Thursday, May 27, 2010

Hug a ginga day tomorrow.

I will get mauled tomorrow.
Like seriously, I'll have no skin left and I'll loose both my eyes and maybe a finger or two...
No, I'm just going to get hugged a bit. Its one of the many parts of having orange hair.
Being a genetic retard - part of this wonderous easily sunburnt race - we get an entire day devoted to us where we are simply hugged by all who see us. Last year I got a grand total of 36 hugs. I would have been able to start my own community by cloning people from all the skin cells that were left on me.

Unfortunetly.. I don't have the equipment or permission to clone people. Which is totally unfair. I'd make a brilliant cloning artist, I mean, how hard can it be?
Some skin here, a dab of spit there, add some chemicals and poof. You've got a person.
A guinea pig could do it with its hands tied behind its back and a blind fold on. Easy peasy.

But cloning aside, My business went to oral final presentations tonight and we had a stall there. It was pretty good looking - it first noticed its refletion in a spoon, then realised it was incredibly good looking.
But yeah, we got like 15 pre orders which is BRILLIANTO

Have I even explained what my product is? omg. I dont think I have!
WELL.. Have you been feelings the cold? Well, with a "Hot spot" on hand, your frost-bite infected fingers will be gone in a flash! Its a chemically activated heat pad that will still your chills on the horrid winter mornings! Its totally reusable - you simply pop it into a pot of boiling water for 5 minutes and BAM! Its back to normal and ready for reuse!
It doesnt even cost you an arm and a leg - as it should (I'd prefer it did, a leg here and there is nothing for a good product!) - no limbs need be sacrificed! Its avaliable to you for a teeny weeny price of $6.99!
It comes in pink, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple! Each one comes with a complementary FREE cover! Also comes in many colours and MAYBE EVEN PATTERNS!!!!! OMG!!!!! AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! YOU"VE TOTALLY GOTTA ORDER ONE!!!!!

If you do want one, lol cause my advertising had drawn you in SO MUCH cause I'm that much of an incredible sales person, then email me :)

Now, I miss Tib. (tobit, go read his blog - thats totally an order you SLUT). Im singing Eric Clapton songs and they're reminding me of him... yeah yeah, sad and pathetic I know. Ha ha, I'm sucked in. Im whipped - just as bad as your mum was last night (lame joke of the day is all done folks, no need to fret. I only get one a day).

You know, sometimes I wonder if anyone even reads this nonsense lol. I know a few select friends of mine do... but it would be so cool if there were total randoms reading it. I could ask them to send me some eyelashes so I can have them in my clone army.

Not that I'm building a clone army...


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