Sunday, November 1, 2009

Good old Monday, huh?

Mondays just bring so much joy to my heart :) Every single Monday I just thank god I'm alive!!
- I notice that I use sarcasm too much. I think its because its easier to take the piss out of just how ridiculously sucky something is by pretending its the exact opposite.
But either way.
Today I woke up at 3am (After a relatively strange dream that involved lesbians and buses), only to find that I couldn't get back to sleep for what seemed like hours. I'm not sure why.. I was just getting angry at myself for not being asleep. Then since I was angry I couldn't get to sleep, so I got angrier.. it was a vicious cycle.
But anyway, i did end up getting to sleep :)

I then woke up and had A SHOWER!!!!!!!!!!! (I thought typing it in capitals might make it sound more interesting).
Afterwards, I went to get my uniform off the washing line... only to find that it rained last night at it was all WET!!!! I yelled furiously at the water on the deck and stormed inside to get my shoes.
Okay, so I was taking the washing off the line and I burst into tears because my Monday was so wonderful. Tears of happiness that I was tired, cold and had wet clothes to wear to school today.

But surprisingly my day did get better from then on! No sarcasm!
My first three periods of school I didn't have to do any work because I've finished all my photography (I handed it in on friday, thank goodness. Thats alot of weight off my shoulders), and I've also finished my art board. And in business... we had a reliever lol.

But here I am, at home. Things aren't so "fun" anymore. It kinda sucks having to swap houses every Monday
(Oh hey! There's another reason to ADORE Mondays!!)
But at home, here, right now. I get to thinking about what someone said to me once. And Im going to find it difficult to describe this without sounding thick. They said I was... not shallow.... Like, I only see what's on the surface? Not peoples physical appearance or w/e. It's that I ... You know how people are like "Wow, thats deep man. Real deep" ? Like that but the opposite.
I'm thinking about it because Im not sure if its true or not. I do have insightful conversations on my head on a daily basis, but they're usually about nonsense. As you all should know. Either that or its about depressing things! But in real life situations I'm usually too busy being loud to sit back and notice the small things about people. I should probably take some time out of my OMG LOOK A BUTTERFLY!!!!! OH NO! BUTTERFLIES ARE JUST PRETTIER VERSIONS OF MOTHS!!!!!!!!!! kind of lifestyle and have a study day... where I study people.

I have the same things on my mind that were there like two posts ago.. They're just too confusing to even think about at the moment. So they just kinda sit in my head all day and throw themselves at the walls of my brain driving me up the wall. I need to hire some exterminators..

Orange Jar

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