So.. My spare time after school this week has been spent doing photography homework.
Yes.. Taking photos, but also carving faces into vegetables. To take photos of them.
Yeah, I carved a lemon, a lime, an orange, a pumpkin and two apples - one red, one green. Its very time consuming and it toys with your conscience because you feel bad...
The lemon and limes were the worst. You carve their eyes, and then when your starting on their mouths all this juice comes out of their poor little eyes and it looks like they're crying!
But in the end I hacked them all up and chucked them in a fry pan. Mmm... The pumpkin was going mouldy too... extra flavour..
Nah, I didn't eat them. But it was tempting.
Oh yeah! I was tidying my room on Monday right, and I looked under my bed and there was this little metal lunch box that my friend gave me for my birthday.
I checked inside, and there was all the 'need to have' things. Like; plasters, panadol, day&night tablets, lemsip, safety pins, rubber bands, tuna, a spoon, an empty m&m's container.... And two lines from a King size block of chocolate.
Now don't get me wrong, I was pleasantly surprised to discover secret stashes of chocolate.
I put a piece in my mouth and was chewing on it when I started wondering when I put it there...
I then realised that it's been there since christmas day - and it is now 6 months and 6 days later. I would have felt sick if I didn't find it so funny!
But yeah, I didn't eat anymore. I put it back lol. So it's sitting in there for another six months and 6 days, when I will probably be putting MORE christmas chocolate in there to join it. I should leave it 30 years then sell it!
Probably wouldn't be worth anything. should keep it till I have children, then trick them into eating it.
Ha the ball is now in like.. 4 days. And Im still excited, we got our ball tickets today - It was kinda a let down. They look cool from a distance, but the picture they used it all pixelated because its such CRAP quality! But still, it was exciting.
Um, Ba ( dyed her hair bright red today, Im so excited to see it, if I'm honest. I'm dying Tibs hair blue the day after the ball.... and mine too, of-course :P
G2g blogreaderillians, Im going to go watch gold member with my dad lol.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
This will be epic fast typed blog post of the century - hope there isnt toooo many typos...
anyways, Im running a bath RIGHT AS WE SPEAK and IM so excited because I havent had abath in like mONETHS AND MONTHS!!!!!!
And I have a bath bomb! Its pink and it fizzes when I put it in the water, I don't know if it smells nice.. but it fizzes, so thats brillant anyway
School ends in like, 3 days YEEEEHAW and everyones crumpling under stress, which isnt yehaw.. But, its over soon thank GOD. And then the ball is on Monday! In like... 6 days! More like 5, cause its tuesday which is almost over
im going to bath.
anyways, Im running a bath RIGHT AS WE SPEAK and IM so excited because I havent had abath in like mONETHS AND MONTHS!!!!!!
And I have a bath bomb! Its pink and it fizzes when I put it in the water, I don't know if it smells nice.. but it fizzes, so thats brillant anyway
School ends in like, 3 days YEEEEHAW and everyones crumpling under stress, which isnt yehaw.. But, its over soon thank GOD. And then the ball is on Monday! In like... 6 days! More like 5, cause its tuesday which is almost over
im going to bath.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Thoughts, not ramblings.
Been talking to people about things that are hard to understand and hard to figure out.
I can't say I'm particularly wise, or that I can give you the answer to all of lifes questions and make everything better. I would be hypocrite of the year if I claimed I could do that!
All I can do is offer the things I wish I could live by, and the things I feel would make life alot easier if people could just bring themselves to do it. Its easy saying "don't sweat the small stuff", but in reality, when you spill milk, in the morning when your late for school and look like your the reasons the ugly trees ugly... you really do feel like crying about it, despite that you shouldn't cry over spilt milk.
The sayings about life that you tell people to feel better always sound easy, sillily easy even. But they are actually the hardest things to apply to yourself.. "Live like there's no tomorrow", sure, but if you did that you'd have to suffer alot of consequences when all those tomorrows that supposedly weren't coming caught up with you. Or how about "the best way to get over someone is by getting under someone else!", yeah, but then theres another person your going to have to get over..... Okay, that one isn't used as often, not seriously anyway. But you get my point.
Im just saying that the things which make life good are the hardest to get to.
When everything seems bad, its easy to wallow in the sad things. Its difficult to smile and know that tomorrow will be a new day. But which one will you benefit from?
Life is about enjoying the brief periods between bad things, making the most of what you can, laughing off whats possible and not worrying about what you can't change..
Sometimes everything feels bad and even the good things make you cry... But those times don't last, if your willing to let yourself be happy.
"Sometimes life, feels just like rain, cause you never know, when it's gonna fall down on you"
Wish you well,
Thousand foot crutch
I can't say I'm particularly wise, or that I can give you the answer to all of lifes questions and make everything better. I would be hypocrite of the year if I claimed I could do that!
All I can do is offer the things I wish I could live by, and the things I feel would make life alot easier if people could just bring themselves to do it. Its easy saying "don't sweat the small stuff", but in reality, when you spill milk, in the morning when your late for school and look like your the reasons the ugly trees ugly... you really do feel like crying about it, despite that you shouldn't cry over spilt milk.
The sayings about life that you tell people to feel better always sound easy, sillily easy even. But they are actually the hardest things to apply to yourself.. "Live like there's no tomorrow", sure, but if you did that you'd have to suffer alot of consequences when all those tomorrows that supposedly weren't coming caught up with you. Or how about "the best way to get over someone is by getting under someone else!", yeah, but then theres another person your going to have to get over..... Okay, that one isn't used as often, not seriously anyway. But you get my point.
Im just saying that the things which make life good are the hardest to get to.
When everything seems bad, its easy to wallow in the sad things. Its difficult to smile and know that tomorrow will be a new day. But which one will you benefit from?
Life is about enjoying the brief periods between bad things, making the most of what you can, laughing off whats possible and not worrying about what you can't change..
Sometimes everything feels bad and even the good things make you cry... But those times don't last, if your willing to let yourself be happy.
"Sometimes life, feels just like rain, cause you never know, when it's gonna fall down on you"
Wish you well,
Thousand foot crutch
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Im still fucking sick for christ fucking sake!
It hurts and I DONT know how to make it just leave me alone and Im sick of taking stupid pain killers!!!
My mum is watching this new vampire program on tv with my sister lol. There was this attacking scene, and there was this woman screaming, so mum imitated her and screamed as well... just for the lols. Then she went on a ramble about the retard fishw e have in our fish tank
Hahaha last night, I was at tibs house in bed, and I get this txt form my mum at like 10:30pm saying "How do fish do it?", I was like... I dont know.... cause fish lay eggs right? But do fish still have sex? Or do they just like free their spermies into the ocean and hope to knock up some random fish swimming past?
Or is it like humans? When the teenage boy fish are scared to masturbate because they don't want the responsibility or bringing up a whole batch of babies at just the young age of 17days old. They're scales have hardly matured, let alone their slime been thick enough, how can they raise children?
Do fish compare scales like boys compare penises.... DO boys compare penises?!
This post, has partially succeeded in making me ignore my STUPID back pain for about 5 minutes, unfortunately I give up and Im going to go get some pain killers from the kitchen so I can pretend I am no longer sick.
It hurts and I DONT know how to make it just leave me alone and Im sick of taking stupid pain killers!!!
My mum is watching this new vampire program on tv with my sister lol. There was this attacking scene, and there was this woman screaming, so mum imitated her and screamed as well... just for the lols. Then she went on a ramble about the retard fishw e have in our fish tank
Hahaha last night, I was at tibs house in bed, and I get this txt form my mum at like 10:30pm saying "How do fish do it?", I was like... I dont know.... cause fish lay eggs right? But do fish still have sex? Or do they just like free their spermies into the ocean and hope to knock up some random fish swimming past?
Or is it like humans? When the teenage boy fish are scared to masturbate because they don't want the responsibility or bringing up a whole batch of babies at just the young age of 17days old. They're scales have hardly matured, let alone their slime been thick enough, how can they raise children?
Do fish compare scales like boys compare penises.... DO boys compare penises?!
This post, has partially succeeded in making me ignore my STUPID back pain for about 5 minutes, unfortunately I give up and Im going to go get some pain killers from the kitchen so I can pretend I am no longer sick.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
The past week
I have suffered a pretty gay sickness for the past week, and It's finally got me down, so here I am. At home. Writing on my blog- as I do every time I'm sick.
And no... the sickness isn't life, although thats pretty darn sick and twisted too.
But I'll be up and well again in a good 3 days time (apparently) so I'll be at school tomorrow, seeing as I'll be one third better already by the end of today. I Don't feel better! Still hurts!
Oh well. I have a smidgen of a complaint to make about life, I mean, who doesn't. How can you NOT complain every so often (like, every blog post lol). But yes, life, it's still out to get you... to get me.... TO GET US ALL!!!!!!! AAAAAAHHHHHHHH
But theres been some brilliant things that life hasn't managed to ruin just yet (or ever, thank you very much Life. You can keep your sticky little ruining fingers to yourself).
One of those marvelous and amazing parts of life is Tibble... the guy who's 'held the key to my heart' for 6 months now, and as far as I'm concerned can keep it for as long as he wants! You know, the metaphor of having the key to someones heart is actually pretty stupid. If someone were to shove a key into my heart I would surely die...
Alright, Tib holds the key to my mind then, and he has the ownership papers of my heart. That way he can unlock my thoughts but not have to damage my brain or stab my heart with a key. I should really get those ownership papers laminated... you know, incase something gets spilt on them and all the letters blur.
It was our six months on Saturday, which is a maaassive achievement for me. I mean, its great to know that relationship failure doesn't totally run in the family (haha sorry mum and dad, but divorce is easier to make fun of than be sad about).
We went and saw the A Team - Oh my goodness it was hilarious, definitely one of my favourites.. along with how to train your dragon and various other films. We sat watching the trailers to all the up and coming movies going "I WANT TO SEE THAT ONE!"...
We probably have about 12 movies we are going to see in the near distant future, man are we going to be broke or what?
It was an almost perfect day. . . But in reference to my yesterday post, one 'small' downfall interrupted our perfect world.
Thats my complaint for the day done, Im just informing life that I did NOT appreciate it's rude interruption of my weekend! And to think, it turned up without an invitation too. Disgusting. I'd like to think that life had learnt some manners by now, but I guess it just needs to b hosed down again... *sigh*, and the waters getting so cold now. I'd feel sorry for it, but its such a bastard that I really don't care.
And no... the sickness isn't life, although thats pretty darn sick and twisted too.
But I'll be up and well again in a good 3 days time (apparently) so I'll be at school tomorrow, seeing as I'll be one third better already by the end of today. I Don't feel better! Still hurts!
Oh well. I have a smidgen of a complaint to make about life, I mean, who doesn't. How can you NOT complain every so often (like, every blog post lol). But yes, life, it's still out to get you... to get me.... TO GET US ALL!!!!!!! AAAAAAHHHHHHHH
But theres been some brilliant things that life hasn't managed to ruin just yet (or ever, thank you very much Life. You can keep your sticky little ruining fingers to yourself).
One of those marvelous and amazing parts of life is Tibble... the guy who's 'held the key to my heart' for 6 months now, and as far as I'm concerned can keep it for as long as he wants! You know, the metaphor of having the key to someones heart is actually pretty stupid. If someone were to shove a key into my heart I would surely die...
Alright, Tib holds the key to my mind then, and he has the ownership papers of my heart. That way he can unlock my thoughts but not have to damage my brain or stab my heart with a key. I should really get those ownership papers laminated... you know, incase something gets spilt on them and all the letters blur.
It was our six months on Saturday, which is a maaassive achievement for me. I mean, its great to know that relationship failure doesn't totally run in the family (haha sorry mum and dad, but divorce is easier to make fun of than be sad about).
We went and saw the A Team - Oh my goodness it was hilarious, definitely one of my favourites.. along with how to train your dragon and various other films. We sat watching the trailers to all the up and coming movies going "I WANT TO SEE THAT ONE!"...
We probably have about 12 movies we are going to see in the near distant future, man are we going to be broke or what?
It was an almost perfect day. . . But in reference to my yesterday post, one 'small' downfall interrupted our perfect world.
Thats my complaint for the day done, Im just informing life that I did NOT appreciate it's rude interruption of my weekend! And to think, it turned up without an invitation too. Disgusting. I'd like to think that life had learnt some manners by now, but I guess it just needs to b hosed down again... *sigh*, and the waters getting so cold now. I'd feel sorry for it, but its such a bastard that I really don't care.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so" - Hamlet..
Yeah, he got that fucking right. Crazy though he might be, he got that one right.
Im stuck with a real problem. Belief.
For example;
Im told to believe that what goes around comes around, but how do I know that? Why should I believe it?
That saying isn't the one I'm having trouble believing, but hey it gets my point across.
How do you just 'believe' that something will happen?
Because telling yourself that it will, doesn't mean you believe it will.
I can say "that is an apple", in reference to a banana. And I can say it over and over again, but I wont BELIEVE it is an apple. I will still feel like its a banana.
Even if i tell myself so much that i really feel like it is an apple, what if sub-consciously I still believe its a banana? Then what? How do I change it to be an apple? I can pretend its an apple as much as I want. I can paint it to look like an apple, or cut it into an apple shape... or both. But that still wouldn't make it an apple to me. I can tell everyone else its an apple, and they will think its an apple... If i tell them that I think its a banana, they say "you need to believe its an apple".
Then what happens if its actually a pear. Am I just fucked then? Or what?
If I cant even believe in simple sayings or thoughts, then I'm never going to make it to Christianity lol.
Yeah, he got that fucking right. Crazy though he might be, he got that one right.
Im stuck with a real problem. Belief.
For example;
Im told to believe that what goes around comes around, but how do I know that? Why should I believe it?
That saying isn't the one I'm having trouble believing, but hey it gets my point across.
How do you just 'believe' that something will happen?
Because telling yourself that it will, doesn't mean you believe it will.
I can say "that is an apple", in reference to a banana. And I can say it over and over again, but I wont BELIEVE it is an apple. I will still feel like its a banana.
Even if i tell myself so much that i really feel like it is an apple, what if sub-consciously I still believe its a banana? Then what? How do I change it to be an apple? I can pretend its an apple as much as I want. I can paint it to look like an apple, or cut it into an apple shape... or both. But that still wouldn't make it an apple to me. I can tell everyone else its an apple, and they will think its an apple... If i tell them that I think its a banana, they say "you need to believe its an apple".
Then what happens if its actually a pear. Am I just fucked then? Or what?
If I cant even believe in simple sayings or thoughts, then I'm never going to make it to Christianity lol.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
My day.
My day has been up down, side to side and in and out. I have been happy, sad, confused, delighted, frustrated, angry and in pain. I have two minutes to write a post because I'm going to bed, like - now.
I'm now frustrated and confused.
Every ones knows that hate is a strong word.. but sometimes 'strongly dislike' just doesn't cover how you feel towards certain things.
I'm now frustrated and confused.
Every ones knows that hate is a strong word.. but sometimes 'strongly dislike' just doesn't cover how you feel towards certain things.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Lifes purpose
I realised something thats very serious about life's purpose.
What happens if you suddenly discover the meaning to life, after hundreds - no, THOUSANDS - of years that man has searched, you figure out the meaning to all life, the reason we are alive and what we are meant to do with our lives....
What if you figure it out... and you don't like it?
I mean, what a soul destroying piece of information that would be, and then you get to the dilemma of wether or not you tell anyone. Do you destroy everyone else's souls too, cause millions of suicides and a new severity of depression just so that you can enlighten the world and answer the most searched for question?
Or do you keep it to yourself, try to shrug it off?
Or, do you try to change it and say to yourself "Life is what you make it!"
The reason that I was thinking this, is because I was carving a face into an apple to make it look like it's vomiting (photography for school, not just for fun... although it was fun...) and When I finished I went upstairs to put the apple shavings into the kitchen. I glanced to my right, and saw a cheese grater.
Thats when it occurred to me, his life's purpose is spent grating cheese into strips... Not only would that be boring, but for it to slice another inanimate object, it would be like people slicing people. Imagine living with the knowledge that your life's purpose is to cause others pain.
And yet, despite having been dealt such a horrible life to experience, he was smiling at me.
If the cheese grater can smile at me, then I can smile back, and surely can deal with my life too.
What happens if you suddenly discover the meaning to life, after hundreds - no, THOUSANDS - of years that man has searched, you figure out the meaning to all life, the reason we are alive and what we are meant to do with our lives....
What if you figure it out... and you don't like it?
I mean, what a soul destroying piece of information that would be, and then you get to the dilemma of wether or not you tell anyone. Do you destroy everyone else's souls too, cause millions of suicides and a new severity of depression just so that you can enlighten the world and answer the most searched for question?
Or do you keep it to yourself, try to shrug it off?
Or, do you try to change it and say to yourself "Life is what you make it!"
The reason that I was thinking this, is because I was carving a face into an apple to make it look like it's vomiting (photography for school, not just for fun... although it was fun...) and When I finished I went upstairs to put the apple shavings into the kitchen. I glanced to my right, and saw a cheese grater.
Thats when it occurred to me, his life's purpose is spent grating cheese into strips... Not only would that be boring, but for it to slice another inanimate object, it would be like people slicing people. Imagine living with the knowledge that your life's purpose is to cause others pain.
And yet, despite having been dealt such a horrible life to experience, he was smiling at me.
If the cheese grater can smile at me, then I can smile back, and surely can deal with my life too.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Think before you talk, describes my day well.
Today, Tib and I woke up ridiculously early in my standards (Like, 6:45am!), and then got to school at 7:40am!
Which is once again, ridiculously early in my standards. The day started off good, after suffering a pretty rocky night last night. It was cold, but okay.
It was a little weird and I wasn't exactly enjoying my morning..
It got to about midday and my day burst into tears and concluded that this was it, all the rest of its daily life would be just as miserable as my day felt today.
My day then dragged Tibs day down with it, and it took a few happiness notches out of various friends days. Luckily, my best friends didn't come into close contact with my days infectious sadness disease...
My day and Tibs day spoke to each other when school finished briefly and they helped each other feel a little bit better.. My day is struggling to keep in a good mood now, seeing as other peoples days insist on pointing things out that my day REALLY just doesn't want to talk about.
Don't you hate it when theres something you know you have to do, but it just never happens? Because your busy, other things are of higher priority, you haven't had enough time to think about it or other reasons. And then people keep bringing it up? Other and over. Why haven't you done this? When are you going to do it, because some time this year would be good.
Well. I know this posts been pretty complainer-like. And thats all I want to do right now, complain, sleep and eat. I'm sick to death of dealing with all lifes stupid problems that get rammed up your nose every 5 minutes.
There is so many things that I DONT know the answer to, and they are all just doing my head in.
When people spoke to me today, I was blunt and rude -
Which is once again, ridiculously early in my standards. The day started off good, after suffering a pretty rocky night last night. It was cold, but okay.
It was a little weird and I wasn't exactly enjoying my morning..
It got to about midday and my day burst into tears and concluded that this was it, all the rest of its daily life would be just as miserable as my day felt today.
My day then dragged Tibs day down with it, and it took a few happiness notches out of various friends days. Luckily, my best friends didn't come into close contact with my days infectious sadness disease...
My day and Tibs day spoke to each other when school finished briefly and they helped each other feel a little bit better.. My day is struggling to keep in a good mood now, seeing as other peoples days insist on pointing things out that my day REALLY just doesn't want to talk about.
Don't you hate it when theres something you know you have to do, but it just never happens? Because your busy, other things are of higher priority, you haven't had enough time to think about it or other reasons. And then people keep bringing it up? Other and over. Why haven't you done this? When are you going to do it, because some time this year would be good.
Well. I know this posts been pretty complainer-like. And thats all I want to do right now, complain, sleep and eat. I'm sick to death of dealing with all lifes stupid problems that get rammed up your nose every 5 minutes.
There is so many things that I DONT know the answer to, and they are all just doing my head in.
When people spoke to me today, I was blunt and rude -
Friday, June 4, 2010
My day
Well, the business studies trip wasn't as bad as I'd thought, which is wonderful. I got a free mini bar of whitakers chocolate- YUMMMMMMMMM.. I ate it while I was learning about finances. They had who's whole seminar dedicated to finance, this guest speaker from asb and a beastly power point and stuff. It was all just crap I'd already learnt in class -.-
What a waste of time! But atleast there was chocolate to make it a smidge better
But onto my day tooday, I woke up after a particularly weird dream and realised I was still dead tired, so I slept in another 10 minutes. I only ended up getting up because I knew mum was coming to get me for work soon :(
Dad made my day a little bit better by making me eggs on toast for breakfast! YEAH!
It was pretty good, but the break/toast it was on was so small lol. It was like a half piece of toast.. only it was a square not a rectangle. Either way. It was nice.
Uhh I then got taken to work, It was very cold as SOON as I walked in, and mum made me light the fire.
I then got stuck straight into my vacuuming. It just didn't seem to end, its... its such a big place... filled with carpet... and theres corn everywhere (thanks to the area manager). It got about half way through and the vacuum cleaner was getting full so I opened it to change the bag - turns out the last person to put a bag in didn't do it right and it popped off. So all the carpet fur, staples and pieces of corn were in a lovely soup of a mess inside the vacuum cleaner...
After that was sorted out, I continued my vacuuming. I finished at 11:35. So that was a 2 hours of solid vacuuming! I was so tired! and my nose was running, and my headache was starting to wake up... My colds such a dick.
Yeah, well. I then proceeded to clean the entire place with spray and wipe. Then I put away carpet samples. Then I went through files and I sorted the 2009 from the 2010. Then I wrote out reminder letters to everyone who's had a carpet quote in 2010... thats alot of people..... Written from A -B
G2g!!!! Dads dinner people are here!
What a waste of time! But atleast there was chocolate to make it a smidge better
But onto my day tooday, I woke up after a particularly weird dream and realised I was still dead tired, so I slept in another 10 minutes. I only ended up getting up because I knew mum was coming to get me for work soon :(
Dad made my day a little bit better by making me eggs on toast for breakfast! YEAH!
It was pretty good, but the break/toast it was on was so small lol. It was like a half piece of toast.. only it was a square not a rectangle. Either way. It was nice.
Uhh I then got taken to work, It was very cold as SOON as I walked in, and mum made me light the fire.
I then got stuck straight into my vacuuming. It just didn't seem to end, its... its such a big place... filled with carpet... and theres corn everywhere (thanks to the area manager). It got about half way through and the vacuum cleaner was getting full so I opened it to change the bag - turns out the last person to put a bag in didn't do it right and it popped off. So all the carpet fur, staples and pieces of corn were in a lovely soup of a mess inside the vacuum cleaner...
After that was sorted out, I continued my vacuuming. I finished at 11:35. So that was a 2 hours of solid vacuuming! I was so tired! and my nose was running, and my headache was starting to wake up... My colds such a dick.
Yeah, well. I then proceeded to clean the entire place with spray and wipe. Then I put away carpet samples. Then I went through files and I sorted the 2009 from the 2010. Then I wrote out reminder letters to everyone who's had a carpet quote in 2010... thats alot of people..... Written from A -B
G2g!!!! Dads dinner people are here!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Crappy immune system says hello.
Im sick. My cold which began Sunday morning has decided to over stay its welcome and is now still abusing my doormat of an immune system today on Thursday night.
I have a WONDERFUL business studies school trip which I am blessing myself with tomorrow during school! I get back from it at 5th period so that I can also learn in my most FAVOURITE subjects english and geography! I will then skip and dance all the way home after school and sit down for some thoroughly enjoyed art homework - which will then consume my entire three day weekend....
After going through that heavenly experience, I will realise my soul has been sucked out of existence and DIE.
I got home today and spent 20 minutes on facebook (I was also eating toast, which because of Murphy's law, I dropped - peanut butter side down - onto my school skirt. Yay). Then from 4:30 onwards, I went to bed and slept. I only got up 20 minutes ago, so that was a nice 4 hours and 40 minutes sleep. Muchly needed.
I woke up for 5 minutes at 6 and was like "yay! I have another hour before i have to get up for school".
Then I checked my phone and had a txt from dad saying "I'll be home in 15 minutes"
Then I thought "why did dad go out last night? He must have been at Jodees"
Then I thought "what did I have for dinner then.."
Then I thought "did I even have dinner?"
Then I realised it was 6PM. I hadn't had dinner yet, dad had been at work and I didn't have to get up for school in an hour. I did however, have to get up and have dinner in an hour. I didn't finish my dinner because I felt sick so I just went back to bed.
Oh well.. Life must go on right?
I smell and taste like milo.. thats one of the reasons I got up.
Oh and it turns out I dribbled all over my pillow then rolled in it and it was cold, I think that was why I woke up at 6.
Im going back to bed okay?
Yeah, bye
I have a WONDERFUL business studies school trip which I am blessing myself with tomorrow during school! I get back from it at 5th period so that I can also learn in my most FAVOURITE subjects english and geography! I will then skip and dance all the way home after school and sit down for some thoroughly enjoyed art homework - which will then consume my entire three day weekend....
After going through that heavenly experience, I will realise my soul has been sucked out of existence and DIE.
I got home today and spent 20 minutes on facebook (I was also eating toast, which because of Murphy's law, I dropped - peanut butter side down - onto my school skirt. Yay). Then from 4:30 onwards, I went to bed and slept. I only got up 20 minutes ago, so that was a nice 4 hours and 40 minutes sleep. Muchly needed.
I woke up for 5 minutes at 6 and was like "yay! I have another hour before i have to get up for school".
Then I checked my phone and had a txt from dad saying "I'll be home in 15 minutes"
Then I thought "why did dad go out last night? He must have been at Jodees"
Then I thought "what did I have for dinner then.."
Then I thought "did I even have dinner?"
Then I realised it was 6PM. I hadn't had dinner yet, dad had been at work and I didn't have to get up for school in an hour. I did however, have to get up and have dinner in an hour. I didn't finish my dinner because I felt sick so I just went back to bed.
Oh well.. Life must go on right?
I smell and taste like milo.. thats one of the reasons I got up.
Oh and it turns out I dribbled all over my pillow then rolled in it and it was cold, I think that was why I woke up at 6.
Im going back to bed okay?
Yeah, bye
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
This is NOT a reference to my dentist personally - he's actually really really nice.
But omfg, not only is getting dentist work done scary and painful, it lasts!
I mean, I can't deny that I find it funny when my face is numb like it was today (very very numb indeed. I had two injections - one in the very back of my mouth. It made my like lower lip and jaw and chin go numb! but yeah. The injection itself hurt).
I laughed to a man standing next to me at the reception because i kept touching my face and he was smiling at me.
But yeah, I couldn't eat my spaghetti Bolognese dinner that dad had made me. Soft food, you know? so it wouldn't hurt.
I couldn't eat it cause my mouth was so numb that i couldn't even tell if there was food in my mouth, let alone if i was chewing it or my tongue.
So me, thinking that I was smart, just said "Oh, I'll wait until my numbness wears off and I'll eat dinner then!"
Boy am I stupid. Yeah. The numbness wore off. It wasn't a pleasant wearing off feeling, and my jaw slowly became more painful. I now can't open my mouth more that 2cm without it hurting, and it hurt to swallow and chew!
So there goes my brilliant "I'll eat it later" plan, aye?
No. I was hungry. I ended up just squashing my dinner so it was like a pikelet and eating flattened versions of it so that i didn't have to open up my mouth very far. Im not as hungry anymore...
But I got a headache along with my sore mouth.
So I took some panadol stuff that says on the back that it will help with any kind of dental pain.. it kinda is starting to take effect now, but my headache has remained just as stubbornly as a red wine stain on carpet. Also, my ears have blocked.
On the upside, my dentist was amazed that I can txt without looking. He was injecting me while I txted... I was txting Tib, but his phone broke like, 20 minutes before i went to the dentist. So I was kinda just sending a txt to stop myself going hulk and throwing the dentist across the room so I could run through a wall and be away from the needles.
I frequently go hulk, just for the sake of it.
What is "sake" ?
for the sake of it.. oh my goodness sake is such a weird word... sake sake sake sake sake sake...
Wow. I think i just ruined that phrase for me.
"sake 1 |sāk|
1 ( for the sake of something or for something's sake) for the purpose of; in the interest of; in order to achieve or preserve : "
Well fair enough...
But omfg, not only is getting dentist work done scary and painful, it lasts!
I mean, I can't deny that I find it funny when my face is numb like it was today (very very numb indeed. I had two injections - one in the very back of my mouth. It made my like lower lip and jaw and chin go numb! but yeah. The injection itself hurt).
I laughed to a man standing next to me at the reception because i kept touching my face and he was smiling at me.
But yeah, I couldn't eat my spaghetti Bolognese dinner that dad had made me. Soft food, you know? so it wouldn't hurt.
I couldn't eat it cause my mouth was so numb that i couldn't even tell if there was food in my mouth, let alone if i was chewing it or my tongue.
So me, thinking that I was smart, just said "Oh, I'll wait until my numbness wears off and I'll eat dinner then!"
Boy am I stupid. Yeah. The numbness wore off. It wasn't a pleasant wearing off feeling, and my jaw slowly became more painful. I now can't open my mouth more that 2cm without it hurting, and it hurt to swallow and chew!
So there goes my brilliant "I'll eat it later" plan, aye?
No. I was hungry. I ended up just squashing my dinner so it was like a pikelet and eating flattened versions of it so that i didn't have to open up my mouth very far. Im not as hungry anymore...
But I got a headache along with my sore mouth.
So I took some panadol stuff that says on the back that it will help with any kind of dental pain.. it kinda is starting to take effect now, but my headache has remained just as stubbornly as a red wine stain on carpet. Also, my ears have blocked.
On the upside, my dentist was amazed that I can txt without looking. He was injecting me while I txted... I was txting Tib, but his phone broke like, 20 minutes before i went to the dentist. So I was kinda just sending a txt to stop myself going hulk and throwing the dentist across the room so I could run through a wall and be away from the needles.
I frequently go hulk, just for the sake of it.
What is "sake" ?
for the sake of it.. oh my goodness sake is such a weird word... sake sake sake sake sake sake...
Wow. I think i just ruined that phrase for me.
"sake 1 |sāk|
1 ( for the sake of something or for something's sake) for the purpose of; in the interest of; in order to achieve or preserve : "
Well fair enough...
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