The reason I wrote the date at the beginning of every post is because I never realised that right above the title of each post... it had the date. So I was like "man, I feel like an idiot!"
But as I read through the dates on both my page and the blog titles, I realised that majority of them are one day behind. Like, my title will say the third when my page says the second.
I reckon, that this is because I live in my piddly little country of New Zealand. And. We like, pretty much live in the future here. You know, flying cars and what not. We are the people of tomorrow!! FEAR US..
But yeah, so I have got some other things that can be mentioned in this post - besides me bragging about our futuristic jet packs and invisibility cloaks (Yup, thats right, Harry Potter is real! The magic world and muggle world have joined as one... Since its the future and we have cloning machines everyone has their very own invisibility cloak).
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Im going out tonight... - 29th January 10
I wrote this post ages ago but took it down, cause .. well. Im not sure why. But hey, its up again! (lol, immaturity FTW)
Im going out tonight, and Im bored, so I spent ages doing my make up - three hours before I have to leave. And I then proceeded to try doing my hair in this weird way... Which I haven't done more than once in my entire life. Because, it means that I have my fringe on top of my head instead of all over my face. And THATS weird, not having a fringe when you've had one for like three years without a break! Anyway, so, I'm standing there with my fringe all pinned up, but then it starts falling down and I was like NOOOOOO MY LIFE IS OVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR and grabbed hold of some hair spray.. Looking at this hair spray, the thought occurred to me that I haven't really teased my hair in a while..
So I did.
And I took photos, and i edited those photos. Take a look..
Oh yeah, and now I've gotta have a shower and wash the hairspray out of my hair. So bye bye make up.

Im going out tonight, and Im bored, so I spent ages doing my make up - three hours before I have to leave. And I then proceeded to try doing my hair in this weird way... Which I haven't done more than once in my entire life. Because, it means that I have my fringe on top of my head instead of all over my face. And THATS weird, not having a fringe when you've had one for like three years without a break! Anyway, so, I'm standing there with my fringe all pinned up, but then it starts falling down and I was like NOOOOOO MY LIFE IS OVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR and grabbed hold of some hair spray.. Looking at this hair spray, the thought occurred to me that I haven't really teased my hair in a while..
So I did.
And I took photos, and i edited those photos. Take a look..
Oh yeah, and now I've gotta have a shower and wash the hairspray out of my hair. So bye bye make up.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
"Love, life, and hair dye" - 26th January 10
I never realised just how brilliant my friend bazzle over at was by titling her blog "Love, life and hair dye".
It covers pretty much everything. And, it just so happens to cover all the topics I need to ramble about right now. So. Thanks Ba.
Okay. Start off with the first in line.
Love is an incredibly hard word to describe or even think about properly. I mean, what IS love? Why do you feel it? what does it feel like.. bla bla bla. Yeah. You know, all those impossible-to-answer questions. It can be so mind blowingly complicated - while at the same time, it can be the most simple thing ever. Its like, "Why did you spend 5 days straight gardening, without a break? suffering extensive amounts of sunburn, being covered in dirt from head to toe, getting pricked and cut by the plants, putting your back out by bending down all day... getting heat stroke... Finding out your alleric to bee stings... And breaking your ankle.... All on the first day. Why after ALL of that, did you keep going for a further 4 days?"
"Because I love her"
Although it may not be as extreme as my gardening example in most cases of love, You get the general Idea.
... Or you don't. I don't know how well people keep up with my thought processes. Anyway, Love. Yeah. Its a strange one. I've always had so many questions about it - But to be totally honest, I don't think I even want to know the answers. I think that maybe, if you want love to work.. You've got to ignore all the questions, and all the things that don't make sense... And just kinda accept that what is, is.
Or something. I don't know. I try not to have those deep and meaningful thought trains about this topic.
Life, is next.
Uuuuuuuhhhhhh.. This is also one of those topics that are easier to be like "Im living it, thats all I need to know right now. Next question please?".
So, Life should never really be a topic of discussion, because its far too big for anyone. To try and figure out life, is just as bad as trying to memorise pi in one go. Its much easier to just take it in small bites. You know, baby steps. And at the moment, the emotional hurdle of life that I'm ignoring is mum getting married. I'm sure that if I sat back and had a good of think about it, then it probably wouldn't seem as peaches and cream as it looks right now, like, I'm probably going to get slapped in the face by a HOLY GEOFF! MUMS GETTING MARRIED TOMORROW! when next friday comes around. But, for the time being, its not bothering me too much. I think I'm kinda over any shocking acts my parents do. Its sorta like, well your already divorced, now what? Surprise me, I dare you.
But yeah, also, a massive event thats going to dramatically change the entire personality I have at the moment - Like, I will be a completely new person after this EXTREME thing happens. It's so incredibly huge that people from all over the world will be turning over new leaves and recreating their entire lives. This, is THAT big.
Muffins coming back from Australia on Thursday, in two days.
MY LIFE IS COMPLETE!!! *radiates excitedness*
Thats enough of life right now. Aside from my bf (I'll call him Tibs on here, he's at, and my darling Muffin coming home... Life can go suck somewhere else.
As for hair dye, I think that over the past year and a half I've had my fair share of hair changes. I'm now letting my colours wash out, and am back to plain old orange and blonde. Take a look at the variations.
It covers pretty much everything. And, it just so happens to cover all the topics I need to ramble about right now. So. Thanks Ba.
Okay. Start off with the first in line.
Love is an incredibly hard word to describe or even think about properly. I mean, what IS love? Why do you feel it? what does it feel like.. bla bla bla. Yeah. You know, all those impossible-to-answer questions. It can be so mind blowingly complicated - while at the same time, it can be the most simple thing ever. Its like, "Why did you spend 5 days straight gardening, without a break? suffering extensive amounts of sunburn, being covered in dirt from head to toe, getting pricked and cut by the plants, putting your back out by bending down all day... getting heat stroke... Finding out your alleric to bee stings... And breaking your ankle.... All on the first day. Why after ALL of that, did you keep going for a further 4 days?"
"Because I love her"
Although it may not be as extreme as my gardening example in most cases of love, You get the general Idea.
... Or you don't. I don't know how well people keep up with my thought processes. Anyway, Love. Yeah. Its a strange one. I've always had so many questions about it - But to be totally honest, I don't think I even want to know the answers. I think that maybe, if you want love to work.. You've got to ignore all the questions, and all the things that don't make sense... And just kinda accept that what is, is.
Or something. I don't know. I try not to have those deep and meaningful thought trains about this topic.
Life, is next.
Uuuuuuuhhhhhh.. This is also one of those topics that are easier to be like "Im living it, thats all I need to know right now. Next question please?".
So, Life should never really be a topic of discussion, because its far too big for anyone. To try and figure out life, is just as bad as trying to memorise pi in one go. Its much easier to just take it in small bites. You know, baby steps. And at the moment, the emotional hurdle of life that I'm ignoring is mum getting married. I'm sure that if I sat back and had a good of think about it, then it probably wouldn't seem as peaches and cream as it looks right now, like, I'm probably going to get slapped in the face by a HOLY GEOFF! MUMS GETTING MARRIED TOMORROW! when next friday comes around. But, for the time being, its not bothering me too much. I think I'm kinda over any shocking acts my parents do. Its sorta like, well your already divorced, now what? Surprise me, I dare you.
But yeah, also, a massive event thats going to dramatically change the entire personality I have at the moment - Like, I will be a completely new person after this EXTREME thing happens. It's so incredibly huge that people from all over the world will be turning over new leaves and recreating their entire lives. This, is THAT big.
Muffins coming back from Australia on Thursday, in two days.
MY LIFE IS COMPLETE!!! *radiates excitedness*
Thats enough of life right now. Aside from my bf (I'll call him Tibs on here, he's at, and my darling Muffin coming home... Life can go suck somewhere else.
As for hair dye, I think that over the past year and a half I've had my fair share of hair changes. I'm now letting my colours wash out, and am back to plain old orange and blonde. Take a look at the variations.

Sunday, January 24, 2010
Ginger kids - 25th january 10
Alright. I understand that everyone should be different. And I understand that because of genetics, people ARE different. I understand that because of whatever gene pool your shoved into you get different skin colour, eye colour and hair colour. I understand that because of dominant and recessive genes, some people are brunette; whilst other are blonde.
What I DONT fucking understand, is why gingas have such fucking sensitive and pale skin. For fucks sake.
Yeah, well, it SUCKS being orange sometimes. And yeah. Its funny, we get burnt cause we have orange hair and fires orange too. Fucking hilarious. Ooooh Im just warming my hands over your hair, yeah, cause its like fire. HAHA. Im crying tears of laughter on the inside. MAN, if you were any funnier I'd DIE laughing.
What about when we all get skin cancer, is that funny? Yeah? Well its not for us! Im sitting here, after being in the sun today - not even for that fucking long! And Im burnt. FML.
And to top it off, my darling sister, has almost used ALL my moisturizer that I got for christmas - WHO NEEDS IT MORE?! Her, or the burnt kid?!
You know what? If the sun had a personality, he'd be a total wanker. I would not wanna be friends with someone... someone as sadistic as that. I wouldn't even wanna be NEAR someone so fucking nasty.
Burning people for fun... for fucks sake....
Fucking ridiculous...
What I DONT fucking understand, is why gingas have such fucking sensitive and pale skin. For fucks sake.
Yeah, well, it SUCKS being orange sometimes. And yeah. Its funny, we get burnt cause we have orange hair and fires orange too. Fucking hilarious. Ooooh Im just warming my hands over your hair, yeah, cause its like fire. HAHA. Im crying tears of laughter on the inside. MAN, if you were any funnier I'd DIE laughing.
What about when we all get skin cancer, is that funny? Yeah? Well its not for us! Im sitting here, after being in the sun today - not even for that fucking long! And Im burnt. FML.
And to top it off, my darling sister, has almost used ALL my moisturizer that I got for christmas - WHO NEEDS IT MORE?! Her, or the burnt kid?!
You know what? If the sun had a personality, he'd be a total wanker. I would not wanna be friends with someone... someone as sadistic as that. I wouldn't even wanna be NEAR someone so fucking nasty.
Burning people for fun... for fucks sake....
Fucking ridiculous...
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Bugdom - 22nd January 10
Last night, I was sitting here. avoiding writing out a new blog post, as per usual. Thinking to myself "I never have anything to type about", knowing damn well that there is Ba-trillions of things to ramble about. When my cat, Petal, wanders up to me. You know, she looks pretty normal and cat-like (except she doesn't have a tail, being the brilliant breed of a manx cat that she is).
She had that insane "DIE DIE DIE!!!" look in her eyes that cats get when they've been having a good old maul of something. She often gets that look, so, I didn't really think much of it... Presumed she'd been eating moths or something. She does that often, I love her to bits for chewing them to bits! Ugh.. moths.... And their wings.. And and... their FUR.... *shudders and pulls fly spray closer, looking around nervously*
Anyway, so she stands there. And this MASSIVE, winged, multiple-legged, feeler-faced monster climbs out of her mouth and makes an attempt at escape!
I mean, what's a girl to do?! Some horrifying beast is cornering her, she has nothing to defend herself with but her incredible intelligence. Naturally, heroic men from all around the country leaped on their trusty steeds and began galloping to rescue me - tying on their capes mid-ride. But none of then would've managed to reach me in time so I had to my Jedi mind tricks to confuse the creature.
Or.. well... walk around it into the kitchen, evasive maneuvers! The perfect plan!
So I grabbed this crystal glass - because it was the heaviest, so least likely to be thrown aside with the Things immense strength.
It took a lot of courage for me to challenge it to a fight to the death. It could have taken hours if it didn't lunge for my jugular straight away, and me having magical powers, I caught it in the glass and slammed that cup down on the ground so hard that it was sure to be trapped in there for the rest of eternity!
But Petal, being the brave little soul that she is, was tormenting it even whilst it was in captivity, and it was getting angry. It almost smashed its way out if there! I didn't have my tranquilizer gun here - I left it at dads, foolishly thinking I wouldn't need it - So we would be in trouble i that thing escaped again!!
I rushed back into the kitchen, desperately seeking ways to protect petal and I from being shredded into ribbons. I searched and searched and at last I found adequate means of protection... It would work just as well as my portable metal prison cell that my friend was borrowing for the weekend (she has a very sexually creative relationship with her partner).
I trapped that bastard in there. And he's still there to this very day... plotting his revenge.......
I really don't like huhu bugs. They MUST be related to moths.

She had that insane "DIE DIE DIE!!!" look in her eyes that cats get when they've been having a good old maul of something. She often gets that look, so, I didn't really think much of it... Presumed she'd been eating moths or something. She does that often, I love her to bits for chewing them to bits! Ugh.. moths.... And their wings.. And and... their FUR.... *shudders and pulls fly spray closer, looking around nervously*
Anyway, so she stands there. And this MASSIVE, winged, multiple-legged, feeler-faced monster climbs out of her mouth and makes an attempt at escape!
I mean, what's a girl to do?! Some horrifying beast is cornering her, she has nothing to defend herself with but her incredible intelligence. Naturally, heroic men from all around the country leaped on their trusty steeds and began galloping to rescue me - tying on their capes mid-ride. But none of then would've managed to reach me in time so I had to my Jedi mind tricks to confuse the creature.
Or.. well... walk around it into the kitchen, evasive maneuvers! The perfect plan!
So I grabbed this crystal glass - because it was the heaviest, so least likely to be thrown aside with the Things immense strength.
It took a lot of courage for me to challenge it to a fight to the death. It could have taken hours if it didn't lunge for my jugular straight away, and me having magical powers, I caught it in the glass and slammed that cup down on the ground so hard that it was sure to be trapped in there for the rest of eternity!
But Petal, being the brave little soul that she is, was tormenting it even whilst it was in captivity, and it was getting angry. It almost smashed its way out if there! I didn't have my tranquilizer gun here - I left it at dads, foolishly thinking I wouldn't need it - So we would be in trouble i that thing escaped again!!
I rushed back into the kitchen, desperately seeking ways to protect petal and I from being shredded into ribbons. I searched and searched and at last I found adequate means of protection... It would work just as well as my portable metal prison cell that my friend was borrowing for the weekend (she has a very sexually creative relationship with her partner).
I trapped that bastard in there. And he's still there to this very day... plotting his revenge.......
I really don't like huhu bugs. They MUST be related to moths.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Feelings - 13.. 14th January 10
I figure, that feelings are like fruit - like many other things described in this blog. Fruit can be intwined in almost any metaphor.
But feelings are the same as life, if you ignore them, they go bad. This is why "bottling up your feelings" is a BAD IDEA. Cause unless you do this properly, then there will be a hell of a lot of rotten fruit and you'll be the one who has to deal with it all when you finally can't stand the SMELL or the TEXTURE of it anymore.
Might even like, ferment in your brain and like, mess with your thought processes. You know. Make you a few sandwiches short of a picnic basket.
Oh brb, I needa ake a phone call.
LUV YA'S!! MWAH MWAH (haha..)
But feelings are the same as life, if you ignore them, they go bad. This is why "bottling up your feelings" is a BAD IDEA. Cause unless you do this properly, then there will be a hell of a lot of rotten fruit and you'll be the one who has to deal with it all when you finally can't stand the SMELL or the TEXTURE of it anymore.
Might even like, ferment in your brain and like, mess with your thought processes. You know. Make you a few sandwiches short of a picnic basket.
Oh brb, I needa ake a phone call.
LUV YA'S!! MWAH MWAH (haha..)
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
I need to get my fun fix - 12th January 10
I found the thought thread I was looking for. I wrote it down in my ramblings book, so now I'm typing it out.
"Yeah, so today I had a brilliant day. Spent the whole thing walking along beaches/rocks with my friend. We stayed in Browns bay for like 5 hours, and ate; ice cream and chips - drinking vanilla coke. I had a lot of fun, honestly.
But apparently, fun is limited for a days supply. Its like having a bottle of water. If you drink it all in the first 20 minutes, what are you going to do for the next 23 hours and 40 minutes?
Now, I know that isn't actually how the fun system works. Because, I know that you can have days at a time where everything is fun, without a break.
No, I think that fun is more like a drug. While your having it - everything sunshine, lollypops and rainbows everywhere. Its so spectacular that you don't think you COULD get sad, angry or annoyed. The world doesn't look so dark anymore, and optimism covers everything like dust. A really sparkly dust thats actually more like glitter. And emits a light glow.
Fun gives you that "I'm invincible" feeling. Real fun can do wonders to a person.
But thats the thing there, while your having fun and being surround by that metaphorical glittery, glowing dust... Life's peaches and cream.
The suddenly, poof. Reality check. Invincibility is impossible; friends go home, sugar wears off. Whatever little thing that was keeping you full of bubbles just ran out of detergent. Now your on the low after the high.
It's not like when you climb up a mountain from ground level, and you've gotta climb back down after. Its more like; climbing up a mountain from ground level, reaching the top, then falling down a cliff that has a trench at the bottom which goes another 1000m below the original pre-mountain hight."
I then proceeded to draw a diagram of this, and it I got a violent kick to the amazement organ.. Because it looks just like how a heart beat is represented. Thats certainly life for you, isn't it?
"Yeah, so today I had a brilliant day. Spent the whole thing walking along beaches/rocks with my friend. We stayed in Browns bay for like 5 hours, and ate; ice cream and chips - drinking vanilla coke. I had a lot of fun, honestly.
But apparently, fun is limited for a days supply. Its like having a bottle of water. If you drink it all in the first 20 minutes, what are you going to do for the next 23 hours and 40 minutes?
Now, I know that isn't actually how the fun system works. Because, I know that you can have days at a time where everything is fun, without a break.
No, I think that fun is more like a drug. While your having it - everything sunshine, lollypops and rainbows everywhere. Its so spectacular that you don't think you COULD get sad, angry or annoyed. The world doesn't look so dark anymore, and optimism covers everything like dust. A really sparkly dust thats actually more like glitter. And emits a light glow.
Fun gives you that "I'm invincible" feeling. Real fun can do wonders to a person.
But thats the thing there, while your having fun and being surround by that metaphorical glittery, glowing dust... Life's peaches and cream.
The suddenly, poof. Reality check. Invincibility is impossible; friends go home, sugar wears off. Whatever little thing that was keeping you full of bubbles just ran out of detergent. Now your on the low after the high.
It's not like when you climb up a mountain from ground level, and you've gotta climb back down after. Its more like; climbing up a mountain from ground level, reaching the top, then falling down a cliff that has a trench at the bottom which goes another 1000m below the original pre-mountain hight."
I then proceeded to draw a diagram of this, and it I got a violent kick to the amazement organ.. Because it looks just like how a heart beat is represented. Thats certainly life for you, isn't it?

Blank - 12 January 10
Life is like a bowl of fruit.
If you ignore it and do nothing with it, it goes bad.
If you think about it, its actually not that great. There's other options which seem better.
Its better to have it than not.
It always seems to look pretty from a distance, or in a picture.
You cant really live without it... And its pretty weird if you do live without it.
Also, there's so many different kinds of life. You could choose an apple or a banana. Or both. Or neither. There's always the choice of a plum.
I personally wouldn't choose a pear, they're BEIGE... *shudders*
The plan for this post was to just write about life, you know, stick to one topic. Try and actually have a post on a subject, rather than a rambling of many subjects. Because frankly, I've got to start doing these things, if I want to succeed in school I have to lean how to stay on one topic.
Im pretty fail at that, I've been sitting here for well over half an hour, and I haven't found anything to have a decent chat about, you know, a section of my life that needs some great and detailed description.
I thought, love life, right? Then I was like "I don't know enough about that to describe it properly".
So thats a no, even though mine is currently going well.
If you ignore it and do nothing with it, it goes bad.
If you think about it, its actually not that great. There's other options which seem better.
Its better to have it than not.
It always seems to look pretty from a distance, or in a picture.
You cant really live without it... And its pretty weird if you do live without it.
Also, there's so many different kinds of life. You could choose an apple or a banana. Or both. Or neither. There's always the choice of a plum.
I personally wouldn't choose a pear, they're BEIGE... *shudders*
The plan for this post was to just write about life, you know, stick to one topic. Try and actually have a post on a subject, rather than a rambling of many subjects. Because frankly, I've got to start doing these things, if I want to succeed in school I have to lean how to stay on one topic.
Im pretty fail at that, I've been sitting here for well over half an hour, and I haven't found anything to have a decent chat about, you know, a section of my life that needs some great and detailed description.
I thought, love life, right? Then I was like "I don't know enough about that to describe it properly".
So thats a no, even though mine is currently going well.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Bike bits - 4rth January 2010
Today I got to my mums house, and I was worried. Because she had told me that she'd painted my bedroom white - even though she knew I was incredibly disgusted that she would make my room such a boring colour. Seeing as it basically was orange before, from the colour of the wood, having white walls is a MASSIVE down grade from brightville. I mean, white, like, isnt even a colour. Its a TONE for fricks sake.
Anyway, so, I step into my room. And not ONLY are the walls all white, but all my furniture is painted white! My lime green duvet cover was replaced with a red black and white one, all my mental paintings of; sea monsters, rubix cubes, buckets, fairies, scribbles and fire.... all had been stripped from the walls. My steering wheel cover, police badges, sequins, glow in the dark stars... ALL GONE! It was so.... Soo.... SO PLAIN. Well. It was plain for me anyway.
After I threw a miniature mock tantrum, I put up some of my paintings and got my green duvet cover back. Mum thought it was funny, my reaction. But we agreed that I just have to get over it when her wedding comes around, because my room is far too mental. It would scare away the guests.
Also, on lighter news. My Dahlia (I've mentioned him earlier) has two brilliant yellow flowers on him! Oh he's so adorable, I'm so incredibly proud of him. Always looking amazing, every time I see him!!
Then.. on the dark side of news... and I mean like, the darkest and most painful corner of hell side of news.... Like, there is fire everywhere around you and spikes sticking up through your feet, while hot acid is being poured on your skin in the most dark and painful corner of hell side of news...... My fish, Bike bits, has died today. Mum told me this evening. Its terrible, because he is the third out of the original five to die... Only Allspark and Rectum are left. My Bike Bits was a zebra danio.. I miss him terribly...
But. I suppose these things happen sometimes.. I went and buried him in the back of the section next to Feta and Carrot (my old cats). When I was digging his grave, the spade broke. We REALLY have to fix this how dry the ground is out here. But, the spade head work really well as a grave stone, so I suppose its a win loose situation.
OH YEAH. And my bf, he's pretty brilliant also, just like my Dahlia - minus the flowers. He's just as silly as I am about everything! And and and .. He's just.. He makes me happy.
Anyway, so, I step into my room. And not ONLY are the walls all white, but all my furniture is painted white! My lime green duvet cover was replaced with a red black and white one, all my mental paintings of; sea monsters, rubix cubes, buckets, fairies, scribbles and fire.... all had been stripped from the walls. My steering wheel cover, police badges, sequins, glow in the dark stars... ALL GONE! It was so.... Soo.... SO PLAIN. Well. It was plain for me anyway.
After I threw a miniature mock tantrum, I put up some of my paintings and got my green duvet cover back. Mum thought it was funny, my reaction. But we agreed that I just have to get over it when her wedding comes around, because my room is far too mental. It would scare away the guests.
Also, on lighter news. My Dahlia (I've mentioned him earlier) has two brilliant yellow flowers on him! Oh he's so adorable, I'm so incredibly proud of him. Always looking amazing, every time I see him!!
Then.. on the dark side of news... and I mean like, the darkest and most painful corner of hell side of news.... Like, there is fire everywhere around you and spikes sticking up through your feet, while hot acid is being poured on your skin in the most dark and painful corner of hell side of news...... My fish, Bike bits, has died today. Mum told me this evening. Its terrible, because he is the third out of the original five to die... Only Allspark and Rectum are left. My Bike Bits was a zebra danio.. I miss him terribly...
But. I suppose these things happen sometimes.. I went and buried him in the back of the section next to Feta and Carrot (my old cats). When I was digging his grave, the spade broke. We REALLY have to fix this how dry the ground is out here. But, the spade head work really well as a grave stone, so I suppose its a win loose situation.
OH YEAH. And my bf, he's pretty brilliant also, just like my Dahlia - minus the flowers. He's just as silly as I am about everything! And and and .. He's just.. He makes me happy.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Photography again - 2nd January 2010
I uploaded a picture I took a few posts back, and apparently a few of my people liked it.
So, as I have quite recently (like, half an hour ago, maybe less even) I have done some more photography I thought HEY WHY NOT and here i am, putting the pictures on my blog.
And uhhh well. Yeah, they're just as weird as the last one, but not as weird as my photography board.. I am am never going to upload any of those pictures because THEY are totally disgusting.
but yeah, take a look.

So, as I have quite recently (like, half an hour ago, maybe less even) I have done some more photography I thought HEY WHY NOT and here i am, putting the pictures on my blog.
And uhhh well. Yeah, they're just as weird as the last one, but not as weird as my photography board.. I am am never going to upload any of those pictures because THEY are totally disgusting.
but yeah, take a look.

One year down, however many to go? - 1st January 2010
Here we are again, at the beginning of a new year, I've only done this 17 times in my life, and sometimes that feels like its a bit much. The new years thing can get a little, old. I mean yeah, yaaaay party party! its a new beginning! new years reSolutions!
But we all know that pretty much any new years reSolution we set, doesn't get kept.
I personally have made two for this coming year. One of which I have no intention of trying to complete, the other I will try, but I don't expect to succeed, that way its not disappointing when or if I don't manage to achieve it.
You can choose which is which, mine are;
To gain excellence in my photography boards of 2010
To bake 118 cupcakes by Tuesday (today being Friday)
Now, I'm sitting here, at 10 to 10, things are pretty alright. You know, nothing too fantastic happening around me. Theres a moro bar to my left and paper towels to my right.. Since I already ate so many chocolates its not funny, the paper towels are actually more interesting. Which is kinda sad. Uhh.. I should probably go to bed - or at least bedroom, since I've been intending to tidy it for the past... past week or so. I actually started tidying it about an hour or so ago. But I got a text from my dear friend who I wont mention the name of. They wanted to talk to me about stuff. So I ditched my room-tidying and graced them with my presence - kidding, I went upstairs cause they weren't in the best mood and I wanted them to cheer up.
Unfortunately, I failed in the act of cheering them up. And while I was speaking to them I drew this totally mental picture. Somehow it reflects the feelings I had while I was talking to that person... its a sad picture. So. IF by chance somehow that person happens to be reading this, then, Im sorry I couldn't fix things..
Uhh.. mind block. I feel like just giving up on this post and saying 'happy new years everyone!' but that seems pretty effortless to be totally honest. Tbth. And I know that even though I don't sound too incredibly excited about it being a new year because of the failing idea of 'new years resolutions'. Its still good because believe it or not, this year really will be all about new beginnings. My mum is getting re-married in February. Which is good, even though she already acts married lol.
I mean she pretty much has no life (no offense mum), she spends every moment of every second doing her friggen garden.
Oh the flowers have to match! Do you think my vegetable garden looks good? the cucumbers are looking a little dead... I got some new canna lilies! canna lilies canna lilies canna lilies! CANNA LILIES!!!! I WANT SOME MORE CANNA LILIES!
But honestly, shes great.
Im not sure when my dad and his fiancé are getting re-married. Its not this year, I know that much. It will be later cause theyre doing the whole 'well wait till the kids leave' school thingy. Which is okay. I mean. I leave school like... WOW SHOOT! I LEAVE SCHOOL AT THE END OF THIS YEAR!!!!!
that was an un-expected realisation. Oh well! Id better make the most of it aye?
But we all know that pretty much any new years reSolution we set, doesn't get kept.
I personally have made two for this coming year. One of which I have no intention of trying to complete, the other I will try, but I don't expect to succeed, that way its not disappointing when or if I don't manage to achieve it.
You can choose which is which, mine are;
To gain excellence in my photography boards of 2010
To bake 118 cupcakes by Tuesday (today being Friday)
Now, I'm sitting here, at 10 to 10, things are pretty alright. You know, nothing too fantastic happening around me. Theres a moro bar to my left and paper towels to my right.. Since I already ate so many chocolates its not funny, the paper towels are actually more interesting. Which is kinda sad. Uhh.. I should probably go to bed - or at least bedroom, since I've been intending to tidy it for the past... past week or so. I actually started tidying it about an hour or so ago. But I got a text from my dear friend who I wont mention the name of. They wanted to talk to me about stuff. So I ditched my room-tidying and graced them with my presence - kidding, I went upstairs cause they weren't in the best mood and I wanted them to cheer up.
Unfortunately, I failed in the act of cheering them up. And while I was speaking to them I drew this totally mental picture. Somehow it reflects the feelings I had while I was talking to that person... its a sad picture. So. IF by chance somehow that person happens to be reading this, then, Im sorry I couldn't fix things..
Uhh.. mind block. I feel like just giving up on this post and saying 'happy new years everyone!' but that seems pretty effortless to be totally honest. Tbth. And I know that even though I don't sound too incredibly excited about it being a new year because of the failing idea of 'new years resolutions'. Its still good because believe it or not, this year really will be all about new beginnings. My mum is getting re-married in February. Which is good, even though she already acts married lol.
I mean she pretty much has no life (no offense mum), she spends every moment of every second doing her friggen garden.
Oh the flowers have to match! Do you think my vegetable garden looks good? the cucumbers are looking a little dead... I got some new canna lilies! canna lilies canna lilies canna lilies! CANNA LILIES!!!! I WANT SOME MORE CANNA LILIES!
But honestly, shes great.
Im not sure when my dad and his fiancé are getting re-married. Its not this year, I know that much. It will be later cause theyre doing the whole 'well wait till the kids leave' school thingy. Which is okay. I mean. I leave school like... WOW SHOOT! I LEAVE SCHOOL AT THE END OF THIS YEAR!!!!!
that was an un-expected realisation. Oh well! Id better make the most of it aye?
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