But aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrggghhh!!! freaky! Theres this new printer we just got - not plugged in though, considering I know bugger all about wires and connections and whats it. Anyway, just as I was preparing my gigantic brain to relay all the information I've been witholding from my blog, when the printer starts making noise!
I got a bit of a fright, to be completely honest. It was a ticking-clicking noise. You know, like when the toasted sandwhich maker is cooling down? Yeah.
So yup. I went for a big walk with Tib the other day, it was on the Stillwater bushwalk (gorgeous scenery, so naturally my beloved camera (who goes by the name "Clicka) accompanied us). It was great! We walked along the shore - and found half an octopus in a puddle!
I was ensured it wasn't a squid, so its surely an octopus? I think It still might be squidly.

Well.. It's remains are squidly.
Yup, our walk was great. The flora and fauna was beautiful (for non New Zealanders, or those who are city dwellers or just a bit dim; Flora is flowers, and fauna is plants). Although, all the trees that I found interesting were beastly large in size and very... well. Dead.

It was a wonderful walk, believe me.
You know how that saying actually goes "believe you me" ?
I hate it. What the hells the point in that? It doesn't even make any sense! Its like believe yourself if you were me? Or is it just like 'Believe yourself - oh no wait. Believe me. Thats what I meant."
I've never understood that one.
Then again... Mums got a saying "Like a streak of weasel piss" which apparently means something moved fast. W. T. F ?
Why weasel piss? Why not dog or cat? Infact... why piss at all?
There is plenty of things out there faster than an animal peeing.
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