It covers pretty much everything. And, it just so happens to cover all the topics I need to ramble about right now. So. Thanks Ba.
Okay. Start off with the first in line.
Love is an incredibly hard word to describe or even think about properly. I mean, what IS love? Why do you feel it? what does it feel like.. bla bla bla. Yeah. You know, all those impossible-to-answer questions. It can be so mind blowingly complicated - while at the same time, it can be the most simple thing ever. Its like, "Why did you spend 5 days straight gardening, without a break? suffering extensive amounts of sunburn, being covered in dirt from head to toe, getting pricked and cut by the plants, putting your back out by bending down all day... getting heat stroke... Finding out your alleric to bee stings... And breaking your ankle.... All on the first day. Why after ALL of that, did you keep going for a further 4 days?"
"Because I love her"
Although it may not be as extreme as my gardening example in most cases of love, You get the general Idea.
... Or you don't. I don't know how well people keep up with my thought processes. Anyway, Love. Yeah. Its a strange one. I've always had so many questions about it - But to be totally honest, I don't think I even want to know the answers. I think that maybe, if you want love to work.. You've got to ignore all the questions, and all the things that don't make sense... And just kinda accept that what is, is.
Or something. I don't know. I try not to have those deep and meaningful thought trains about this topic.
Life, is next.
Uuuuuuuhhhhhh.. This is also one of those topics that are easier to be like "Im living it, thats all I need to know right now. Next question please?".
So, Life should never really be a topic of discussion, because its far too big for anyone. To try and figure out life, is just as bad as trying to memorise pi in one go. Its much easier to just take it in small bites. You know, baby steps. And at the moment, the emotional hurdle of life that I'm ignoring is mum getting married. I'm sure that if I sat back and had a good of think about it, then it probably wouldn't seem as peaches and cream as it looks right now, like, I'm probably going to get slapped in the face by a HOLY GEOFF! MUMS GETTING MARRIED TOMORROW! when next friday comes around. But, for the time being, its not bothering me too much. I think I'm kinda over any shocking acts my parents do. Its sorta like, well your already divorced, now what? Surprise me, I dare you.
But yeah, also, a massive event thats going to dramatically change the entire personality I have at the moment - Like, I will be a completely new person after this EXTREME thing happens. It's so incredibly huge that people from all over the world will be turning over new leaves and recreating their entire lives. This, is THAT big.
Muffins coming back from Australia on Thursday, in two days.
MY LIFE IS COMPLETE!!! *radiates excitedness*
Thats enough of life right now. Aside from my bf (I'll call him Tibs on here, he's at, and my darling Muffin coming home... Life can go suck somewhere else.
As for hair dye, I think that over the past year and a half I've had my fair share of hair changes. I'm now letting my colours wash out, and am back to plain old orange and blonde. Take a look at the variations.

its actually LIFE, love and hairdye.
ReplyDeleteThe life comes first =]