Friday, September 24, 2010


I know at least 10 dozen girls (and boys too) who complain about how fat they are and how they have so many rolls! Look at ALL THOSE ROLLS! Cheese and bacon topped rolls, even! They go on and on - even when shrillions of people are going "NAWW baayybe, ur totally skiiinny MWAA xXx" - and they insist that their friends are just blatantly lying. OfCOURSE my bestieee 4EVAAAAH is lying to meee. Im fat! Gosh! Look at the rolls!
They then scrabble at their skin trying to bunch it up so they can show you.

Then, you step back and look at this person. And you know FULL WELL that if they turned side ways they would disappear (Like that little robot on transformers 2). You then mentally warm up your pimp hand for the wakening slap of life, to knock their brains out of the stew it must obviously be rotting in.
Then you remember that you think your fat too. That everyone in the world thinks they're fat. And you think to yourself,
"Now, I may not be as stick thin as that bitch, but if Im going to start slapping skinny bitches I'll have worn my hand down to a stub by christmas"

And you put your pimp hand back in your pocket, take a deep breath, and you say to that person;

"Naw babe.. Your totally skinny."

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