I've recently been contemplating how brilliantly dumb life can be sometimes, and how in the mornings you wake up and think "FML I have another whole day to truck through before I can climb back into my warm little heaven I like to call bed"
Those days are generally the ones when its particularly cold outside and there's assignments waiting for you left right and centre.
So... Everyday (especially in New zealand. Cold cold cold).
I am lucky enough to have escaped suffering through a day like that, because I woke up sick this morning - Yay for no immune system! - But really, being sick requires just as much endurance.
But yes, thinking of the monumentally complex suckfest of a world we live in, it reminded me of a movie called "pay it forward". Anyone heard of it? Seen it perhaps? People from Northcross will be trying to figure out where they recognise that name from. We we're all forced to watch it.
It is a sad but inspiring tale of a young boy who has a school assignment to 'pay it forward' to three people he knows who need help. Those three people will then 'pay it forward' to three people THEY know who need help, and so on and so forth.
I was thinking about it, because in theory this should make the world a much better place... But then there will always be the people who are in denial and "don't need anybody's help!". And there's the people who are too selfish to help others... And the people who are too old to help or too young...
This can cause a dent in the 'pay it forward' process.
It's just, if everyone went out there and did something nice for someone else then it would not only make that person happy - but it would make the person who made that person happy too. It doesn't even have to be something amazing, like saving the world from poverty or even saving one family or one person from poverty. That would be great, but very difficult.
It can be as simple as telling someone how special they are, or giving a compliment for no reason at all.
Even something as small as smiling at the people you walk past on the street and saying "HELLO! WONDERFUL DAY, ISN'T IT?"
Anything can make someones day. I'll give an example of one I did (it made my day too). I went to a cafe, and I ordered a hot chocolate and a brownie. I'd been having a bad time and was feeling pretty miserable.
A waitress brought me my food and drink, and I sat there pushing the brownie around on my plate grumpily.
After I'd finished, I pushed all the crumbs on my plate so they formed the words "thank you!" and I gave it back to the waitress. She was so happy!
So I was happy.
Its easy peasy.
I guess Im only writing this down because my days been crap, being sick and what not. And I was hoping SOMEONE would read this and think "hey, I think I might make someones day tomorrow".
If you want some good examples;
Go read GMH.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
alirght, the talkey box thingy is on the right side of the thing and its below the other thing.
HAve fun!
HAve fun!
Hug a ginga day tomorrow.
I will get mauled tomorrow.
Like seriously, I'll have no skin left and I'll loose both my eyes and maybe a finger or two...
No, I'm just going to get hugged a bit. Its one of the many parts of having orange hair.
Being a genetic retard - part of this wonderous easily sunburnt race - we get an entire day devoted to us where we are simply hugged by all who see us. Last year I got a grand total of 36 hugs. I would have been able to start my own community by cloning people from all the skin cells that were left on me.
Unfortunetly.. I don't have the equipment or permission to clone people. Which is totally unfair. I'd make a brilliant cloning artist, I mean, how hard can it be?
Some skin here, a dab of spit there, add some chemicals and poof. You've got a person.
A guinea pig could do it with its hands tied behind its back and a blind fold on. Easy peasy.
But cloning aside, My business went to oral final presentations tonight and we had a stall there. It was pretty good looking - it first noticed its refletion in a spoon, then realised it was incredibly good looking.
But yeah, we got like 15 pre orders which is BRILLIANTO
Have I even explained what my product is? omg. I dont think I have!
WELL.. Have you been feelings the cold? Well, with a "Hot spot" on hand, your frost-bite infected fingers will be gone in a flash! Its a chemically activated heat pad that will still your chills on the horrid winter mornings! Its totally reusable - you simply pop it into a pot of boiling water for 5 minutes and BAM! Its back to normal and ready for reuse!
It doesnt even cost you an arm and a leg - as it should (I'd prefer it did, a leg here and there is nothing for a good product!) - no limbs need be sacrificed! Its avaliable to you for a teeny weeny price of $6.99!
It comes in pink, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple! Each one comes with a complementary FREE cover! Also comes in many colours and MAYBE EVEN PATTERNS!!!!! OMG!!!!! AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! YOU"VE TOTALLY GOTTA ORDER ONE!!!!!
If you do want one, lol cause my advertising had drawn you in SO MUCH cause I'm that much of an incredible sales person, then email me :) georgie_butterfly@hotmail.com
Now, I miss Tib. (tobit, go read his blog - thats totally an order you SLUT). Im singing Eric Clapton songs and they're reminding me of him... yeah yeah, sad and pathetic I know. Ha ha, I'm sucked in. Im whipped - just as bad as your mum was last night (lame joke of the day is all done folks, no need to fret. I only get one a day).
You know, sometimes I wonder if anyone even reads this nonsense lol. I know a few select friends of mine do... but it would be so cool if there were total randoms reading it. I could ask them to send me some eyelashes so I can have them in my clone army.
Not that I'm building a clone army...
Like seriously, I'll have no skin left and I'll loose both my eyes and maybe a finger or two...
No, I'm just going to get hugged a bit. Its one of the many parts of having orange hair.
Being a genetic retard - part of this wonderous easily sunburnt race - we get an entire day devoted to us where we are simply hugged by all who see us. Last year I got a grand total of 36 hugs. I would have been able to start my own community by cloning people from all the skin cells that were left on me.
Unfortunetly.. I don't have the equipment or permission to clone people. Which is totally unfair. I'd make a brilliant cloning artist, I mean, how hard can it be?
Some skin here, a dab of spit there, add some chemicals and poof. You've got a person.
A guinea pig could do it with its hands tied behind its back and a blind fold on. Easy peasy.
But cloning aside, My business went to oral final presentations tonight and we had a stall there. It was pretty good looking - it first noticed its refletion in a spoon, then realised it was incredibly good looking.
But yeah, we got like 15 pre orders which is BRILLIANTO
Have I even explained what my product is? omg. I dont think I have!
WELL.. Have you been feelings the cold? Well, with a "Hot spot" on hand, your frost-bite infected fingers will be gone in a flash! Its a chemically activated heat pad that will still your chills on the horrid winter mornings! Its totally reusable - you simply pop it into a pot of boiling water for 5 minutes and BAM! Its back to normal and ready for reuse!
It doesnt even cost you an arm and a leg - as it should (I'd prefer it did, a leg here and there is nothing for a good product!) - no limbs need be sacrificed! Its avaliable to you for a teeny weeny price of $6.99!
It comes in pink, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple! Each one comes with a complementary FREE cover! Also comes in many colours and MAYBE EVEN PATTERNS!!!!! OMG!!!!! AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! YOU"VE TOTALLY GOTTA ORDER ONE!!!!!
If you do want one, lol cause my advertising had drawn you in SO MUCH cause I'm that much of an incredible sales person, then email me :) georgie_butterfly@hotmail.com
Now, I miss Tib. (tobit, go read his blog - thats totally an order you SLUT). Im singing Eric Clapton songs and they're reminding me of him... yeah yeah, sad and pathetic I know. Ha ha, I'm sucked in. Im whipped - just as bad as your mum was last night (lame joke of the day is all done folks, no need to fret. I only get one a day).
You know, sometimes I wonder if anyone even reads this nonsense lol. I know a few select friends of mine do... but it would be so cool if there were total randoms reading it. I could ask them to send me some eyelashes so I can have them in my clone army.
Not that I'm building a clone army...
Monday, May 24, 2010
So, I went to the dentist today. I was scared out of my mind - have a problem with needles.
It was okay, I spent the whole time I was being injected and drilled holding my crystal necklace and dragon ball that my wonderful boyfriend Tib (tobit) gave me...
I had a conversation with the dentist about root canals and about needles. I laughed a few times because of my mouth being numb, I thought it was hilarious.
But something in there has given me a headache that I still have now, like, half an hour later.
I think the dentist didn't like the nurse very much, for some reason it seemed like he had little patience for her. Maybe I was just paranoid something was going to go wrong and they'd end up hacking my mouth to pieces, who knows. Like a fight to the death over my dentist chair or something. I don't know.
When I walked in, the dentist said "take a seat". I laughed in my head and I was going to ask which seat to take... cause like, the dentist chair was like right in the middle of the room - dominating anything - even the dentist himself.
Im sitting here trying to smile, but quarter of my face is totally numb. It just isn't happening. I look like I'm in pain - my smiles like a grimace! The dentists said that it would take a few hours to wear off lol. I'm going to ask tib over after work so he can see it. Its so funny.

Anyway, I found out afterwards that I get to go BACK to the dentist NEXT Tuesday. Yaaaay! and get three MORE fillings! on the OTHER side of my mouth! YAY! MORE FILLINGS!!!!! MY LIFE IS COMPLETE!!!!
I think the anesthetic has messed with my brain. Im just a little bit loopy right now haha. But yeah. Im making so many typing errors, maybe its the cold
Hey the mufti day was fun (except when it rained lol. My fluffy socks got wet, fml).
It was okay, I spent the whole time I was being injected and drilled holding my crystal necklace and dragon ball that my wonderful boyfriend Tib (tobit) gave me...
I had a conversation with the dentist about root canals and about needles. I laughed a few times because of my mouth being numb, I thought it was hilarious.
But something in there has given me a headache that I still have now, like, half an hour later.
I think the dentist didn't like the nurse very much, for some reason it seemed like he had little patience for her. Maybe I was just paranoid something was going to go wrong and they'd end up hacking my mouth to pieces, who knows. Like a fight to the death over my dentist chair or something. I don't know.
When I walked in, the dentist said "take a seat". I laughed in my head and I was going to ask which seat to take... cause like, the dentist chair was like right in the middle of the room - dominating anything - even the dentist himself.
Im sitting here trying to smile, but quarter of my face is totally numb. It just isn't happening. I look like I'm in pain - my smiles like a grimace! The dentists said that it would take a few hours to wear off lol. I'm going to ask tib over after work so he can see it. Its so funny.

Anyway, I found out afterwards that I get to go BACK to the dentist NEXT Tuesday. Yaaaay! and get three MORE fillings! on the OTHER side of my mouth! YAY! MORE FILLINGS!!!!! MY LIFE IS COMPLETE!!!!
I think the anesthetic has messed with my brain. Im just a little bit loopy right now haha. But yeah. Im making so many typing errors, maybe its the cold
Hey the mufti day was fun (except when it rained lol. My fluffy socks got wet, fml).
Straight from the book
I have this book, I take it wit me from mums to dads every week. Its for when Im not able to go on the computer but I really feel like writing in my blog - or just writing period really.
I wrote this about two nights ago.
It's funny really, life. That thing that we spend all our time living.
People talk about living our life the right way - do this, do that, don't do this, don't do that, do this in a way that does that without doing this to that.
But WHO is so perfectly wonderful to say what life should and shouldn't be?
Sometimes having a shit childhood means the adult result will be more understanding of the poor, more caring and respectful to those around them. You know, because they know what its like to be trampled.
Then, others with a shit childhood grow up to be murderous thugs.
Whats the difference? what went wrong with the failed result, and what went right with the good guy?
Well, in the words of my most spectacular and brilliantly nutty but totally lovable mother,
"You sail your own ship"
Don't sail it into the ground, underwater, into rocks, shark infested waters etc
Its your own choice how you interpret and react to different situations, information and people.
If you take me for example; some people would (and have) said I'm an idiot. I mean, look at all the shiznit that spills out of my mouth! People could think I'm a few sandwiches short of a picnic basket.
I mean... The whole time I've been writing this I've had my mini lotsa lotsa legs on my head.
But others say I'm a laugh and a half, or unique.
Actually, my most common one is 'different'.
I choose to react to being called different in a positive way, why would I want to be the same as everyone else? To be normal?
There should be more people out there with lotsa legs on their heads, or other objects. Other soft toys, maybe. I find they stay easier. Maybe a snoozem. Who knows.
*holds up wine glass with M&M's*
To being different.
Alrighty, well that was my book section. In reference to today and the time I'm writing right at this moment. RIGHT NOW. Things are a smidge different. School is like drilling a screw into your brain and then attaching it to the mains of your house. Its ELECTRICALLLLLLL.
Nah, its painful. Unpleasant.
Mufti day tomorrow, oh yay! Wonderful! I get to hate school in clothes I like! I suppose it takes schools suckyness levels down a notch or two, I mean, atleast I wont be cold right? theres an up point?
Unless it snows - which I wouldn't put it past school. Im sure that it can manage that somehow. All the staff room fridges can have chemical reactions with the... the air, and like, grow to be massive, and they can just have fridge dandruff on all us helpless students.
Its like, even though I'm doing nothing right now. I'm still stressed because I know that theres so much work at school waiting for me to do it, just laughing maniacally. Rocking back and forth in a papery school work filled corner mumbling that its work and its going to drag my kicking and screaming brain out of bed and into the freezing cold to do it.
Oh. And dentist tomorrow. I've taken to calling them 'bitchass mother fuckers' because it makes me feel a little better about the fact that I'm going to have to walk in and sit on that horrible leather chair while they drill holes into my teeth and shove needles into my gums. They will shove lots of NEELDES into my mouth. MY mouth. NEEDLES. Ugh.
Ill bite their needles off - If I could grow some balls. Then again, tomorrows Tuesday and Im a man on Tuesdays...
These ones better give me something better than free mini toothpaste if they want me to not yell at their receptionists.
I hate dentists.
I hate school.
I... well. I don't hate cold.
I wrote this about two nights ago.
It's funny really, life. That thing that we spend all our time living.
People talk about living our life the right way - do this, do that, don't do this, don't do that, do this in a way that does that without doing this to that.
But WHO is so perfectly wonderful to say what life should and shouldn't be?
Sometimes having a shit childhood means the adult result will be more understanding of the poor, more caring and respectful to those around them. You know, because they know what its like to be trampled.
Then, others with a shit childhood grow up to be murderous thugs.
Whats the difference? what went wrong with the failed result, and what went right with the good guy?
Well, in the words of my most spectacular and brilliantly nutty but totally lovable mother,
"You sail your own ship"
Don't sail it into the ground, underwater, into rocks, shark infested waters etc
Its your own choice how you interpret and react to different situations, information and people.
If you take me for example; some people would (and have) said I'm an idiot. I mean, look at all the shiznit that spills out of my mouth! People could think I'm a few sandwiches short of a picnic basket.
I mean... The whole time I've been writing this I've had my mini lotsa lotsa legs on my head.
But others say I'm a laugh and a half, or unique.
Actually, my most common one is 'different'.
I choose to react to being called different in a positive way, why would I want to be the same as everyone else? To be normal?
There should be more people out there with lotsa legs on their heads, or other objects. Other soft toys, maybe. I find they stay easier. Maybe a snoozem. Who knows.
*holds up wine glass with M&M's*
To being different.
Alrighty, well that was my book section. In reference to today and the time I'm writing right at this moment. RIGHT NOW. Things are a smidge different. School is like drilling a screw into your brain and then attaching it to the mains of your house. Its ELECTRICALLLLLLL.
Nah, its painful. Unpleasant.
Mufti day tomorrow, oh yay! Wonderful! I get to hate school in clothes I like! I suppose it takes schools suckyness levels down a notch or two, I mean, atleast I wont be cold right? theres an up point?
Unless it snows - which I wouldn't put it past school. Im sure that it can manage that somehow. All the staff room fridges can have chemical reactions with the... the air, and like, grow to be massive, and they can just have fridge dandruff on all us helpless students.
Its like, even though I'm doing nothing right now. I'm still stressed because I know that theres so much work at school waiting for me to do it, just laughing maniacally. Rocking back and forth in a papery school work filled corner mumbling that its work and its going to drag my kicking and screaming brain out of bed and into the freezing cold to do it.
Oh. And dentist tomorrow. I've taken to calling them 'bitchass mother fuckers' because it makes me feel a little better about the fact that I'm going to have to walk in and sit on that horrible leather chair while they drill holes into my teeth and shove needles into my gums. They will shove lots of NEELDES into my mouth. MY mouth. NEEDLES. Ugh.
Ill bite their needles off - If I could grow some balls. Then again, tomorrows Tuesday and Im a man on Tuesdays...
These ones better give me something better than free mini toothpaste if they want me to not yell at their receptionists.
I hate dentists.
I hate school.
I... well. I don't hate cold.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Wet shoes
I have two pairs of school shoes - one I like, one I don't.
Of these two shoes - one is water proof... one isn't....
For the only two days of this week that I went to school, it rained for both days, and the only shoes that I had were the NON water proof ones.
Both yesterday and today I suffered the school day being rained on and walking through puddles, freezing my toes to the point where it hurt to walk. Both days I get home and put my shoes infront of the heater and look at my feet... only to find they are white, and my toe nails are blue. It takes at LEAST 20 minutes for me to gain any kind of feeling back into my toes.
It can't be good for my feet :(
Yesterday I got home and I was soaked, so I chucked all my clothes into the drier and flipped the switch. After an hour I went back and took my wonderfully dry and warm clothes out of the drier. As I turned to walk away I stepped on a wet sock.
Apparently I'd missed the drier with that sock and now it was the only thing of my uniform that was left wet!
I figured it was ridiculous to put the drier back on with only one sock in it, so I was pretty stumped as to how I'd dry it.
So I walked through the house with my wet sock, looking for means of drying.
I see the microwave...
I think, hey, why not?
So in it goes. 20 seconds.
Out it comes. Soaked. But steaming.
That didn't work as well as I'd hoped. I vaguely considered putting it back in for longer, but decided the risk of fire was too high on my muchly loved sock.... Well. Actually, its my sisters sock. So. I can't set it alight - as much fun as that would be.
In the end I just put it with my shoes infront of the drier. No where near as much fun.
I like rain alot, don't get me wrong. Its alot more fun than sun is sometimes - and no sunburn with rain!
But wet socks and shoes are not a favorite of mine...
Of these two shoes - one is water proof... one isn't....
For the only two days of this week that I went to school, it rained for both days, and the only shoes that I had were the NON water proof ones.
Both yesterday and today I suffered the school day being rained on and walking through puddles, freezing my toes to the point where it hurt to walk. Both days I get home and put my shoes infront of the heater and look at my feet... only to find they are white, and my toe nails are blue. It takes at LEAST 20 minutes for me to gain any kind of feeling back into my toes.
It can't be good for my feet :(
Yesterday I got home and I was soaked, so I chucked all my clothes into the drier and flipped the switch. After an hour I went back and took my wonderfully dry and warm clothes out of the drier. As I turned to walk away I stepped on a wet sock.
Apparently I'd missed the drier with that sock and now it was the only thing of my uniform that was left wet!
I figured it was ridiculous to put the drier back on with only one sock in it, so I was pretty stumped as to how I'd dry it.
So I walked through the house with my wet sock, looking for means of drying.
I see the microwave...
I think, hey, why not?
So in it goes. 20 seconds.
Out it comes. Soaked. But steaming.
That didn't work as well as I'd hoped. I vaguely considered putting it back in for longer, but decided the risk of fire was too high on my muchly loved sock.... Well. Actually, its my sisters sock. So. I can't set it alight - as much fun as that would be.
In the end I just put it with my shoes infront of the drier. No where near as much fun.
I like rain alot, don't get me wrong. Its alot more fun than sun is sometimes - and no sunburn with rain!
But wet socks and shoes are not a favorite of mine...
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
I used to write down my feeling when I was sad, but what's the point really?
Writings and easy way to get things off your chest isn't it? it's like talking things over. But with writing you don't really have to tell anyone anything. The way that I see it now, is that writing down your feelings in an attempt to feel better is silly. If your writing because you yourself cannot understand or deal with the feelings your describing... then it means you will be just as confused when you've finished because only YOUR going to read it. Sometimes you need feedback from other people if you don't understand something.
Writings good; but talkings better.
Or psychopathic killing spree's, those are apparently brilliant stress relief. I've heard it's like screaming into your pillow. Helps release tension... Sad that you've gotta finish with suicide. That puts most people off this technique.
Its funny really (not killing spree's).
Because writing this has actually made me feel a little bit better. It's like, when every-things spiraling out of control, writing has control. There will always be 26 letters, they are always the same. Easy.
Writing has normalcy, and in a hectic world like ours, isn't that all people want? To be 'normal'?
I've already expressed my doubts on the "let's all be normal" theory, But even I want to be normal sometimes... Or to have something normal to rely on. Something like writing.
Or typing, in this case.
Writings and easy way to get things off your chest isn't it? it's like talking things over. But with writing you don't really have to tell anyone anything. The way that I see it now, is that writing down your feelings in an attempt to feel better is silly. If your writing because you yourself cannot understand or deal with the feelings your describing... then it means you will be just as confused when you've finished because only YOUR going to read it. Sometimes you need feedback from other people if you don't understand something.
Writings good; but talkings better.
Or psychopathic killing spree's, those are apparently brilliant stress relief. I've heard it's like screaming into your pillow. Helps release tension... Sad that you've gotta finish with suicide. That puts most people off this technique.
Its funny really (not killing spree's).
Because writing this has actually made me feel a little bit better. It's like, when every-things spiraling out of control, writing has control. There will always be 26 letters, they are always the same. Easy.
Writing has normalcy, and in a hectic world like ours, isn't that all people want? To be 'normal'?
I've already expressed my doubts on the "let's all be normal" theory, But even I want to be normal sometimes... Or to have something normal to rely on. Something like writing.
Or typing, in this case.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Pantene pro-V .. deep fortifying conditioner.
I don't know why there's a bottle of conditioner next to me. But I would have greatly appreciated it when I was in the SHOWER and we didn't HAVE ANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ugh. How stupid. Its not like stephs laptop uses conditioner? or the phone? or the stapler? or any of the other things on this desk (it would take hours to name everything... remind me to do it later).
But yeah, Im writing because my bffl BA is writing a blog as I am right at this moment, and I'm going to link per post to this one:) in secret. HA! She'll never know! If theres anything in her post about penis moles, you can credit it to me. I totally suggested it to her.
Anyway, so I watched avatar AGAIN tonight. Although I do like that movie, and its wonderful and impressive and cool and what not. Each and every-time watch it I swear it gets longer. It must be about 7 hours now. I do like it though.
The only real flaws are that anna lucia (from lost, her actor) dies, its too long and that they stole the jurassic park dinosaurs noises. How would you feel if you were a velociraptor and someone chucks your voice onto a 6 legged horse - not even considering the fact that you might be offended.
I would, If I were a velociraptor.
I was just thinking, that if I were a dinosaur I would DEFINITELY be a velociraptor, no doubt. They're to coolest ones.
Then I was like "but I don't do well in group work. What if my velocipartners didn't do any of the hunting work and I had to develop multiple velociralities so I could catch enough food for us to eat?"
And I got put off being a velociraptor. Maybe a herbivore so that I wouldn't have to kill anything, and I would be able to eat like, my bed. Presuming I sleep on or in trees.
In trees... like avatar people..... I could sleep on their house (before its blown up). While the velociraptors are eating them for stealing their voices. Or. Eat their horses anyway.
But yeah, Im writing because my bffl BA is writing a blog as I am right at this moment, and I'm going to link per post to this one:) in secret. HA! She'll never know! If theres anything in her post about penis moles, you can credit it to me. I totally suggested it to her.
Anyway, so I watched avatar AGAIN tonight. Although I do like that movie, and its wonderful and impressive and cool and what not. Each and every-time watch it I swear it gets longer. It must be about 7 hours now. I do like it though.
The only real flaws are that anna lucia (from lost, her actor) dies, its too long and that they stole the jurassic park dinosaurs noises. How would you feel if you were a velociraptor and someone chucks your voice onto a 6 legged horse - not even considering the fact that you might be offended.
I would, If I were a velociraptor.
I was just thinking, that if I were a dinosaur I would DEFINITELY be a velociraptor, no doubt. They're to coolest ones.
Then I was like "but I don't do well in group work. What if my velocipartners didn't do any of the hunting work and I had to develop multiple velociralities so I could catch enough food for us to eat?"
And I got put off being a velociraptor. Maybe a herbivore so that I wouldn't have to kill anything, and I would be able to eat like, my bed. Presuming I sleep on or in trees.
In trees... like avatar people..... I could sleep on their house (before its blown up). While the velociraptors are eating them for stealing their voices. Or. Eat their horses anyway.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Response to recent happenings
Muffin is my first topic of discussion,
As she discussed me I shall discuss her. We didn't hang out on that Saturday which she was so excited for - because I was too tired and sick to enjoy company. I felt kinda like the doctor that does abortions, I was taking away her little bundle of joy. We did see each other on Sunday, ball dress shopping. Which was good. I found one. Muffins already got hers, its red (raspberry muffin?) and me and her will be like McDonalds at the ball cause mines yellow.
On Thursday night, her and I had a lengthy laugh-filled conversation that resulted in the birth of a new personal joke (also the birth of something else, if you can call that birth? I mean, does it count if its attached to your body and has an elbow?).
Several of my friends are my other topics of discussion. Funnily enough, majority of them have blogs.
All of my friends seem to be sad. Really quite sad, really quite often. And seeing as I've been spending all my my time forcing my love on Tobit (not really forcing, he loves me back.. I hope... No, he does, Im pretty sure), I haven't been there with them so they can sit on my shoulders to stop feeling down. They need a girls night, or several, maybe even just a solid day of shopping. Or some lols. Definitely the lols. I can prescribe them that. I have a PHD in LMAO.
That infectious disease of happiness needs to be spread, and that depressive epidemic needs to be squashed out of existence.
A third topic, I covered slightly in my last post.
Exams - Like xmas with a silent E... but REALLY not. Unless you count the giving of gifts to include the giving of forehead wrinkles from stress, then NO. ITS NOT LIKE CHRISTMAS.
My Monday geography exam is making me NOT study. Really not study, like I have allot of studying to do but its just not happening because studying is depressive. I did some painting today, but due to my crap mood it just didn't work out.
My family; there has been no change in this department. My sisters still moved out, my mum and dad still don't talk.
Im lacking some carbon dioxide, due to big breaths instead of deep breaths, it's a difficult habit to get rid of - I assure you.
All I want to do right now it cuddle up to Tobit, because I know he's stressed at work. And he makes me so happy, all of the time. He's like my favorite chocolate; Sweet, white and dreamy. And fun to bite chunks out of. Good to eat when reading books (innuendo unintentional), he looks good in blue and he melts in your mouth (innuendo intentional).
But he's very tired and he needs a night to himself - much to my unreasonable disappointment. So I can't cuddle him.
You know, I reckon Keshas songs are catchy but ridiculous. Her lyrics are just.. Mmm.
"So cut to the chase kid cuz I no you dont care what my middle name is. I wanna be naked but your wasted."
Some brilliant life lessons to be learnt there!.... But I can't deny the catchyness.
As she discussed me I shall discuss her. We didn't hang out on that Saturday which she was so excited for - because I was too tired and sick to enjoy company. I felt kinda like the doctor that does abortions, I was taking away her little bundle of joy. We did see each other on Sunday, ball dress shopping. Which was good. I found one. Muffins already got hers, its red (raspberry muffin?) and me and her will be like McDonalds at the ball cause mines yellow.
On Thursday night, her and I had a lengthy laugh-filled conversation that resulted in the birth of a new personal joke (also the birth of something else, if you can call that birth? I mean, does it count if its attached to your body and has an elbow?).
Several of my friends are my other topics of discussion. Funnily enough, majority of them have blogs.
All of my friends seem to be sad. Really quite sad, really quite often. And seeing as I've been spending all my my time forcing my love on Tobit (not really forcing, he loves me back.. I hope... No, he does, Im pretty sure), I haven't been there with them so they can sit on my shoulders to stop feeling down. They need a girls night, or several, maybe even just a solid day of shopping. Or some lols. Definitely the lols. I can prescribe them that. I have a PHD in LMAO.
That infectious disease of happiness needs to be spread, and that depressive epidemic needs to be squashed out of existence.
A third topic, I covered slightly in my last post.
Exams - Like xmas with a silent E... but REALLY not. Unless you count the giving of gifts to include the giving of forehead wrinkles from stress, then NO. ITS NOT LIKE CHRISTMAS.
My Monday geography exam is making me NOT study. Really not study, like I have allot of studying to do but its just not happening because studying is depressive. I did some painting today, but due to my crap mood it just didn't work out.
My family; there has been no change in this department. My sisters still moved out, my mum and dad still don't talk.
Im lacking some carbon dioxide, due to big breaths instead of deep breaths, it's a difficult habit to get rid of - I assure you.
All I want to do right now it cuddle up to Tobit, because I know he's stressed at work. And he makes me so happy, all of the time. He's like my favorite chocolate; Sweet, white and dreamy. And fun to bite chunks out of. Good to eat when reading books (innuendo unintentional), he looks good in blue and he melts in your mouth (innuendo intentional).
But he's very tired and he needs a night to himself - much to my unreasonable disappointment. So I can't cuddle him.
You know, I reckon Keshas songs are catchy but ridiculous. Her lyrics are just.. Mmm.
"So cut to the chase kid cuz I no you dont care what my middle name is. I wanna be naked but your wasted."
Some brilliant life lessons to be learnt there!.... But I can't deny the catchyness.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Faces and arms.
So, exams this week right?
Thats not too bad, just an extra helping of stress with a side serving of sucky. If it had a creamy go play in traffic sauce drizzled over top it would be a pretty appetizing meal.
We could have a wonderful desert of strawberries and cream - OR RICE PUDDING. Wow I haven't had that in ages!!! AHHH I WANT TO MAKE IT. Okay. Its a done deal. Im making it this weekend, and you'd better not get in my way or I will mow you down with determination and bla bla bla...
But yeah, can't say I'm particularly enjoying examinations. Or much, at the moment tbth. Just the fact that I know Im going back to school on thursday is already ruining my Friday. Is that sad? I think it might be just a little bit sad.
But yes, I was thinking about all this shiz that makes life unpleasant (my word of the week). And it figures that if you don't put your own little bits of fun into it, then yeah, it will look like a down right nasty world out there. The things I've done today to make my day just the smidge better are things like drawing a face in my cokes condensation, laughing at the naked man on a bottle of "Ultra wipe out!" dvd/game repair kit' and singing elemeno p to my cat Oscar. He sings back sometimes, the brilliant little being he is :)

But yeah, the naked man. I don't understand why he has to be naked, what does that have to do with cd cleaning liquid? Unless its making a point that it removes skin cells from the cd, and finger prints.. or body prints... or... you know... any fdsfdls
I sneezed twice and now its cold! Oh well.. I could always go put clothes on.
See, Im naked too...
Not really. But that would be fun.
Oh! I was thinking last night, while I was with a bunch of my friends - so it's surprising I didn't bring it up to anyone. Imagine if humans didn't have arms! Like seriously, imagine it, tshirts wouldn't be tshirts anymore because there wouldnt be a t. They'd be like, lowercase L shirts. And hugs would be really awkward, unless people developed a way to hug with their legs, that didn't scream sex.
And you wouldn't be able to do anything, except walk. It would cause so many problems if we didn't have arms... My blog wouldn't exist. What a horrible thought, how could anyone in the world live without my insanely hilarious ramblings.
Kidding kids, theyre sanely hilarious, no insanity here.
Thats not too bad, just an extra helping of stress with a side serving of sucky. If it had a creamy go play in traffic sauce drizzled over top it would be a pretty appetizing meal.
We could have a wonderful desert of strawberries and cream - OR RICE PUDDING. Wow I haven't had that in ages!!! AHHH I WANT TO MAKE IT. Okay. Its a done deal. Im making it this weekend, and you'd better not get in my way or I will mow you down with determination and bla bla bla...
But yeah, can't say I'm particularly enjoying examinations. Or much, at the moment tbth. Just the fact that I know Im going back to school on thursday is already ruining my Friday. Is that sad? I think it might be just a little bit sad.
But yes, I was thinking about all this shiz that makes life unpleasant (my word of the week). And it figures that if you don't put your own little bits of fun into it, then yeah, it will look like a down right nasty world out there. The things I've done today to make my day just the smidge better are things like drawing a face in my cokes condensation, laughing at the naked man on a bottle of "Ultra wipe out!" dvd/game repair kit' and singing elemeno p to my cat Oscar. He sings back sometimes, the brilliant little being he is :)

But yeah, the naked man. I don't understand why he has to be naked, what does that have to do with cd cleaning liquid? Unless its making a point that it removes skin cells from the cd, and finger prints.. or body prints... or... you know... any fdsfdls
I sneezed twice and now its cold! Oh well.. I could always go put clothes on.
See, Im naked too...
Not really. But that would be fun.
Oh! I was thinking last night, while I was with a bunch of my friends - so it's surprising I didn't bring it up to anyone. Imagine if humans didn't have arms! Like seriously, imagine it, tshirts wouldn't be tshirts anymore because there wouldnt be a t. They'd be like, lowercase L shirts. And hugs would be really awkward, unless people developed a way to hug with their legs, that didn't scream sex.
And you wouldn't be able to do anything, except walk. It would cause so many problems if we didn't have arms... My blog wouldn't exist. What a horrible thought, how could anyone in the world live without my insanely hilarious ramblings.
Kidding kids, theyre sanely hilarious, no insanity here.
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