Sunday, January 16, 2011

My terrifying night-terror experience.

So, this morning, I was trying to just rest a bit because I've had a really tiring week. I said to myself "alright, I'll just rest for 5 minutes and not think about anything". SO you know, at first I lay down to enjoy my rest and I just repeated the word 'rest' in my head. But as soon as I fully relax my brain does its own thing and the dreams start.

So the first dream began as I saw two little girls jump off the harbor bridge, so Tib and I dove in afterwards to save them... As we were helping them we found a little boat just in time to escape a shark attack.
We then ran into a building to escape but it was filled with zombies and creepy animal people. So I woke after that.

And set an alarm for myself in 5 minutes, you know, to prevent further nightmarish non restful dreams. Yet, in that 5 minutes I dreamt that I woke up, got up and started making breakfast.
Then my alarm went off.

So I set another alarm for 5 minutes. The same dream, except I was talking to my sister this time not making breakfast.
My alarm went off.

SO I set it for 10 minutes, and I focused on resting and relaxing. I fell asleep and got sleep paralysis. God it was horrible. I'll do my best to explain it, but unless you've had it yourself you wouldn't realize how terrifying it is.
I dreamt that I woke up, but I couldn't move. Also my eyes were fuzzy around the edges. I dreamt that I no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't lift my head form the pillow and I couldn't move. The dream feels incredibly real.
Sleep paralysis is when you literally cannot wake up. And I could feel my legs and arms thrashing around but in my dream I wasn't moving.

After what felt like ages I woke up, and looked at the clock....

It had only been 6 minutes....


  1. Woah so not keen for sleep paralysis. Shit sounds scary as hell.

  2. Its flippin scary! But when you wake up your like THANK GOD and feel really good, its like getting good news. Finding out your aren't paralyzed.
