Friday, May 11, 2012

Beaten black and blue

You know those bruises that arent bruises?
The ones that hurt SO MUCH but you can't see them? Or they show up after a few days, but they're actually really small?
I've got those. Last night I was trying to look somewhat dignified while I was taking my jeans off, because no matter how you do it, you ALWAYS look like a spaz while your taking jeans off.
I almost succeeded too, but one of the legs got caught on my foot at the last moment, and I pulled my leg out from under me and went face first into the bed. I managed to right my balance by accidentally slamming both my for arms into the metal framing of the edge of the bed.
So my arms and my face slowed my fall, and I got two massive hidden bruises up my arms! Luckily, my face was spared too much damage. The colour of the bruises wont show up (well. My right arm has a faint purple look about it), but the swelling bloody well showed up!

Anyway, I have these weird bruises on my shins too, but I haven't a clue to save myself on how I got them. Ill I know is they hurt, and I look like a pansy with no pain tolerance if I complain.
So I suffer in silence.

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