Thursday, January 28, 2010

Im going out tonight... - 29th January 10

I wrote this post ages ago but took it down, cause .. well. Im not sure why. But hey, its up again! (lol, immaturity FTW)

Im going out tonight, and Im bored, so I spent ages doing my make up - three hours before I have to leave. And I then proceeded to try doing my hair in this weird way... Which I haven't done more than once in my entire life. Because, it means that I have my fringe on top of my head instead of all over my face. And THATS weird, not having a fringe when you've had one for like three years without a break! Anyway, so, I'm standing there with my fringe all pinned up, but then it starts falling down and I was like NOOOOOO MY LIFE IS OVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR and grabbed hold of some hair spray.. Looking at this hair spray, the thought occurred to me that I haven't really teased my hair in a while..

So I did.
And I took photos, and i edited those photos. Take a look..
Oh yeah, and now I've gotta have a shower and wash the hairspray out of my hair. So bye bye make up.

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