Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Heachaches were next right? Yeah?
Well, They're next now.

This is basically a rant post about how terrible headaches are. And I know, "thats common knowledge Orangejar, EVERYONE hates headaches",
But you know what?
Not everyone gets migraines! And I do! Or, I did, the other day anyway.
I woke up, like any other day.
There was a slight headache, a little annoying, but manageable. I just thought it was a teeny weeny dehydration headache! So I downed a few glasses of water, swallowed 2 panadol.

As the morning progresses, so does my headache. It gets to 11 am, and its pounding! Like, there's a giant rave going on inside my brain, and everyones jumping around yelling and smashing bottles (cause they're so wasted and high on my brain juices). So I try the anadol again. I start complaining to my mummy, saying annoying child-like things (it huuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrtsss. Oooowwwwww... Muuuuuuummmmm)
And she gave me one of her migraine pills, and told me to GO TO BED for a few hours. So, there's me thinking "I've got you this time you little bastard" towards my head, and I climb in bed and fall asleep.

I wake up at 2 pm, and I feel a little sick - like, vomit sick. But headache is gone! I just presumed that all the drugs are arguing amongst my stomach acids, and that a nice healthy, 2 hour late lunch would be a fixer-upper to that problem!
I make and eat lunch. BOOM! Headache comes back! BANG BANG BANG BANG! The brain ravers have turned up the music and are going completely mental - There's like 20 moshpits in there.

I call mummy up, and complain. She expresses how its strange that I still have a headache, and that I feel sick. She thinks maybe I have a tummy bug of some kind... Either way, she tells me to take another migraine pill and sends me TO BED!

I wake up at 5:30 pm, feeling fantastic...ly sick. Tummy sick, headache gone.
Buuuuut luckily, headache only returned as a dull throb, and tummy forgave me when I filled it with BK.

Horray to Burger King! My savior!


  1. that sounds awful. It could be the pill, its known for doing that kind of thing. Theres a lot of diet info you can google too, that could help - like mineral & vitamin deficiency T

  2. It very well could be, then again, I haven't been eating any other fruit then banana at the moment.... Every morning with cereal.
