She had that insane "DIE DIE DIE!!!" look in her eyes that cats get when they've been having a good old maul of something. She often gets that look, so, I didn't really think much of it... Presumed she'd been eating moths or something. She does that often, I love her to bits for chewing them to bits! Ugh.. moths.... And their wings.. And and... their FUR.... *shudders and pulls fly spray closer, looking around nervously*
Anyway, so she stands there. And this MASSIVE, winged, multiple-legged, feeler-faced monster climbs out of her mouth and makes an attempt at escape!
I mean, what's a girl to do?! Some horrifying beast is cornering her, she has nothing to defend herself with but her incredible intelligence. Naturally, heroic men from all around the country leaped on their trusty steeds and began galloping to rescue me - tying on their capes mid-ride. But none of then would've managed to reach me in time so I had to my Jedi mind tricks to confuse the creature.
Or.. well... walk around it into the kitchen, evasive maneuvers! The perfect plan!
So I grabbed this crystal glass - because it was the heaviest, so least likely to be thrown aside with the Things immense strength.
It took a lot of courage for me to challenge it to a fight to the death. It could have taken hours if it didn't lunge for my jugular straight away, and me having magical powers, I caught it in the glass and slammed that cup down on the ground so hard that it was sure to be trapped in there for the rest of eternity!
But Petal, being the brave little soul that she is, was tormenting it even whilst it was in captivity, and it was getting angry. It almost smashed its way out if there! I didn't have my tranquilizer gun here - I left it at dads, foolishly thinking I wouldn't need it - So we would be in trouble i that thing escaped again!!
I rushed back into the kitchen, desperately seeking ways to protect petal and I from being shredded into ribbons. I searched and searched and at last I found adequate means of protection... It would work just as well as my portable metal prison cell that my friend was borrowing for the weekend (she has a very sexually creative relationship with her partner).
I trapped that bastard in there. And he's still there to this very day... plotting his revenge.......
I really don't like huhu bugs. They MUST be related to moths.

I bet thats the same little bastard that attacked me when I was at your house.