What happens if you suddenly discover the meaning to life, after hundreds - no, THOUSANDS - of years that man has searched, you figure out the meaning to all life, the reason we are alive and what we are meant to do with our lives....
What if you figure it out... and you don't like it?
I mean, what a soul destroying piece of information that would be, and then you get to the dilemma of wether or not you tell anyone. Do you destroy everyone else's souls too, cause millions of suicides and a new severity of depression just so that you can enlighten the world and answer the most searched for question?
Or do you keep it to yourself, try to shrug it off?
Or, do you try to change it and say to yourself "Life is what you make it!"
The reason that I was thinking this, is because I was carving a face into an apple to make it look like it's vomiting (photography for school, not just for fun... although it was fun...) and When I finished I went upstairs to put the apple shavings into the kitchen. I glanced to my right, and saw a cheese grater.
Thats when it occurred to me, his life's purpose is spent grating cheese into strips... Not only would that be boring, but for it to slice another inanimate object, it would be like people slicing people. Imagine living with the knowledge that your life's purpose is to cause others pain.
And yet, despite having been dealt such a horrible life to experience, he was smiling at me.
If the cheese grater can smile at me, then I can smile back, and surely can deal with my life too.

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