Alright, Its been really good and really bad being off school on holidays,
I find that if I don't have some kind of project to do then I just end up doing nothing and thinking about the tub of ice cream thats in the freezer... raspberry ripple.... mmmm... I could do with some of that now. . .
BUT I wont go get any because I know that once its gone its gone! ITS GONE!!!! IITTTSSS GGOONNEEE!!!!!!!!!!
Uuhh.. Right, So, Im starting this painting to try and keep myself occupied. Its going to be of an ice cream cone, thats upside down - squished onto the ground. But the ice cream which is inside the cone isn't going to actually be ice cream! Its going to be the Earth, and its going to be melting onto the ground. You know, its representing how when people make little mistakes - Like, dropping an ice cream - It feels like the end of the world. The whole "don't cry over spilt milk" thing.
But at the moment, Im just waiting for the white background to dry because this is ACTUALLY proving really difficult to get a white background ... weird I know, you'd think it would be the easiest part.
ANYWAY. So, I've been spending most of my time with friends or on facebook. I swear facebook is ruining my life. Its taking overrrrrrrrrr...
And its actually not even that interesting to be totally honest.
This is weird, I had so much to write about on here but now that I'm trying to write it all down my minds just like blank. Its very frustrating, OH YEAH! thats another thing! Frustration! Now that its the holidays there's a heap more time to sit and think about everything and anything. This is, admittedly a good thing in some aspects. I mean, I reckon Im a thought process and a half away from figuring out the Bermuda Triangle.
But the extra thinking time also comes with the things that you don't really want to think about.
All the stupid stuff .. not stupid as in, the way I talk about nonsense, its stupid as in "Why do things like this even exist?"
One of the things I don't particularly want to think about, or plan for, or ANYTHING, is that CHRISTMAS!!!!!! is coming up! Yay! Reindeer! Snow flakes! Santa! Presents! Candy canes! Mistletoe! Yeah, all that jazz. When I was younger I would have pretty much be bouncing off the walls since June for this. Now I wouldn't mind it it just fcked off for another few months. Cause you know, although it TIS THE SEASON TO BE JOLLY! Im not feeling very jolly towards it this year!
If anyone read my post I wrote friggen ages ago, about divorce, then this wonderful celebration also applies to that suckyness.
This year we're having trouble figuring out who were going to celebrate it with.. I think the 'rents have officially figured it out. In the morning until about midday my sister and I will be spending the time with mummy dearest and her side of the family (which, not incl my immediate family, is: Six cousins, two uncles, two aunties and a nana and grandad). Then, from 12 onwards we ship off to daddy darlings house and grace the other half of the family with our presence (thats three cousins, one aunty, one soon to be step mother, three soon to be step kids, one poppy and one poppa - once again not incl my immediate family).
Two christmas lunches.. I have a small but powerful feeling that I might explode by the end of it. Maybe I can develop a technique like the cows have. I could have "cud" in my mouth thats made of various hams, pavlovas and potatoes.
I'd better get practicing if Im going to have a high level of cud processing by christmas time.
Oh btw, I've been face painting recently. Wanna see?

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