Thats not too bad, just an extra helping of stress with a side serving of sucky. If it had a creamy go play in traffic sauce drizzled over top it would be a pretty appetizing meal.
We could have a wonderful desert of strawberries and cream - OR RICE PUDDING. Wow I haven't had that in ages!!! AHHH I WANT TO MAKE IT. Okay. Its a done deal. Im making it this weekend, and you'd better not get in my way or I will mow you down with determination and bla bla bla...
But yeah, can't say I'm particularly enjoying examinations. Or much, at the moment tbth. Just the fact that I know Im going back to school on thursday is already ruining my Friday. Is that sad? I think it might be just a little bit sad.
But yes, I was thinking about all this shiz that makes life unpleasant (my word of the week). And it figures that if you don't put your own little bits of fun into it, then yeah, it will look like a down right nasty world out there. The things I've done today to make my day just the smidge better are things like drawing a face in my cokes condensation, laughing at the naked man on a bottle of "Ultra wipe out!" dvd/game repair kit' and singing elemeno p to my cat Oscar. He sings back sometimes, the brilliant little being he is :)

But yeah, the naked man. I don't understand why he has to be naked, what does that have to do with cd cleaning liquid? Unless its making a point that it removes skin cells from the cd, and finger prints.. or body prints... or... you know... any fdsfdls
I sneezed twice and now its cold! Oh well.. I could always go put clothes on.
See, Im naked too...
Not really. But that would be fun.
Oh! I was thinking last night, while I was with a bunch of my friends - so it's surprising I didn't bring it up to anyone. Imagine if humans didn't have arms! Like seriously, imagine it, tshirts wouldn't be tshirts anymore because there wouldnt be a t. They'd be like, lowercase L shirts. And hugs would be really awkward, unless people developed a way to hug with their legs, that didn't scream sex.
And you wouldn't be able to do anything, except walk. It would cause so many problems if we didn't have arms... My blog wouldn't exist. What a horrible thought, how could anyone in the world live without my insanely hilarious ramblings.
Kidding kids, theyre sanely hilarious, no insanity here.
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