sta, has a (bright pink) laptop which tends to assist the internet a little.. you know... give it a little push in the right direction.
Anyway, so school finished yesterday. Yippee.
It was a wonderful feeling to sleep in this morning - even though when I woke up at quarter to eleven I was lying in a really weird angle and when I moved everything hurt... Plus I'd been dribbling on my pillow... which was fun to wipe my face over when I sat up. Of course, it had gone cold by that time so it was even more gross.
Today I spent a good 5 hours shopping. I got shoes, jewelry, t-shirts, dresses and sunglasses. All in all it was a successful shopping experience. I bought some plain shoes. Which is weird. They're just.... just black shoes... No shapes on them... no colour..... no ribbons or buttons of any sort at all really.... I quite like them. Im not sure if this is a sign that Im loosing a valuable part to my 'different' personality, or maybe its just me wanting some form of normalcy in my life.
If its the normalcy thing then thats kinda sad lol. Looking for it in shoes and all.
Then again, the shirt i bought today says "OMG WTF" on it, and my necklace says "OMG", So Im pretty sure I haven't lost much of my inner retard.

Uhh yeah, birthdays still coming up. Can't say entirely truthfully that I'm looking forwards to it.. I mean, yeah. Presents, cake, balloons etc... but really is it even a good thing to get another year older? So what if I'll be 17 instead of 16. There's no REAL difference, Im still going to be walking on two legs. Nothing incredibly new.
I know that with greater age comes greater understanding of the world and all thats within it - But is THAT supposed to make me want to get older? I don't really see the up side in that. Cause we all know that the worlds a pretty messed up place!
Like, whaling for example. Who thought of that?
"oh hey look a massive thing coming out of the water.. that gives me an idea..."
"wanna shoot at it?"
"yeah sure. I was thinking we could harness its energy and build an underwater community on its back, but shooting it will be just s satisfying"

Im getting off track.
The basic point is that my week has been okayish so far. Shopping = good. Birthday = okay. Whaling = bad.
You should be expecting either a very happy post or a very angry post very soon... this all depends on wether it rains on friday or not. Seeing as I'm taking all my friends to the beach for my birthday.
Wish me luck - Or at least threaten the weather with violence and blackmail.

P.s. Watched Juno just before - for like the 20th time. Made me think about something I don't wanna. How annoying.

Orange Jar

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