Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My most recent bad dream

Okay well I've mentioned my nightmares on here a few times in previous posts.
I thought! hey! might as well write out this one!
I woke up this morning in much the same state as i ddi yesterday.Dribbley and sore.

Okay so from what I can remember the dream started in this town... although it wasn't an ordinary town. It was kind of animated. And you could buy thing there - Things that you would use on your "farm" - This dream was GREATLY influenced by Farmville, believe it or not.
Well So i was walking around in this town looking for the man who sells fertilizer. There was a cats everywhere and behind me there was all these people farms. I would see people I know walking past me. Anyway, this section of the town didn't have the fertilizer man so I pushed on a little arrow the the right hand side of my.. my dream field? and then the town changed to the next part lol. In the new part the first thing you see it this little purple squid that sitting on the ground. It had googly eyes, and it was almost flat. But yeah, okay so I found the fertilizer man who was actually my friend Muffins boyfriend.. I think the reason he was fertilizer man is because he's like level 54 on Farmville or something ridiculous like that.
Anyway, So EVERYONE wanted fertilizer. It was like loud and everyone was bargaining and then Muffins bf just disappeared. And everyone in the shop was like "what?"
We found the fertilizer. And I went back to my farm, but on the way there I met my friends. And they were like "yeah were going to our first aid course!" so we all walked to my farm... where their first aid course was held in my crops...
But okay, so I went inside my farm house. When I was in there my cousins were in various places around the house.
And there was this very angry bald man - no dad, not you - who was running around the house muttering about how he had to kill everyone. And he did. He killed off this woman who was in the bathroom, he stabbed her a few times. Then he was going for my cousins, right... and I ran away lol. I knew at this point that it was a dream and that I wouldnt be able to spot the murderous man wether I wanted to or not!
So I ran away, and then SURPRISE SURPRISE!!! I could fly! But not just, take off the ground and your flying. Its the same kind of flying I always get in my dreams, You have to push of the ground really hard and hold your arms out to keep you steady... and if your going down then you have to like, flap your arms.. like a bird.
Okay, while I ran away I wasn't even at a farm anymore, I was actually running from my nana's house, and down her street.. trying to dodge all the REALLY intense amounts of power lines.
Okay, so I was coming down and I landed in this tree - ouch right?
But once I pulled myself together and realised I was in fact in a tree, I realised that there was like, 10 other people in the tree. Just complete random's that were all my age! Anyways, so we were sitting in this tree having a wonderful time.
When surprise surprise again, the angry bald man was wandering down the street towards the tree when he spots us. He starts running !
Just as I dive out of the tree he dives into it and begins his slaughter again. As I'm trying to run away I realise that my flying power doesn't work as well and I can't seem to get away anymore. But I manage to get to this clearing in a forest? and there was all m friends from school there? and they could all jump fly like I could? and there was heaps of angry bald men who we were all running away from?
And best off all.. the angry bald men had pet lions and tigers...

So we all proceeded to run away from each other. And it turned into a fun game.
I woke up.

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