Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Cereal, glorious cereal.

I was writing a status on facebook a few seconds ago, about how we couldn't live without cereal, emotionally. And I realised, just how much I love cereal.
I didn't think it meant this much to me, until I considered a life without cereal...

I sad life, where the only options available for a real breakfast are porridge and toast! The milk only gets used for hot drinks, its purpose is so much less necessary.... There's no morning sugar sprinkling, or fruit toppings, no crunch crunch on the cornflakes, or pop pop on the rice bubbles! No much on the fruit loops or squelch on the mini wheats! There's NO piling up cherios, or splurping up bugs and mug!
What sort of a person would honestly want to live in a disgustingly hopeless world! How could I even think of that, how could... how could..... How could the possibility of that even exist!
Oh my goodness, what if cereal never had been invented.

But its okay, its okay guys. Cereal was invented, and we can all take deep breaths (wipe the tears away from our eyes), there IS cereal in the cupboard and there IS milk in the fridge! We can take our spoons and shovel it into our mouths!
THERE IS A GOD! He has provided us with CEREAL.

I note that from now on, Cereal is important enough to deserve a capital letter - not only at the beginning of the word 'Cereal' but at the beginning of any Cereal name!
There is the hybrids though, like wheatbix, I mean, I don't mind a hearty bowl of the stuff myself, but its a mix between cereal and porridge. It should have a class of its own..... The cross breeds.

We will do our best not to discriminate against the cross breeds... the 'half bloods' ......
But, as voldemort would say (interference to Cereal),

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