Friday, January 1, 2010

One year down, however many to go? - 1st January 2010

Here we are again, at the beginning of a new year, I've only done this 17 times in my life, and sometimes that feels like its a bit much. The new years thing can get a little, old. I mean yeah, yaaaay party party! its a new beginning! new years reSolutions!
But we all know that pretty much any new years reSolution we set, doesn't get kept.
I personally have made two for this coming year. One of which I have no intention of trying to complete, the other I will try, but I don't expect to succeed, that way its not disappointing when or if I don't manage to achieve it.
You can choose which is which, mine are;
To gain excellence in my photography boards of 2010
To bake 118 cupcakes by Tuesday (today being Friday)

Now, I'm sitting here, at 10 to 10, things are pretty alright. You know, nothing too fantastic happening around me. Theres a moro bar to my left and paper towels to my right.. Since I already ate so many chocolates its not funny, the paper towels are actually more interesting. Which is kinda sad. Uhh.. I should probably go to bed - or at least bedroom, since I've been intending to tidy it for the past... past week or so. I actually started tidying it about an hour or so ago. But I got a text from my dear friend who I wont mention the name of. They wanted to talk to me about stuff. So I ditched my room-tidying and graced them with my presence - kidding, I went upstairs cause they weren't in the best mood and I wanted them to cheer up.

Unfortunately, I failed in the act of cheering them up. And while I was speaking to them I drew this totally mental picture. Somehow it reflects the feelings I had while I was talking to that person... its a sad picture. So. IF by chance somehow that person happens to be reading this, then, Im sorry I couldn't fix things..

Uhh.. mind block. I feel like just giving up on this post and saying 'happy new years everyone!' but that seems pretty effortless to be totally honest. Tbth. And I know that even though I don't sound too incredibly excited about it being a new year because of the failing idea of 'new years resolutions'. Its still good because believe it or not, this year really will be all about new beginnings. My mum is getting re-married in February. Which is good, even though she already acts married lol.
I mean she pretty much has no life (no offense mum), she spends every moment of every second doing her friggen garden.
Oh the flowers have to match! Do you think my vegetable garden looks good? the cucumbers are looking a little dead... I got some new canna lilies! canna lilies canna lilies canna lilies! CANNA LILIES!!!! I WANT SOME MORE CANNA LILIES!
But honestly, shes great.

Im not sure when my dad and his fiancé are getting re-married. Its not this year, I know that much. It will be later cause theyre doing the whole 'well wait till the kids leave' school thingy. Which is okay. I mean. I leave school like... WOW SHOOT! I LEAVE SCHOOL AT THE END OF THIS YEAR!!!!!
that was an un-expected realisation. Oh well! Id better make the most of it aye?

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