I'll start this post off by saying I'm sorry for not writing in a good few days.
I only noticed I'd been neglecting my blog this morning while I was standing in the shower contemplating life's purpose and other various incredible and amazing things.
I think the reasons that I haven't been typing as many posts are;
1 - I've been far too busy doing nothing
2 - All/most of my recent thoughts have been on topics I prefer not to post about
3 - Time going way too fast for my liking these days.
That and Im just slacking off. Which is fun in its self.
I would update you on the goings-on of the past few days but I really cant be bothered and they aren't particularly interesting anyway. I would be happy to inform you that I've spent every second of my time since saturday studying for my english exam (possibly even a little for my media studies and geography). But if I told you that I would be lying.
I have done a small small SMALL amount of studying for english. I mean, I've found my quotes for several of my essays.. I am yet to memorise most of them. Because one of my essays is on "Hamlet" and I don't really understand much about Shakespeare. Its a little bit too extreme for me to make sense of, and any essays I even TRY to write about it end up as complete nonsense.
Err. I haven't been studying because I've been procrastinating, which is a pretty fair excuse if you ask me. Plus, thinking about exams makes me freak out - more.
Okay, I suppose I should have a little info on what its like to be 17 so far. Well, I haven't done anything particularly exciting but shopping and going to see a movie. My mum took me shopping on my birthday, I got many bright and exciting clothes - which I wore to the movies the next day with author of muffin-talk and our friend (we saw "up" btw, hilariously funny movie. But very sad in some parts).
Anyway, I got these fluro tie dye tights while I was shopping. I then proceeded to wear them to the mall, and I got many rude stares from complete strangers. These two girls (who obviously thought of themselves as the bees knees) burst out laughing - this in turn made me laugh because it showed how much they were tied into the "trends" of today. I almost felt sorry for them. I mean, how could anyone live their whole life always being and doing what other people expect?
Another group of girls asked me where I got my tights from.. I couldn't completely tell if they were being serious or not. I think they might have been making fun of me cause they were all wearing pretty un-original clothes. Like. Black.
Black in totally the new pink, blah blah blah.
Uhh. Yeah last night I got my sister some movies out for her and her friends to watch (shes broke, so loverly little me got them for her), one of them was an R16 and I was like "oh! I can get this one!" then I realised that I could anyway because I was 16 last year also.
*sigh* Im sitting here home alone right now. Fun, fun. Ignoring my studying Im supposed to be doing. I have all the doors and windows open and the wind is blowing stuff around so Im scaring myself because I keep hearing things move. Oh well. Its kinda ridiculous.
Oh, all the bolded words are ones that annoy be because apparently they are spelt incorrect. Totally unfair. This computer needs to understand that its in New Zealand now and it will have to learn to deal with it.
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