I was determined to get every patch of me covered in sun block, and I really did try. I put two layers on my face. And I thought I was successful, there wasn't any signs of damage. I was impressed. I then got home, and mum pointed out that I had infact missed a patch.
It's weird, because no matter which top I am wearing, the first sun burn I get each year seems to be where my neck line is on the top. Admittedly, this years first burn wasn't too bad, it was only a slight shade of pink. It was like.. marshmellow pink.
Not too bad.
Anyway, more important news is that at the beach, my friends and I discovered a jellyfish! the MOST ADORABLE jellyfish ever known to man kind. He was about 1cm square, and he had a bright red dot in him (like, his blood and guts and things).
Totally adorable. It looked like he had lace around the bottom, and every time he swam? upwards, he had a tiny cluster of tentacles that popped out from no where.

We called him Barry. (Barrel Bourbon No51). But his christian name was Squishy.
The reason he was awarded this name is cause thats the only bottle we could find to catch him in (it's okay, don't panic, we released him! It was just for closer inspection). We walked him all around the beach and showed him the human world - presuming jellyfish can see?
Actually thinking about it now, it didn't even occur to me that jellyfish don't have eyes. Damn..