Monday, February 14, 2011


I have so much to complain about right now, but complaining about it will only get me into ten trillion times more trouble. I've written about 4 posts so far, the first was angry and bitter. Filled with snide little immature comments. The second, showed a little more maturity, but was still lacking in the calm-and-collected department. The last two were very mature, and very calm, but still ... Well. Lets just say that I'm better off keeping my mouth shut and sucking it up.

Which is a oxymoron. I can't suck something up with my mouth shut (get your minds out of the gutter, you idiots!).

Yes, I am just going to take the back seat and sit this one out. I'm sure that this little spat I'm stuck in will eventually resolve itself. All the complaints can swirl around in my head and I'll try to get satisfaction from the thought that at least this wont last long. Well. Actually. It probably will last ages....
But I can do my best to make it a minor problem thats more like a buzz in the back of my head, then the current screetching car alarm celotaped to my face.

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