Okay, so dad Lochy and I get home and stop at the top of the drive way in the car - so we could wave at the russian children.
We then hear this faint "meow". We were all like what? because we were in the car, and Oscar doesn't go anywhere near the top of the drive way right?
So again we hear a meow, but it was a bit louder and angrier. We were all pretty confused. Looking around in the car incase SOMEHOW miraculously Oscar got inside. Then again MEOW!! And dad was about to drive on, thinking Oscar must just be outside, but I was like no no, wait.
I get out.
I hear it again, but louder. MEEOOWWW
I start walking towards the end of the car...
There was this drain at the end. One of those ones with bars across it.
So, I walk up to it and look inside it. Oscars face - COVERED IN MUD - is peering up at me... from in the pipe. Not in the little space under the bars, he was IN the pipe. Meowing.
I start laughing right, the russian children and I are watching him. Lochy runs up. Dad comes up.
Oscars like FREAKING out about the russian kids who were really quite distressed for his well being.
haha dads like "you STUPID fucking cat", Im like "uumm.... I don't think kids like that language. . . "
Any way, so we free him. He was totally covered in mud.
So naturally dad was going to wash him - I, being his wonderful daughter volunteered for the job..
I mean, showering a cat can't be that hard right?
Turns out Oscar doesn't like showers..
But he did let me wash him more or less.
The thing is, that.. how did he get in the drain? Like, he must have climbed in it somewhere else, then gone through all the pipes and tunnels, and ended up at that drain at the top of the drive... He must have gone through about 60m of pipe before he got there...
What. An. IDOIT.
BAHAHA Oscar! Lol aw