Sunday, June 20, 2010

The past week

I have suffered a pretty gay sickness for the past week, and It's finally got me down, so here I am. At home. Writing on my blog- as I do every time I'm sick.
And no... the sickness isn't life, although thats pretty darn sick and twisted too.
But I'll be up and well again in a good 3 days time (apparently) so I'll be at school tomorrow, seeing as I'll be one third better already by the end of today. I Don't feel better! Still hurts!

Oh well. I have a smidgen of a complaint to make about life, I mean, who doesn't. How can you NOT complain every so often (like, every blog post lol). But yes, life, it's still out to get you... to get me.... TO GET US ALL!!!!!!! AAAAAAHHHHHHHH
But theres been some brilliant things that life hasn't managed to ruin just yet (or ever, thank you very much Life. You can keep your sticky little ruining fingers to yourself).
One of those marvelous and amazing parts of life is Tibble... the guy who's 'held the key to my heart' for 6 months now, and as far as I'm concerned can keep it for as long as he wants! You know, the metaphor of having the key to someones heart is actually pretty stupid. If someone were to shove a key into my heart I would surely die...
Alright, Tib holds the key to my mind then, and he has the ownership papers of my heart. That way he can unlock my thoughts but not have to damage my brain or stab my heart with a key. I should really get those ownership papers laminated... you know, incase something gets spilt on them and all the letters blur.

It was our six months on Saturday, which is a maaassive achievement for me. I mean, its great to know that relationship failure doesn't totally run in the family (haha sorry mum and dad, but divorce is easier to make fun of than be sad about).
We went and saw the A Team - Oh my goodness it was hilarious, definitely one of my favourites.. along with how to train your dragon and various other films. We sat watching the trailers to all the up and coming movies going "I WANT TO SEE THAT ONE!"...
We probably have about 12 movies we are going to see in the near distant future, man are we going to be broke or what?
It was an almost perfect day. . . But in reference to my yesterday post, one 'small' downfall interrupted our perfect world.
Thats my complaint for the day done, Im just informing life that I did NOT appreciate it's rude interruption of my weekend! And to think, it turned up without an invitation too. Disgusting. I'd like to think that life had learnt some manners by now, but I guess it just needs to b hosed down again... *sigh*, and the waters getting so cold now. I'd feel sorry for it, but its such a bastard that I really don't care.

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