Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I missed my thought train! Crap!

Oh dear! It seems I've missed my thought train today and have had to walk to wherever my thoughts are trying to go.
Thats unfortunate because I can't use that excuse tomorrow when school starts again.

My teacher would be like "why haven't you done any work?!",

I'd simply reply, "Well miss, my brain is absent today. It missed the train to school"
Surely she would understand, after all she does the role every day. She knows all about 'absent'. So long as I ensure her that my brain isn't playing truant, she might not even want a note from my brains parents to explain the absence.
Or. Maybe I'd simply reply with silence.

But who cares! There is only two days left of school and then I am right back onto holidays again! How wonderful.
I wouldn't have minded a few extra days - no, Its not that I enjoy the hideousness of getting up early in the morning. Its that, with my photography, I could really use the extra time to talk over how Im going to progress my work.

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