Sunday, November 8, 2009

Its 11:57.. and Im running out of time [Running out of time!]

OKay, so I started writing this post at 11:57.
Im sitting in the dining room mentally slapping myself in the face for being such a PUSSY.
Im supposed to be in bed asleep, well. I was supposed to be in bed asleep by 10:40pm! Gotta get those 8 hours in before I get up at 6:40!!!
But no, Im sitting up here listening to the horrible scary music in the background and the constant "AAHHH!!!!!!! gurgle gurgle gurgle AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!"
"were not gonna make it!"

Because my sister is watching a movie called "the fog" which is apparently very scary. Every so often she's just like "WOW CREEPY!" or, "AH! That scared the hell out of me! They're like zombies!", which honestly terrifies me. They are the scariest things that anyone has ever thought up. Im finding myself looking over my shoulder every few seconds, and flinching at everything.

I've decided that Im too scared to even consider going to bed, because I'd be downstairs alone and my imagination would get away on me. I already tried it for a while.. It failed. I just made my bed, set my alarm for school tomorrow, then got scared and came back upstairs. Where I proceeded to get more scared. Then try calm myself down by sitting here typing a out this post.

I'm just sitting here... getting even more scared... because all I can hear is that terrible movie playing in the background......
*BURSTS INTO TEARS* i hate being scared of everything!!!!!!!
So here I am. Waiting for the film to finish... I think the climax has almost finished. It was all like "my son! my son you have to save him!" then the heros all like "OKAY"

bahahaha my sister was like its 9/11 today. Im like... no, thats september 11. This is november 9th... but good try. Can you believe that was 8 year ago? It really doesn't feel like its been that long. I can remember sitting in my lounge playing with smelly bellys and building blocks while my mum was watching the news at like 6am. I didnt really understand what the big deal was... I hadn't been introduced to terrorism and such. I was only 9. I was kinda like "so a building broke.. what's the big deal?"
But yeah, wow. That was such a dicky thing to do. Crash a plane into them.
I don't know what they were planning to achieve by it because all they managed to do its ruin heaps of peoples lives.
I reckon that if all the world leaders and things just got together and had a good old talk, then they'd be able to fairly compromise their way out of this whole mess they're stuck in now. But everyones just got too much pride to do THAT. Wouldn't want to crush their egos not would we? NOooooo not at all.

*sigh* ignore me. Im just rambling to try and stop listening to all the screaming that happening in the background. Im trying to not start crying, you know. I keep stopping typing because I'm listening to it, but I really really don't want to listen to it. Oh no! theres lots more screaming now!!!! and loud scary sounds!!!!!!!!!! AAHHH!!!!!!

*hyperventilates* I hate this. I hate this so much. Anyone wanna come hold my hand till I decided I'm not too terrified to move??

PLEASE?!!!! NOW?!!! aah the musics building up to something!!!!!! ITS BUILDING UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! ooohh.. now its kinda like low creepy sounds ITS BUILDING UP AGAIN!!!!!!! omfg! omfg! omfg!! OMFG!!!

Okay. Calm down. Everything will be okay. I hate this.
I should go. I think its almost finished. There's a girl narrating the end.. I think....
*deep breath*
Until next time,
Orange Jar

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