Sunday, May 30, 2010

Making an impact.

I've recently been contemplating how brilliantly dumb life can be sometimes, and how in the mornings you wake up and think "FML I have another whole day to truck through before I can climb back into my warm little heaven I like to call bed"
Those days are generally the ones when its particularly cold outside and there's assignments waiting for you left right and centre.
So... Everyday (especially in New zealand. Cold cold cold).

I am lucky enough to have escaped suffering through a day like that, because I woke up sick this morning - Yay for no immune system! - But really, being sick requires just as much endurance.

But yes, thinking of the monumentally complex suckfest of a world we live in, it reminded me of a movie called "pay it forward". Anyone heard of it? Seen it perhaps? People from Northcross will be trying to figure out where they recognise that name from. We we're all forced to watch it.
It is a sad but inspiring tale of a young boy who has a school assignment to 'pay it forward' to three people he knows who need help. Those three people will then 'pay it forward' to three people THEY know who need help, and so on and so forth.

I was thinking about it, because in theory this should make the world a much better place... But then there will always be the people who are in denial and "don't need anybody's help!". And there's the people who are too selfish to help others... And the people who are too old to help or too young...
This can cause a dent in the 'pay it forward' process.

It's just, if everyone went out there and did something nice for someone else then it would not only make that person happy - but it would make the person who made that person happy too. It doesn't even have to be something amazing, like saving the world from poverty or even saving one family or one person from poverty. That would be great, but very difficult.
It can be as simple as telling someone how special they are, or giving a compliment for no reason at all.
Even something as small as smiling at the people you walk past on the street and saying "HELLO! WONDERFUL DAY, ISN'T IT?"

Anything can make someones day. I'll give an example of one I did (it made my day too). I went to a cafe, and I ordered a hot chocolate and a brownie. I'd been having a bad time and was feeling pretty miserable.
A waitress brought me my food and drink, and I sat there pushing the brownie around on my plate grumpily.
After I'd finished, I pushed all the crumbs on my plate so they formed the words "thank you!" and I gave it back to the waitress. She was so happy!
So I was happy.

Its easy peasy.
I guess Im only writing this down because my days been crap, being sick and what not. And I was hoping SOMEONE would read this and think "hey, I think I might make someones day tomorrow".

If you want some good examples;
Go read GMH.

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