It seems theres something happening in all directions - theres so many plans in the making, to be make and have yet to be made. Its this whole 'getting into the real world' crap that us now ex-students are shoved into at this time of year is no piece of cake.
I don't have it half as bad as most of my friends, which SHOULD be a comfort, but really I feel just as small and insignificant as the rest of them. But thats okay, really *everybody's* small and insignificant compared to things like Earth and the Sun!!! Not that that even matters.
So, this morning felt busy and stressful because I got a whole bunch of phone calls within a space of like half an hour. Everyone who called wanted to know something and organise something and it was just irritating because I'd only just gotten out of bed!
Admittedly... It was 10am.... A reasonable hour... But still.
And also, two of the people who called told me I had to change my cellphone answerphone message! I mean, really?
Okay, it wasn't the most professional message, and okay, it had been on there since 2007, and okay, I had been meaning to change it for a good year and a half now. But, really?
I spent the remainder of the day since 1pm cleaning the house up. I felt great about it, because now (thanks to me) the kitchens completely clean, as are both bathrooms and several bedrooms. Every single piece or washing is clean and dry and there is only one pile left thats waiting to be ironed (I might get around to it, who knows?).
I re-potted two plants as well! What gorgeous little things they are! One is some form of yellow flowering plant, I found him UNDER THE DECK (what an outrage!) because somebody had knocked him down there and not even planted him! He was withering away, and nobody cared or even noticed he was gone..
He's much happier now, all planted and watered.
I found some distant cousins of a Dahlia flower I had last year. They are happily growing in mums flower pot now, although they are unwelcome because they don't match the colour regime..

The second plant I replanted, I have named Ron. After Ronald Weasley!
I think now, that it may have been a bad idea giving him that name, because he's in a pretty bad state and he very well may die... You see, about 2 weeks ago i found the mangled remains of some kind of small plant. My retriever, Tyson, had been.. err... taking it on a 'outing' that day... Well. Today, I found the other part of the plant, the part that he'd ripped the other section off from.
Im surprised it hadn't shriveled up and died, to be honest. Its pretty much a little branch with two leaves and roots. Poor thing...
Oh well. He's not situated right outside my bedroom window so that I can monitor his progress.
Good luck Ron!