Im going out tonight, and Im bored, so I spent ages doing my make up - three hours before I have to leave. And I then proceeded to try doing my hair in this weird way... Which I haven't done more than once in my entire life. Because, it means that I have my fringe on top of my head instead of all over my face. And THATS weird, not having a fringe when you've had one for like three years without a break! Anyway, so, I'm standing there with my fringe all pinned up, but then it starts falling down and I was like NOOOOOO MY LIFE IS OVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR and grabbed hold of some hair spray.. Looking at this hair spray, the thought occurred to me that I haven't really teased my hair in a while..
So I did.
And I took photos, and i edited those photos. Take a look..
Oh yeah, and now I've gotta have a shower and wash the hairspray out of my hair. So bye bye make up.

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