Friday, May 4, 2012


So last night, I thought I did alot. I went out and got ingredients for a late dinner, then made it, I had two glasses of wine, watched some episodes of bleach. To me it felt REALLY late when I was super tired, and dragged myself to bed. Turns out it was 9.30.

Now, I know that I'm a sucker for sleep anyway, but being sick is just making it all backwards. This morning I got up at 8:20. Yesterday I woke up at 10 to 7am, then tried falling back asleep and couldn't.
I've always been a person to try stick to my '8 hours sleep a night' rule, and fretted about it if I lost some of my precious Z's...
But I'm usually capable of staying up late if I want.
But this cold! Man! It really takes it out of you!
I've been completely exhausted since like Tuesday, and want sleep ALL THE TIME. But since I couldn't take any time off work, I couldn't sleep off the sickness, so now I'm stuck with it.
I slept so much this weekend, and even now that my sunday (your saturday) is drawing to a close, Im STILL exhausted.
I feel even more so, if thats possible. This bloody cold is like a leech that lives in my stomach, and eats all the nutrients and sugars and carbs and ANYTHING that might possibly give me energy to make it through the day without certain death. That, and the leech makes my nose run, my head hurt and makes me cough (somehow)!

And then theres work tomorrow...
How will I even make it through that??
SOMEBODY gouge my eyes out, so I can't even have a hope of serving customers because they will be so disgusted at the state of my gore covered face that they will all run screaming, then the company will go under because there wont be any customers. I mean COME ON. Is this what its come to?

Maybe I should just break and arm or something.
Oooh or a leg, that way I can't walk around at work. With a broken arm she might still make me work - I mean, most people could work somewhat sufficiently with one hand.

Life's so hard..

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