Monday, July 12, 2010

Bedroom impressions

I've always tried to present myself through my bedroom. I mean, its the only place I can safely say "thats my room!", as in, it's MINE. Even your parents say "go to 'your' room!", but they don't often say "this is your house", "Can you do your dishes.... in your sink".
You know?

I've always wanted my room to be colour colour colour! Flowers and photos, paintings covering the walls, pillows all over my bed, vics pots all over the shelves with the Goku figurine and the car headlight called Buddy.
I take pride in my bedroom(s) knowing that when someone walks inside, they can look around and be like "Yup. This ones definitely hers" or "Yup... This girls definitely... Well. Different".

I typed out a whole bunch of things on here and then deleted it. It would be nice to think that I can just ramble away anything that pops into my head in this wonderland of nonsense that is my blog... But unfortunately, even heavens like this have their limits. However, I do type out practically every thought that deserves mentioning.. I mean, come on. Seriously, with some of the things I write about its impressive I can manage a paragraph about it, let alone a whole post.
But I have to consider some of my readers feelings when I'm typity typing out my train... It tends to be the more indepth tracks like divorce and things that I try to avoid. That and bitching about parental arguments lol, I know theres several family members who've gained a bone or two to pick from reading my blog posts.

My cold has left me to sit and 'recover'. You know, all that lying in bed drinking tea and relaxing crap that doctors and mothers feed you to cure colds, its not that great. You sit there, and all there is to do is think and sleep...
And theres only so much sleep you can do in a day!
Im sick of being sick, and its doing my head in - not only because of this STUPID wanker of a headache.
I was trying to alleviate some of those thoughts in my blog... But for once, it doesn't seems to have helped me that much.
Much to my disappointment.

So I will sit here and wipe my nose every 5 minutes, stewing over my thoughts... Unless! I could read a book!
It has a large chance of worsening my already irrationally furious headache but WHO CARES!
Thoughts? or thoughtless with a throbbing teeth grindingly verging-on-a-migraine headache?

Obvious choice, I think so!
Here I come Harry Potter!!!

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