This afternoon, I found myself standing in the shower gingerly touching my head (no pun intended), wincing, and wondering "Why me?"
When I was falling asleep last night, thinking the same question, the bruise wasn't quite as much of a lump. A painful lump, yes, but not a mountainous lump. But while I was innocently sleeping, it probably doubled in size and changed a few shades darker purple - I wouldn't know. Im growing hair over it.
I also thought that same question several moments after I gained my monumental bruise.
I was in the bathroom, looking for my toothbrush (turns out it wasn't there anyway, so I suffered for nothing). I knocked something from the shelf under the sink, so I naturally picked it up.
It was the 'up' part that I regret.
My process of standing up was... interrupted... By the bathroom sink....
I wish I hadn't felt the need to stand up so fast, because I hit my head so badly that it took about 5 seconds for me to get over the teeth chattering, vision blurring shock of "what the hell just happened?" to fully register just how much it hurt.
Until I realised the pain, I was wondering how on Earth my mum didn't wake up from such a thump.
As it throbbed and got hot, I thought about what I might have done to deserve it.
I remember when I was little, if I hit my head on something, or jammed my hand in the door, my nana would tell me "you tell that door to behave! You tell it that its a BAD door"
So I would, Id say "bad door!!" Then I'd hit it. And it would hurt.
Problem not solved.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Keep on digging, Mate.
You know, how some people just keep on talking and everybody who's listening can see that they're just pissing someone off. And they just don't even notice, they keep on talking about things. Then eventually, they notice what they're saying and try back tracking. But everything they say from then on digs them in a deeper hole.
It's like, Ive had it done to me heaps of times 'cause I have orange hair.
It's usually if somebody asks me if my hairs my natural colour.
And then someone spits out "well of course it is, WHO would die their hair ORANGE".
Then the backtracking starts. Theres two options that result from that comment, its either trying to dig themselves out like; "I didn't mean that your hair isn't nice.. I just mean that most orange hair isn't nice. Yours is more of a .. gold... and you just... you can pull it off.... Your skin tone is... it goes with your hair... and... and you like... you know which colours go well with... with it....."
Or they just laugh. Its like, either way is bad because nobody believes the digging and the laugh means "Well, It's still true".
Or theres the back handed compliments. Those are usually intentional though.
"See? You don't look fat in THIS one."
Or those comments when somebody's a bit TOO surprised.
"Wow! You actually look nice today!"
Adding actually is another, it implies that you thought otherwise. So when its put in a compliment, it means that they didn't think you were capable of accomplishing what they complimented you on.
Oh yeah, I cant drink milk in the mornings. It makes me feel sick.
Goodbye cereal.. its been good knowing you....
It's like, Ive had it done to me heaps of times 'cause I have orange hair.
It's usually if somebody asks me if my hairs my natural colour.
And then someone spits out "well of course it is, WHO would die their hair ORANGE".
Then the backtracking starts. Theres two options that result from that comment, its either trying to dig themselves out like; "I didn't mean that your hair isn't nice.. I just mean that most orange hair isn't nice. Yours is more of a .. gold... and you just... you can pull it off.... Your skin tone is... it goes with your hair... and... and you like... you know which colours go well with... with it....."
Or they just laugh. Its like, either way is bad because nobody believes the digging and the laugh means "Well, It's still true".
Or theres the back handed compliments. Those are usually intentional though.
"See? You don't look fat in THIS one."
Or those comments when somebody's a bit TOO surprised.
"Wow! You actually look nice today!"
Adding actually is another, it implies that you thought otherwise. So when its put in a compliment, it means that they didn't think you were capable of accomplishing what they complimented you on.
Oh yeah, I cant drink milk in the mornings. It makes me feel sick.
Goodbye cereal.. its been good knowing you....
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
slips right through your fingers!
Time does, doesn't it?
Slip through?
Im my last post I said I'd right about bunny within the next 4 days - Ha! What a joke! How long has it been? It must have been double that if not triple!
And what have I been spending my quality blog writing time doing? I have been vacuuming, learning the carpetcourt computer system, playing minecraft (man, my minecraft house is absolutely A-MAZING), and baking yorkshire puddings.
All worthy time wasters (appart from the computer system - booorrrinnnng), but none quite match up to writing a healthy post. A healthy post about bunnys, even!
Yup, thats right, Rodger is a bunny. Or was he called Rodger then? Hes now known as 'bunny' - I personally think that the first decision of 'fluffles' was the best option for him, but sure, bunnys equally as childish.
He's my sisters way of getting over her ex boyfriend. Some say 'to get over someone, get under somebody else', but buying a rabbit did the trick for Sta! That shows that meaningless sex doesn't solve all of lifes problems... Who knew?
You learn something new everyday!
He's a miniature lop eared rabbit. And since he's also a kitten (a baby rabbits called a kitten too, for those with a smaller amount of useless trivial knowledge than me), he's even smaller than 'miniature'.
He enjoys biting people and peeing on the couch, but he gets upset when you walk away from him because unlike normal rabbits - He's an attention seeker.
Slip through?
Im my last post I said I'd right about bunny within the next 4 days - Ha! What a joke! How long has it been? It must have been double that if not triple!
And what have I been spending my quality blog writing time doing? I have been vacuuming, learning the carpetcourt computer system, playing minecraft (man, my minecraft house is absolutely A-MAZING), and baking yorkshire puddings.
All worthy time wasters (appart from the computer system - booorrrinnnng), but none quite match up to writing a healthy post. A healthy post about bunnys, even!
Yup, thats right, Rodger is a bunny. Or was he called Rodger then? Hes now known as 'bunny' - I personally think that the first decision of 'fluffles' was the best option for him, but sure, bunnys equally as childish.
He's my sisters way of getting over her ex boyfriend. Some say 'to get over someone, get under somebody else', but buying a rabbit did the trick for Sta! That shows that meaningless sex doesn't solve all of lifes problems... Who knew?
You learn something new everyday!
He's a miniature lop eared rabbit. And since he's also a kitten (a baby rabbits called a kitten too, for those with a smaller amount of useless trivial knowledge than me), he's even smaller than 'miniature'.
He enjoys biting people and peeing on the couch, but he gets upset when you walk away from him because unlike normal rabbits - He's an attention seeker.
Monday, February 14, 2011
I have so much to complain about right now, but complaining about it will only get me into ten trillion times more trouble. I've written about 4 posts so far, the first was angry and bitter. Filled with snide little immature comments. The second, showed a little more maturity, but was still lacking in the calm-and-collected department. The last two were very mature, and very calm, but still ... Well. Lets just say that I'm better off keeping my mouth shut and sucking it up.
Which is a oxymoron. I can't suck something up with my mouth shut (get your minds out of the gutter, you idiots!).
Yes, I am just going to take the back seat and sit this one out. I'm sure that this little spat I'm stuck in will eventually resolve itself. All the complaints can swirl around in my head and I'll try to get satisfaction from the thought that at least this wont last long. Well. Actually. It probably will last ages....
But I can do my best to make it a minor problem thats more like a buzz in the back of my head, then the current screetching car alarm celotaped to my face.
Which is a oxymoron. I can't suck something up with my mouth shut (get your minds out of the gutter, you idiots!).
Yes, I am just going to take the back seat and sit this one out. I'm sure that this little spat I'm stuck in will eventually resolve itself. All the complaints can swirl around in my head and I'll try to get satisfaction from the thought that at least this wont last long. Well. Actually. It probably will last ages....
But I can do my best to make it a minor problem thats more like a buzz in the back of my head, then the current screetching car alarm celotaped to my face.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
"What to do" X3
What to do, what to do, what to do...
It's such a hard sentance of three of the same questions to answer, isn't it?
It would be the same though when it comes to most questions. Its like the asker is pushing or bullying the answerer by repeating themself.
What do you want for lunch?
How about sa-
WHAT do you want for lunch??
Sandwiches?!!! OKAY??? I WANT SANDWICHES!!!!!!!!!!!
They would then be very soggy and salty sanwiches, cause the answeree was reduced to confused tears.
Anyway, Im stuck with a bunch of questions that need to have some serious thought put into them - but really, I don't want to think about it. Im going to go home and read Harry Potter, maybe eat some ice cream... Tibs coming over, so maybe watch a movie? Have a spa? Play with Rodger? (Rodger is still yet to be explained, give me about 4 days and I'll get around to enlightening you about him)
(Actually... He might not even be called Rodger, it looks like he might be labeled 'bunny').
I guess is doesn't matter if I dodge the thoughtful questions tonight, because I know Im going to get them drilled into my brain for a good.. I don't know... 3 hours tomorrow morning?
You see, I am going on a road trip with my mum and dad (yes, you read me correctly. My MUM and DAD together in the SAME CAR for 3 HOURS. Dear god...) to go and get my car :)
You also heard correctly, I now have a car. Or will, tomorrow.
It was a very... long and ... frustrating process, picking a car was. I found a whole bunch I wanted, but my dad is very.... careful.... about cars. He likes to make sure they are perfect.... And safe... They have to be incredibly safe....
You'd think that Im going to try drive off the Harbour Bridge or something.
Oh well. A cars a car.
Its white though, I have no idea how I'm going to make it MY car.
It's such a hard sentance of three of the same questions to answer, isn't it?
It would be the same though when it comes to most questions. Its like the asker is pushing or bullying the answerer by repeating themself.
What do you want for lunch?
How about sa-
WHAT do you want for lunch??
Sandwiches?!!! OKAY??? I WANT SANDWICHES!!!!!!!!!!!
They would then be very soggy and salty sanwiches, cause the answeree was reduced to confused tears.
Anyway, Im stuck with a bunch of questions that need to have some serious thought put into them - but really, I don't want to think about it. Im going to go home and read Harry Potter, maybe eat some ice cream... Tibs coming over, so maybe watch a movie? Have a spa? Play with Rodger? (Rodger is still yet to be explained, give me about 4 days and I'll get around to enlightening you about him)
(Actually... He might not even be called Rodger, it looks like he might be labeled 'bunny').
I guess is doesn't matter if I dodge the thoughtful questions tonight, because I know Im going to get them drilled into my brain for a good.. I don't know... 3 hours tomorrow morning?
You see, I am going on a road trip with my mum and dad (yes, you read me correctly. My MUM and DAD together in the SAME CAR for 3 HOURS. Dear god...) to go and get my car :)
You also heard correctly, I now have a car. Or will, tomorrow.
It was a very... long and ... frustrating process, picking a car was. I found a whole bunch I wanted, but my dad is very.... careful.... about cars. He likes to make sure they are perfect.... And safe... They have to be incredibly safe....
You'd think that Im going to try drive off the Harbour Bridge or something.
Oh well. A cars a car.
Its white though, I have no idea how I'm going to make it MY car.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Mammoth the moth
My phobia of moths was very nearly squished out of me when I met Mammoth.
Well, several minutes after I'd met mammoth. At first he was like a furry winged nightmare.
But as I watched him, and after martin touched him and he didn't launch into attack mode, I realized that Mammoth couldn't be all that dangerous... He was even kinda cute.
It took several minutes, and my incredibly daring boyfriend, for me to really grow to trust Mammoth. Tib picked him up and showed that he meant no harm, because he himself had been harmed. You see, Mammoth cannot fly. He's lost his flying dust and his wings are a bit torn...
Despite his alarmingly large size, I began to feel sorry for Mammoth, I be-friended him. I was reconsidering a lifetimes worth of terror over moths. We found him a safe and comfortable new home, where he would fit in and be happy (my firewood pile. He blends right in).
It wasn't long before he was dubbed 'Mammoth'. It seems so obvious now, that this was his name all along. He is large and furry and brave. Yet still a bit cute.
In the end, I was so emotionally tied to him that I rebelled against my better nature and I touched him - a feat I never thought to accomplish.

NOTE: When I wrote "furry winged nightmare" I first wrote "furry wanged nightmate" on accident.
Well, several minutes after I'd met mammoth. At first he was like a furry winged nightmare.
But as I watched him, and after martin touched him and he didn't launch into attack mode, I realized that Mammoth couldn't be all that dangerous... He was even kinda cute.
It took several minutes, and my incredibly daring boyfriend, for me to really grow to trust Mammoth. Tib picked him up and showed that he meant no harm, because he himself had been harmed. You see, Mammoth cannot fly. He's lost his flying dust and his wings are a bit torn...
Despite his alarmingly large size, I began to feel sorry for Mammoth, I be-friended him. I was reconsidering a lifetimes worth of terror over moths. We found him a safe and comfortable new home, where he would fit in and be happy (my firewood pile. He blends right in).
It wasn't long before he was dubbed 'Mammoth'. It seems so obvious now, that this was his name all along. He is large and furry and brave. Yet still a bit cute.
In the end, I was so emotionally tied to him that I rebelled against my better nature and I touched him - a feat I never thought to accomplish.
NOTE: When I wrote "furry winged nightmare" I first wrote "furry wanged nightmate" on accident.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Alright, so I'm actually typing for my shiny brand new work.
Its ... different.... going to work in the mornings. I resent work when I wake up, because naturally, my sleeping mind is furious about being disturbed and it protests violently until my waking mind tells it to shut up and pull its head in.
Im kinda of on a break at the moment... my... tutor? is onthe phone next to me, he might need the computer in a few seconds so this post could be shut off short...
Although, it looks like he might not be. Oh wait, now some more work has come in, theres a catalogue that needs changes done. Hmm. A catalogue sounds a little bit out of my depth, since I've just been fiddling around with business cards and such...
Well. We'll have to wait and see.
Its ... different.... going to work in the mornings. I resent work when I wake up, because naturally, my sleeping mind is furious about being disturbed and it protests violently until my waking mind tells it to shut up and pull its head in.
Im kinda of on a break at the moment... my... tutor? is onthe phone next to me, he might need the computer in a few seconds so this post could be shut off short...
Although, it looks like he might not be. Oh wait, now some more work has come in, theres a catalogue that needs changes done. Hmm. A catalogue sounds a little bit out of my depth, since I've just been fiddling around with business cards and such...
Well. We'll have to wait and see.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Ups downs and just all over the place.
Well the day started alright, considering that I was missing my wallet and my handbag. Thanks to it being locked away in a carpet court car, goodness knows where.
I was sent on my way to the beach (mural painting) by my dearest mother and her husband. They gave me $20 for busing home that night, horray, surely I would need a whole $20 for the bus?
Mum also tried forcing her cashflow card on me, you know, incase of emergencies. She was worried because she was out celebrating that night, and couldnt save me if stranded.
But I said No mum! I mean, what could happen? Really?
So the day started good. Aside from the early start.
It continued being good, we finished the mural in good time, then us painted all flocked to browns bay were we ate junkfood (I had a yoghurt. Mmmmm and a kitkat). I managed to eat both fish and chips and noodle canteen without paying for either. I only spent $6 on my yummy treats.
Whilst there, we found my photography teacher and his adorable baby girl. Its always loverly seeing a favorite teacher again... We also saw my English teacher and her little black labrador puppy - only three months. The sweetest thing.
It then came apparent that I wasn't busing from browns bay to albany to home, as I thought. I found that I was getting a lift to Albany from a fellow painter.
Those were my ups of the day. Theres a large bunch right? reasonably impressive? Yeah.
My downs were that it turns out my bus doesn't go any later than 7:45pm and I was stranded there. I greatly considered my chances of walking home, it wouldn't have taken more that 3 hours I don't think. Although It was starting to get dark and I was wearing black - and would need to walk along a country road.
I then tried contacting friends and family to save me, nobody seemed available. I decided to walk to my grandparents house - surely no more than a 2 hour walk. No country road. It looked like my safest option.
I was covered in paint, and in a tshirt and short shorts. It was pretty cold. Getting colder as the darkness grew.
Luckily for me, as I was part way through my walk, a friend txt me and said they could take me home - I payed them some of my bus money. That was an up of the day.
There were a couple of real downs of the day that I don't want to talk about though.
I don't feel like today was a success.
It was pretty crap in the end.
I was sent on my way to the beach (mural painting) by my dearest mother and her husband. They gave me $20 for busing home that night, horray, surely I would need a whole $20 for the bus?
Mum also tried forcing her cashflow card on me, you know, incase of emergencies. She was worried because she was out celebrating that night, and couldnt save me if stranded.
But I said No mum! I mean, what could happen? Really?
So the day started good. Aside from the early start.
It continued being good, we finished the mural in good time, then us painted all flocked to browns bay were we ate junkfood (I had a yoghurt. Mmmmm and a kitkat). I managed to eat both fish and chips and noodle canteen without paying for either. I only spent $6 on my yummy treats.
Whilst there, we found my photography teacher and his adorable baby girl. Its always loverly seeing a favorite teacher again... We also saw my English teacher and her little black labrador puppy - only three months. The sweetest thing.
It then came apparent that I wasn't busing from browns bay to albany to home, as I thought. I found that I was getting a lift to Albany from a fellow painter.
Those were my ups of the day. Theres a large bunch right? reasonably impressive? Yeah.
My downs were that it turns out my bus doesn't go any later than 7:45pm and I was stranded there. I greatly considered my chances of walking home, it wouldn't have taken more that 3 hours I don't think. Although It was starting to get dark and I was wearing black - and would need to walk along a country road.
I then tried contacting friends and family to save me, nobody seemed available. I decided to walk to my grandparents house - surely no more than a 2 hour walk. No country road. It looked like my safest option.
I was covered in paint, and in a tshirt and short shorts. It was pretty cold. Getting colder as the darkness grew.
Luckily for me, as I was part way through my walk, a friend txt me and said they could take me home - I payed them some of my bus money. That was an up of the day.
There were a couple of real downs of the day that I don't want to talk about though.
I don't feel like today was a success.
It was pretty crap in the end.
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