Try it in different volumes, tones, pitches or mix it up with some different accents! A foreign no is just as satisfying as a good old classic no. Get all that negativity out there and just scream NO at the top of your lungs, I know that compromise is a wonderful and helpful little thing, but SAYING NO JUST FEELS GOOD.
Be immature about it! Start saying no to everything!
Can you do the dishes? NO
Do you want me to make you some toast? NO
Whats on TV tonig- NO!
Whats WRONG with you?? NOOOOO!!!
Why are y- No! NO NO NO NO NO NO
This is redicu- nooooooooo! COME ON! JOIN IN!
What? You want me to just.. say no?
No, I want you to just say no.
I just said that.
... No.
Okay. No.
No is an amazing stress relief. The world cant get you down if you just blatantly deny it! NO its not raining today - while your soaked head to toe from the shit weather. NO you didn't run out of milk - While your eating wheatbix dry. NO you didn't just drop your cellphone in a puddle - While you press the power button hopelessly and wipe the mud off it. NO you didn't crash your car, NO you didn't have a terrible nightmare last night, NO Your cat didn't get hit by a car.
And then you sit there after you've lost your voice and stamped your feet till they hurt. And you remember that you can say no all you like, but that wont fix anything, and your cat is still dead.
Sometimes, when you wanna scream no, you've just got to take a deep breath, put your chin up, and take a quick walk down acceptance road.
Yes. My cat oscar got hit by a car on new years eve. I miss him.

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