Alright, so. It was christmas like a whole two days ago! YAY! JOLLYNESS and shizz.
Nah it honestly wasn't that bad. I DID miss like, the whole thing at mums. But its okay, I got to say hello to all my cousins and aunties and uncles and grandparents... so thats what counts. And. I wore a santa hat. You now, influencing the christmas spirit and what not.
I was at dads place for majority of the day, and that was funfunfun! I had a glass of "lindauer fraise" ... which is just pink wine. And I put blue M&Ms in it and it went blue. Im pretty sure I made it like, 20 times cooler than its original level of coolness (which was actually pretty high, seeing as it was already pink and didn't taste all that disgusting).
I also played a small amount of table tennis with my soon-to-be-step-brother. He beat me.. even though he's younger... by a few years... But yeah, can't say that wasn't a surprise. Ive only played like twice in the past 3 years.
Uuuhhh we had this steaky and noodly lunch. And. I still smell like garlic. For desert there was jelly, pavlova, trifle, caramel, cream, fruit salad e.t.c which was YUM and made me feel very sick! My stomach was like "fml!" and almost imploded.
Well. It would be more appropriate for a stomach to explode actually. More dramatic too, I'd imagine. Because stomachs are internal organs... if it imploded, it wouldn't look that impressive to all the people who are walking by.
But if it EXploded... then.... like, blood and guts would fly everywhere and.. yeah. Gross. I shouldn't go into so much detail.
Okay. So. I also painted my soon-to-be-step-sisters face as a butterfly. She was PUUUUUURRRRRRTTTYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. er. Purtyer? Prettier* than usual. Cause of my extreme face painting skills... actually nah. It wasn't my best butterfly. But it was rainbow colours, so that kinda made up for it.
Errrrrr.. after I left daddies place (in a mess, there were potato pieces EVERYWHERE), I went back to my mummies and started feeling kinda sick:( So I had a cold shower - in which I took my phone with my and txted in. It SEEMS like a silly idea. And it is really. But my phones already breaking and I need to return it like, tomorrow, so I gathered that not tooooo much damage could have been done anyway.
Me myself and I were having an internal debate on wether or not to stop blogging actually. I have been trying to make my mind up wether I will give a certain someone a few rules when it comes to reading my blog and then wishing to talk about the content of it in detail afterwards. Or. If I will just stop blogging all together and solve the problem that way.
Which I cant say I wanna do, I mean. I love my bloggeroon.
I've apparently decided to keep it for the time being! Because I know that there are people out there who (surprisingly) enjoy having a good read of this nonsense.
Uuhhh new years in a a few days, I'm pretty excited. Even though I don't know what I'm doing yet. OOOHHHHH my mum and her fionce are bitching about something in the lounge. Idk what it is. I just heard the tone of voice change and it was like "OH! so thats what he thinks! how does he know that?!" idk. Its something that they were reading out a txt that they were angry about.
Oh well.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Life is like an orange jar...
I figured that it was around about time that I actually explained my little statement;
"Basically, life is a jar of oranges; And we all need to question.. Is that what it's supposed to be like?"
Ofcourse, at first glance it seems like something relatively ridiculous to say. Because plainly obviously, life isn't an ACTUAL jar of oranges. That would be impossible. There's no way of explaining a statement like that!
But if life were to metaphorically be a jar of oranges it makes more sense.
I personally, would say that a jar of oranges isn't incredibly spectacular.
Just some fruit in a jar, right?
But thats where it starts, isn't it? Its a jar, not a bowl. In a bowl anyone can reach in and take a piece! With a jar there is a lid which holds all the oranges inside. It keeps them all stuck in there, and there is no way that they alone can escape. The only person able to free them would be the person who owns the jar...
This is like how humans are all brainwashed into thinking and doing the same things. I mean come on guys! In the words of Jack Black, STICK IT TO THE MAN!
Everyone in the world is just like an orange stuck in the jar of life! We are all sitting in there blissfully unaware that we are trapped. We are STUCK in this .. this.... this mindset, that we all have to be exactly the same. We have to look alike, talk alike, dress alike, think alike even! For fcks sake!
Occasionally there will be an apple or a passion fruit in that jar and it will throw the entire thing off balance, those fruit are screaming for the other oranges to join them! Screaming for the oranges to come out of their silly little imaginarily perfect lives, and join them on the quest to saving the world from becoming conformists like the jar wants them to be!
All the pineapples out there! The lemons, the watermelons, the mangos! If there is ANY bananas or pears! Grapes or coconuts! Cherries or kiwifruit! Plums, apricots, nectarines! Even mandarins or grapefruits!
Reach out for each other and help break the jar! We need to break free from the glass walls that are holding us back from individuality and live life like its meant to be!
"Basically, life is a jar of oranges; And we all need to question.. Is that what it's supposed to be like?"
Ofcourse, at first glance it seems like something relatively ridiculous to say. Because plainly obviously, life isn't an ACTUAL jar of oranges. That would be impossible. There's no way of explaining a statement like that!
But if life were to metaphorically be a jar of oranges it makes more sense.
I personally, would say that a jar of oranges isn't incredibly spectacular.
Just some fruit in a jar, right?
But thats where it starts, isn't it? Its a jar, not a bowl. In a bowl anyone can reach in and take a piece! With a jar there is a lid which holds all the oranges inside. It keeps them all stuck in there, and there is no way that they alone can escape. The only person able to free them would be the person who owns the jar...
This is like how humans are all brainwashed into thinking and doing the same things. I mean come on guys! In the words of Jack Black, STICK IT TO THE MAN!
Everyone in the world is just like an orange stuck in the jar of life! We are all sitting in there blissfully unaware that we are trapped. We are STUCK in this .. this.... this mindset, that we all have to be exactly the same. We have to look alike, talk alike, dress alike, think alike even! For fcks sake!
Occasionally there will be an apple or a passion fruit in that jar and it will throw the entire thing off balance, those fruit are screaming for the other oranges to join them! Screaming for the oranges to come out of their silly little imaginarily perfect lives, and join them on the quest to saving the world from becoming conformists like the jar wants them to be!
All the pineapples out there! The lemons, the watermelons, the mangos! If there is ANY bananas or pears! Grapes or coconuts! Cherries or kiwifruit! Plums, apricots, nectarines! Even mandarins or grapefruits!
Reach out for each other and help break the jar! We need to break free from the glass walls that are holding us back from individuality and live life like its meant to be!
Sarcasm - 22nd December 09
I wish, that I could just use sarcasm for everything i said.
Because, honestly. Some of the things people think and say, or some of the situations that happen are just ridiculous and I can't stand the way that people act.
There's a select few people out there who haven't made me want to slap them in the face with a large dose of sarcasm, and I'm grateful to those people for keeping me sane. I mean, I just want to say "yeah, and pigs can fly" to a hell of alot of things people spit out these days. Its like what were you smoking when you got that idea?!
Especially my fcking parents, man. AND YEAH I KNOW YOUR READING THIS DAD!
Christmas! far out, the arrangement is ridiculous!
I mean, yeah, I suppose its cool that were splitting the day in half so we can see both sides the family. And, its okay that the original plan was going to be two lunches... difficult with the whole, you know, exploding with excessive amounts of food thing...
But actually, Im not going to be having two lunches. Because my parents couldn't agree on a time that would allow me to see both sides of my family for equal amounts of time.
Im probably going to see my mums parents, but not my cousins. And if i DO see them, it wouldn't be for longer than half an hour!
Then I would go to dads and I'd get the whole thing, seeing everyone. All my cousins. For a good amount of time.
I just think its un fair to mums family.
And. I have to say this. Smoking was THE stupidest thing ever invented, ever. Like. Actually. Who on earth was the smart guy who came up with that life ruiner. I would like to slap THAT person in the face with sarcasm.
And, I would write a massive, inspiration or uninspirational paragraph about love on here, but I dont know what to say on that front because I'm torn between thinking its not real, is real, is wonderful, is horrible and is just completely random or planned out from when your born.. like fate? Then its like, when people break up, was that fate?
To just, go out and break up so you can learn a life lesson for your next relationship of w/e's?
I think, that so far as I have gathered recently.
Life is what you make it. Everything that happens, is meant to happen, and once its happened - you just have to accept that there is nothing you can do to change it. Make the most of what you can, and move past anything that you can't enjoy.
You have to live life like its your last day alive.
Even when the bad things happen and it hurts, you have just have to know that eventually life will even itself out with good things.
That saying, "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade", fits perfectly with how I'm looking at things.
Even though life plainly and obviously sucks, there will always be a silver lining there - wether its on holiday with the gold and bronze linings or not. Its still there somewhere and it will show up sooner or later.
Because, honestly. Some of the things people think and say, or some of the situations that happen are just ridiculous and I can't stand the way that people act.
There's a select few people out there who haven't made me want to slap them in the face with a large dose of sarcasm, and I'm grateful to those people for keeping me sane. I mean, I just want to say "yeah, and pigs can fly" to a hell of alot of things people spit out these days. Its like what were you smoking when you got that idea?!
Especially my fcking parents, man. AND YEAH I KNOW YOUR READING THIS DAD!
Christmas! far out, the arrangement is ridiculous!
I mean, yeah, I suppose its cool that were splitting the day in half so we can see both sides the family. And, its okay that the original plan was going to be two lunches... difficult with the whole, you know, exploding with excessive amounts of food thing...
But actually, Im not going to be having two lunches. Because my parents couldn't agree on a time that would allow me to see both sides of my family for equal amounts of time.
Im probably going to see my mums parents, but not my cousins. And if i DO see them, it wouldn't be for longer than half an hour!
Then I would go to dads and I'd get the whole thing, seeing everyone. All my cousins. For a good amount of time.
I just think its un fair to mums family.
And. I have to say this. Smoking was THE stupidest thing ever invented, ever. Like. Actually. Who on earth was the smart guy who came up with that life ruiner. I would like to slap THAT person in the face with sarcasm.
And, I would write a massive, inspiration or uninspirational paragraph about love on here, but I dont know what to say on that front because I'm torn between thinking its not real, is real, is wonderful, is horrible and is just completely random or planned out from when your born.. like fate? Then its like, when people break up, was that fate?
To just, go out and break up so you can learn a life lesson for your next relationship of w/e's?
I think, that so far as I have gathered recently.
Life is what you make it. Everything that happens, is meant to happen, and once its happened - you just have to accept that there is nothing you can do to change it. Make the most of what you can, and move past anything that you can't enjoy.
You have to live life like its your last day alive.
Even when the bad things happen and it hurts, you have just have to know that eventually life will even itself out with good things.
That saying, "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade", fits perfectly with how I'm looking at things.
Even though life plainly and obviously sucks, there will always be a silver lining there - wether its on holiday with the gold and bronze linings or not. Its still there somewhere and it will show up sooner or later.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Raincoat violence - 19th December 09
There are various topics in need of discussion. These have arisen in the past 2 -3 days and are (apparently) incredibly important.
We will start with the most important!
About 5 minutes ago I was hanging the washing out, which doesn't seem too important right? Nothing thats in need of top priority blog mentioning. But you see, I was astonished to find that there was this yellow raincoat in the washing machine. It had never occurred to me that raincoats needed washing. Because they tend to only ever be used with water! I just presumed they cleaned themselves... and as I have recently discovered... they don't.
So, there I am, trying to peg this raincoat to the line, and it just wasn't working out. It wasn't sitting the same way as a top would. And so I noticed that the hood was on the wrong side and it was throwing the entire coat out of balance... So I flicked the hood up and over onto the other side. But, being myself, I managed to flick it into my face. I NEVER thought a raincoat could be so painful! It like, aimed for my eye! And believe me, raincoats have got fcking accurate aim!
But, I still knew that resorting to violence against the raincoat would only be sinking to its level, so I was the better man and let that little... little incident.... slide.
Another note thats definitely worth mentioning is that I have been tidying my bedroom for the past hour or so (besides the 10 minutes I had to spare for the abuse I explained above). I never realised how much CRAP I had in my room! And geeeeezz, when you've moved house as many times as I have in a short amount of time you come to think that you've gotten rid of all your rubbish! Apparently I thought wrong. So, I never actually finished tidying my bedroom. I thought the raincoat problem NEEDED to be talked about asap and I would just have to put my room tidying on hold until I'd done that.
Also, I've become attached to the name "Autumn". Because of various conversations I've had with various people about various things... But I have decided to only reward very special things the name of Autumn.
Oh yeah. And I have a boy friend.
Yeah, I have a 'bif' now, which is epic weird. I honestly don't know what to say about it.
We will start with the most important!
About 5 minutes ago I was hanging the washing out, which doesn't seem too important right? Nothing thats in need of top priority blog mentioning. But you see, I was astonished to find that there was this yellow raincoat in the washing machine. It had never occurred to me that raincoats needed washing. Because they tend to only ever be used with water! I just presumed they cleaned themselves... and as I have recently discovered... they don't.
So, there I am, trying to peg this raincoat to the line, and it just wasn't working out. It wasn't sitting the same way as a top would. And so I noticed that the hood was on the wrong side and it was throwing the entire coat out of balance... So I flicked the hood up and over onto the other side. But, being myself, I managed to flick it into my face. I NEVER thought a raincoat could be so painful! It like, aimed for my eye! And believe me, raincoats have got fcking accurate aim!
But, I still knew that resorting to violence against the raincoat would only be sinking to its level, so I was the better man and let that little... little incident.... slide.
Another note thats definitely worth mentioning is that I have been tidying my bedroom for the past hour or so (besides the 10 minutes I had to spare for the abuse I explained above). I never realised how much CRAP I had in my room! And geeeeezz, when you've moved house as many times as I have in a short amount of time you come to think that you've gotten rid of all your rubbish! Apparently I thought wrong. So, I never actually finished tidying my bedroom. I thought the raincoat problem NEEDED to be talked about asap and I would just have to put my room tidying on hold until I'd done that.
Also, I've become attached to the name "Autumn". Because of various conversations I've had with various people about various things... But I have decided to only reward very special things the name of Autumn.
Oh yeah. And I have a boy friend.
Yeah, I have a 'bif' now, which is epic weird. I honestly don't know what to say about it.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Photography - 15th December 09
Well. Dad gave me this job of sorting through all his little bits and bobs from the shed right.. Its all those nuts and bolts that nobody cares about because they're just lying in junk piles and you can never find them when you need them. So Uuuuhh he had a few ice cream containers filled with all that shizz, so I was elected to go through them and put all the screws in one pile, nails in another, circley things in another... But like, every so often there would be something that didn't really match the requirements of any of the piles.
They were like the rejects. So I adopted them into my loving arms.. fed them up.... made them feel at home..... gave them purpose in life..... You know, The usual.
And as I was sifting through my little group of rejects I realised they were pretty interesting. And I thought they'd be brilliant for photography practice! SO THATS WHAT I DID!
This was my favourite.

Wow the soap in dads bathroom smells wonderful! It reminds me of something... Im tempted to say coconuts but know thats not it.. I just went and checked. Its called "milk and shea butter". Apparently "shea" is a nut that grows on trees! I mean frick! If it smells THAT good, why on Earth haven't I heard of it before?! This is crazy. Im incredibly disappointed with the media for not telling me about this sooner. I had to wikipedia what shea butter was! OMG JUST REALISED! Shea isn't in the blog dictionary?!! WTF.
And now we come back to Georgia's world (sorry Suzy, I stole your program). Things are pretty okay! I mean, Id say they were good, but I'm still angry at life for not giving me shea butter before now. What a waste of 17 years.
Yeah, like friends are good :) Muffins home from Australia and I've previously mentioned. And its tuesday today ... WINK.
My family is all fine and dandy! Mums in the garden 99% of the time as per usual, and I persuaded her to buy me another plant to add to my collection... I think I quite like going to garden center's with her now. I mean, thats my fourth plant. It's a yellow dahlia! It's very happy looking, especially when its with my daisies *satisfied smile*
Dad watched TRANSFORMERS!!!! With me last night! Yuss. He went out in the weekend and bought the two movies in blue-ray as a christmas present.. then I txt him last night asking him if we could get it out on dvd and he was like got home saying it was an "early christmas present" lol yay.
Errrrrr... I still haven't completed my christmas shopping, but by the sounds of most people I know I'm waaay ahead of schedule anyway. I have like. Hardly any presents left to get. Just like.. like three. There was one, but I thought of two more people I wanna get presents for!
OMGSH. I just unpacked the groceries dad bought home right. I was putting all these apples in the fruit basket and I literally thought to myself "Oh good. I'll be able to shine these tomorrow"
Sad life or what?
I THINK thats most of what I should report on?
Oh, I just checked my computers dictionary, PHEW.
"shea | sh ē; sh ā| (also shea tree)
a small tropical African tree that bears oily nuts from which shea butter is obtained. • Vitellaria paradoxa (or Butyrospermum parkii), family Sapotaceae.
ORIGIN late 18th cent.: from Mande sye."
They were like the rejects. So I adopted them into my loving arms.. fed them up.... made them feel at home..... gave them purpose in life..... You know, The usual.
And as I was sifting through my little group of rejects I realised they were pretty interesting. And I thought they'd be brilliant for photography practice! SO THATS WHAT I DID!
This was my favourite.

Wow the soap in dads bathroom smells wonderful! It reminds me of something... Im tempted to say coconuts but know thats not it.. I just went and checked. Its called "milk and shea butter". Apparently "shea" is a nut that grows on trees! I mean frick! If it smells THAT good, why on Earth haven't I heard of it before?! This is crazy. Im incredibly disappointed with the media for not telling me about this sooner. I had to wikipedia what shea butter was! OMG JUST REALISED! Shea isn't in the blog dictionary?!! WTF.
And now we come back to Georgia's world (sorry Suzy, I stole your program). Things are pretty okay! I mean, Id say they were good, but I'm still angry at life for not giving me shea butter before now. What a waste of 17 years.
Yeah, like friends are good :) Muffins home from Australia and I've previously mentioned. And its tuesday today ... WINK.
My family is all fine and dandy! Mums in the garden 99% of the time as per usual, and I persuaded her to buy me another plant to add to my collection... I think I quite like going to garden center's with her now. I mean, thats my fourth plant. It's a yellow dahlia! It's very happy looking, especially when its with my daisies *satisfied smile*
Dad watched TRANSFORMERS!!!! With me last night! Yuss. He went out in the weekend and bought the two movies in blue-ray as a christmas present.. then I txt him last night asking him if we could get it out on dvd and he was like got home saying it was an "early christmas present" lol yay.
Errrrrr... I still haven't completed my christmas shopping, but by the sounds of most people I know I'm waaay ahead of schedule anyway. I have like. Hardly any presents left to get. Just like.. like three. There was one, but I thought of two more people I wanna get presents for!
OMGSH. I just unpacked the groceries dad bought home right. I was putting all these apples in the fruit basket and I literally thought to myself "Oh good. I'll be able to shine these tomorrow"
Sad life or what?
I THINK thats most of what I should report on?
Oh, I just checked my computers dictionary, PHEW.
"shea | sh ē; sh ā| (also shea tree)
a small tropical African tree that bears oily nuts from which shea butter is obtained. • Vitellaria paradoxa (or Butyrospermum parkii), family Sapotaceae.
ORIGIN late 18th cent.: from Mande sye."
christmas shopping,
Shea butter
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Sunburn update - 11th december 09
After much consideration, I have decided that it might not have been worth the sunburn.
When I typed out that last post the burn was only just starting to show up and I already thought it was bad.. like, 3 hours after that i could hardly walk! OMG it was so bad! moving hurt lol. But I suppose thats punishment for being careless with sunblock!
Im pretty dam sure that I will be waaaay more careful from now on. I mean.. wow. It was pretty intense.
Anyways! Im sitting here at my daddy dearests house waiting for muffin to text me and tell me when were going to the mall. Because were .. going to go.... SHHHOOOOPPPPPPPIINNNG!!!!!!!!! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy!
hahahahah yeah, she JUST got back from Australia and I dibbsed her asap because I missed her so much! Lol its like shes my wife or something, I cant stop thinking about her... naked.... covered in chocolate sauce... with strawberries on her..........
kidding. I only think of her like that on Tuesdays *wink*
talk soon
going to the mall!
When I typed out that last post the burn was only just starting to show up and I already thought it was bad.. like, 3 hours after that i could hardly walk! OMG it was so bad! moving hurt lol. But I suppose thats punishment for being careless with sunblock!
Im pretty dam sure that I will be waaaay more careful from now on. I mean.. wow. It was pretty intense.
Anyways! Im sitting here at my daddy dearests house waiting for muffin to text me and tell me when were going to the mall. Because were .. going to go.... SHHHOOOOPPPPPPPIINNNG!!!!!!!!! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy!
hahahahah yeah, she JUST got back from Australia and I dibbsed her asap because I missed her so much! Lol its like shes my wife or something, I cant stop thinking about her... naked.... covered in chocolate sauce... with strawberries on her..........
kidding. I only think of her like that on Tuesdays *wink*
talk soon
going to the mall!
Monday, December 7, 2009
SUNBURN! - 08 december 09
SSHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEZ. My legs, right at this moment. OUCH.
Like, I was lying on my stomach in the sun for the whole day... and conveniently for the suns rays, the only places I forgot to put sunblock on is the backs of my legs and the little gap between my skirt and my top. OUCH MAN. OUCH.
"Im fcking pink!" is a fcking understatement! Sitting here, with my legs folded up, HURTS. So much! ah!
Uhhh but even so, it was kinda worth it, I spent the day at the beach with majority of my friendies - excluding muffin ( who is currently in Australia with her bf. And my other bestbud who was too tired to grace us with her presence today.
Anyway, wowwwwwwzers it was fun :) As I have said. We didn't even do much! and oh wow Im hungry! We didn't even eat much.
Uuhhh I actually came on here to talk about my hair... I finally decided what to do with it, and I did it last night. Its pink and blue (there's a small section of purple also, which doesn't show up - much to my disappointment). Here, look, I'll show you.
See? I think I quite like it :) I mean YES, it is incredibly bright! even brighter than I expected to be completely honest. Lol, I hope it comes out by the time school starts.. but oh well if it doesn't! My teachers will just have to get over it :) Or... Or get me in trouble...
OH yeah, I met a new person today. My friends boy friend. I've gotta say that I approve. They're adorable together, I think that there should be more people like them out there in the world.
Like, I was lying on my stomach in the sun for the whole day... and conveniently for the suns rays, the only places I forgot to put sunblock on is the backs of my legs and the little gap between my skirt and my top. OUCH MAN. OUCH.
"Im fcking pink!" is a fcking understatement! Sitting here, with my legs folded up, HURTS. So much! ah!
Uhhh but even so, it was kinda worth it, I spent the day at the beach with majority of my friendies - excluding muffin ( who is currently in Australia with her bf. And my other bestbud who was too tired to grace us with her presence today.
Anyway, wowwwwwwzers it was fun :) As I have said. We didn't even do much! and oh wow Im hungry! We didn't even eat much.
Uuhhh I actually came on here to talk about my hair... I finally decided what to do with it, and I did it last night. Its pink and blue (there's a small section of purple also, which doesn't show up - much to my disappointment). Here, look, I'll show you.

OH yeah, I met a new person today. My friends boy friend. I've gotta say that I approve. They're adorable together, I think that there should be more people like them out there in the world.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Inner teaparty - 07 December 09
Im not in the right mood to be writing a post.
My thoughts are - apparently - even more scrambled than usual. Not like, rambling about everything and anything kind of scrambled like I usually am, its like my thought processes just stop mid thought and I don't get anywhere.
So, I figured, if I cant hold a real conversation in my head then perhaps if I wrote it down then I could keep a string of coherent thought for longer because I can see what I'm talking about.
You know?
Or not, either way.
Um. Im having a mental block again. I know I have a lot to talk about because I've had a hell of a lot to think about over the past few days!! Pretty much like having a mass discussion about multiple aspects of what are and aren't part of my life. And to be Frank (or Steve, Doesn't make a difference), I think I would quite like a break from thinking tyvm!
Sooner or later Im going to hold a practice fire drill in my brain, put things on hold, you know?
It'd be like "And now I would like to bring my attention to the matter at hand involvi-
Okay everybody! You know the deal! Use the exit to your left and meet in the garden!"
Then when everybody's calmed down from the adrenaline rush that brings, there will be tea and coffee held in the dining room area of my brain. Anyones welcome, feel free to join in! There will be timtams and squiggles.
hey wow, looks like I've found my rambling.
That was good.
My thoughts are - apparently - even more scrambled than usual. Not like, rambling about everything and anything kind of scrambled like I usually am, its like my thought processes just stop mid thought and I don't get anywhere.
So, I figured, if I cant hold a real conversation in my head then perhaps if I wrote it down then I could keep a string of coherent thought for longer because I can see what I'm talking about.
You know?
Or not, either way.
Um. Im having a mental block again. I know I have a lot to talk about because I've had a hell of a lot to think about over the past few days!! Pretty much like having a mass discussion about multiple aspects of what are and aren't part of my life. And to be Frank (or Steve, Doesn't make a difference), I think I would quite like a break from thinking tyvm!
Sooner or later Im going to hold a practice fire drill in my brain, put things on hold, you know?
It'd be like "And now I would like to bring my attention to the matter at hand involvi-
Okay everybody! You know the deal! Use the exit to your left and meet in the garden!"
Then when everybody's calmed down from the adrenaline rush that brings, there will be tea and coffee held in the dining room area of my brain. Anyones welcome, feel free to join in! There will be timtams and squiggles.
hey wow, looks like I've found my rambling.
That was good.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Merry FCKING christmas - 2 December 09
Well. I have discovered that its even HARDER to keep up with my blog when its the holidays, I spend so much time doing nothing that it feels like I'm busy doing everything! So naturally, I just don't find the time to update while Im busy thinking Im doing everything while I'm actually not busy doing nothing.
Alright, Its been really good and really bad being off school on holidays,
I find that if I don't have some kind of project to do then I just end up doing nothing and thinking about the tub of ice cream thats in the freezer... raspberry ripple.... mmmm... I could do with some of that now. . .
BUT I wont go get any because I know that once its gone its gone! ITS GONE!!!! IITTTSSS GGOONNEEE!!!!!!!!!!
Uuhh.. Right, So, Im starting this painting to try and keep myself occupied. Its going to be of an ice cream cone, thats upside down - squished onto the ground. But the ice cream which is inside the cone isn't going to actually be ice cream! Its going to be the Earth, and its going to be melting onto the ground. You know, its representing how when people make little mistakes - Like, dropping an ice cream - It feels like the end of the world. The whole "don't cry over spilt milk" thing.
But at the moment, Im just waiting for the white background to dry because this is ACTUALLY proving really difficult to get a white background ... weird I know, you'd think it would be the easiest part.
ANYWAY. So, I've been spending most of my time with friends or on facebook. I swear facebook is ruining my life. Its taking overrrrrrrrrr...
And its actually not even that interesting to be totally honest.
This is weird, I had so much to write about on here but now that I'm trying to write it all down my minds just like blank. Its very frustrating, OH YEAH! thats another thing! Frustration! Now that its the holidays there's a heap more time to sit and think about everything and anything. This is, admittedly a good thing in some aspects. I mean, I reckon Im a thought process and a half away from figuring out the Bermuda Triangle.
But the extra thinking time also comes with the things that you don't really want to think about.
All the stupid stuff .. not stupid as in, the way I talk about nonsense, its stupid as in "Why do things like this even exist?"
One of the things I don't particularly want to think about, or plan for, or ANYTHING, is that CHRISTMAS!!!!!! is coming up! Yay! Reindeer! Snow flakes! Santa! Presents! Candy canes! Mistletoe! Yeah, all that jazz. When I was younger I would have pretty much be bouncing off the walls since June for this. Now I wouldn't mind it it just fcked off for another few months. Cause you know, although it TIS THE SEASON TO BE JOLLY! Im not feeling very jolly towards it this year!
If anyone read my post I wrote friggen ages ago, about divorce, then this wonderful celebration also applies to that suckyness.
This year we're having trouble figuring out who were going to celebrate it with.. I think the 'rents have officially figured it out. In the morning until about midday my sister and I will be spending the time with mummy dearest and her side of the family (which, not incl my immediate family, is: Six cousins, two uncles, two aunties and a nana and grandad). Then, from 12 onwards we ship off to daddy darlings house and grace the other half of the family with our presence (thats three cousins, one aunty, one soon to be step mother, three soon to be step kids, one poppy and one poppa - once again not incl my immediate family).
Two christmas lunches.. I have a small but powerful feeling that I might explode by the end of it. Maybe I can develop a technique like the cows have. I could have "cud" in my mouth thats made of various hams, pavlovas and potatoes.
I'd better get practicing if Im going to have a high level of cud processing by christmas time.
Oh btw, I've been face painting recently. Wanna see?

Alright, Its been really good and really bad being off school on holidays,
I find that if I don't have some kind of project to do then I just end up doing nothing and thinking about the tub of ice cream thats in the freezer... raspberry ripple.... mmmm... I could do with some of that now. . .
BUT I wont go get any because I know that once its gone its gone! ITS GONE!!!! IITTTSSS GGOONNEEE!!!!!!!!!!
Uuhh.. Right, So, Im starting this painting to try and keep myself occupied. Its going to be of an ice cream cone, thats upside down - squished onto the ground. But the ice cream which is inside the cone isn't going to actually be ice cream! Its going to be the Earth, and its going to be melting onto the ground. You know, its representing how when people make little mistakes - Like, dropping an ice cream - It feels like the end of the world. The whole "don't cry over spilt milk" thing.
But at the moment, Im just waiting for the white background to dry because this is ACTUALLY proving really difficult to get a white background ... weird I know, you'd think it would be the easiest part.
ANYWAY. So, I've been spending most of my time with friends or on facebook. I swear facebook is ruining my life. Its taking overrrrrrrrrr...
And its actually not even that interesting to be totally honest.
This is weird, I had so much to write about on here but now that I'm trying to write it all down my minds just like blank. Its very frustrating, OH YEAH! thats another thing! Frustration! Now that its the holidays there's a heap more time to sit and think about everything and anything. This is, admittedly a good thing in some aspects. I mean, I reckon Im a thought process and a half away from figuring out the Bermuda Triangle.
But the extra thinking time also comes with the things that you don't really want to think about.
All the stupid stuff .. not stupid as in, the way I talk about nonsense, its stupid as in "Why do things like this even exist?"
One of the things I don't particularly want to think about, or plan for, or ANYTHING, is that CHRISTMAS!!!!!! is coming up! Yay! Reindeer! Snow flakes! Santa! Presents! Candy canes! Mistletoe! Yeah, all that jazz. When I was younger I would have pretty much be bouncing off the walls since June for this. Now I wouldn't mind it it just fcked off for another few months. Cause you know, although it TIS THE SEASON TO BE JOLLY! Im not feeling very jolly towards it this year!
If anyone read my post I wrote friggen ages ago, about divorce, then this wonderful celebration also applies to that suckyness.
This year we're having trouble figuring out who were going to celebrate it with.. I think the 'rents have officially figured it out. In the morning until about midday my sister and I will be spending the time with mummy dearest and her side of the family (which, not incl my immediate family, is: Six cousins, two uncles, two aunties and a nana and grandad). Then, from 12 onwards we ship off to daddy darlings house and grace the other half of the family with our presence (thats three cousins, one aunty, one soon to be step mother, three soon to be step kids, one poppy and one poppa - once again not incl my immediate family).
Two christmas lunches.. I have a small but powerful feeling that I might explode by the end of it. Maybe I can develop a technique like the cows have. I could have "cud" in my mouth thats made of various hams, pavlovas and potatoes.
I'd better get practicing if Im going to have a high level of cud processing by christmas time.
Oh btw, I've been face painting recently. Wanna see?

end of the world,
ice cream,
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