Sunday, August 8, 2010

4 year old pet rabbit.

When I was younger my sister and I had a pet rabbit and guinea pig. Mine was the guinea pig - called porky, and hers was the rabbit - called comet. Ironically, Porky was orange.
We loved them dearly and played with them many times (in our barbie horse floats, those poor poor animals). But as we started growing up and finding other things to take up our precious time (like more barbies and polly dolls), Porky and Comet weren't played with as much as they were when they first entered our lives...

I realise that this is whats been happening with my blog. I love to type posts, its a great way to vent and fell better! But stress, school work, and forgetfulness has made me type less and less over the past month or two...
So I regret to inform you, I will no longer be writing on my blog.

hahahaha kidding. I'll try my best to typity type just as much as I used to - if not more. I've had a bunch of things to think about - it's stupid, really, that a group of thoughts is considered a 'bunch' when so are flowers, even though they are nothing alike whatsoever! And trust me, I'd much prefer a bunch of flowers to these mind numbing and brain frying contemplations.

I have still not grown any closer to figuring out what I'm going to do when I leave school... Its looking more and more like a gap year, which I know would not be good. I have very little motivation for a gap year, and the extra thinking time could be my undoing. I vaguely considered Media Design school - but no. There was practically no interest in studying the arts at Auckland. ALthough special effects make up would be wonderful - theres hardly much of an industry in piddly little NZ... Then I got shot down at the thought of hair dressing... 'How stupid', people thought, 'what a disapointment', people said. I wold enjoy being a hair dresser, but it would prove for a hard life that wouldn't get me anywhere but covered in hair all the time.
Over the past .. I don't know... Week? I've considered studying psychology. Tib wants to also - but don't think thats the only reason I'd want to! It would be very interesting to figure out the ways in which people work, and, I mean... I've certainly had my fair share of traumatic experiences. It could be interesting.... But I don't know. I'll book a careers meeting.

My mouth tastes like tea - you know, that weird aftertaste. Hmm. Hahahahahahhahaha today when I poured the water into my tea, I stirred it. And what should float up to the surface? A dead ant! Wether it was dead before the boiling water in or not, I will never know, but it wasn't very lively looking!

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