Saturday, June 26, 2010

Thoughts, not ramblings.

Been talking to people about things that are hard to understand and hard to figure out.
I can't say I'm particularly wise, or that I can give you the answer to all of lifes questions and make everything better. I would be hypocrite of the year if I claimed I could do that!

All I can do is offer the things I wish I could live by, and the things I feel would make life alot easier if people could just bring themselves to do it. Its easy saying "don't sweat the small stuff", but in reality, when you spill milk, in the morning when your late for school and look like your the reasons the ugly trees ugly... you really do feel like crying about it, despite that you shouldn't cry over spilt milk.
The sayings about life that you tell people to feel better always sound easy, sillily easy even. But they are actually the hardest things to apply to yourself.. "Live like there's no tomorrow", sure, but if you did that you'd have to suffer alot of consequences when all those tomorrows that supposedly weren't coming caught up with you. Or how about "the best way to get over someone is by getting under someone else!", yeah, but then theres another person your going to have to get over..... Okay, that one isn't used as often, not seriously anyway. But you get my point.

Im just saying that the things which make life good are the hardest to get to.
When everything seems bad, its easy to wallow in the sad things. Its difficult to smile and know that tomorrow will be a new day. But which one will you benefit from?

Life is about enjoying the brief periods between bad things, making the most of what you can, laughing off whats possible and not worrying about what you can't change..
Sometimes everything feels bad and even the good things make you cry... But those times don't last, if your willing to let yourself be happy.

"Sometimes life, feels just like rain, cause you never know, when it's gonna fall down on you"
Wish you well,
Thousand foot crutch

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