Alright, so I went on a relatively boring geography trip today - yay!
I collected information on three different sections of Omaha beach and recorded what the sand grains looked like, how many waves went past in a minute, what plants grew on sand dunes and many other things which will be incredibly useful in my later life with bringing up a family and getting married.
During this wondrous and adventure filled trip I managed to get my chest and nose rather painfully sunburnt - much to my delight!
I'm what a chef would call "well done". Even on my standards of sunburn.
I myself am usually rare, whereas I would say my mother and sister are medium and my dad is medium rare.
Either way, Geo trip was boring and I'm burnt.
I got back to school at approximately 2:45pm and went from there to Browns bay with my business studies group. That was amusing.... I think.
I then went from Browns Bay to CARPET COURT! YEAH! and waited around with my mother dearest until we went and bought two more sucky fish (to represent Petal and Cherub. Carrot and Feta sucky fish are already living in out tank).
I then went home and did MORE business homework!
Now I'm sitting here wondering how many days (or weeks) it will take my sunburn to peel itself off me and leave me just as white as I was originally (but with a bit more skin damage than before, as per usual).
Tobit and I have got quite a weekend ahead of us; I want to get out a bunch of dvds because he hasn't seen ANY of the terminator movies, or even seen ET.. But most astonishingly of all, he hasn't seen Footrot flats!
This is a need for some serious movie watching.
Next weekend however, Im going to offer a day of mine to MUFFIN! If she should choose to accept we will do mental and spaz things as we usually so and these things may even we the cause of another blog post in the near distant future.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
I am still way ahead in my photography lol.
Business studies is DOING MY HEAD IN lol there is SO MUCH TO DO but I have recently been promoted to both being communications director and now co-managing director. Impressive huh.
Tobit banned me from doing everyones homework though, because I've been doing like... alot... in business... and Im pretty stressed out anyway. Oh well. I have an essay in english and a research film/book/short story/poem to read and analyse, 4 paintings to complete and 2 exams to study for in the other departments of homework... which I've been putting off so that I can do my business homework. Even though I'm never planning to stem a career from the learnings I will gain in my business studies class.
Anyway. Whilst sitting here discussing mashed potato fights and evil/good clone-like twins with various wonderous indeviduals, I managed to take a brilliantific photograph of the magnificent beast who was in my fruit bowl, even though he is CLEARLY a dignified and sophisticated vegetable.
Orange Jar
Business studies is DOING MY HEAD IN lol there is SO MUCH TO DO but I have recently been promoted to both being communications director and now co-managing director. Impressive huh.
Tobit banned me from doing everyones homework though, because I've been doing like... alot... in business... and Im pretty stressed out anyway. Oh well. I have an essay in english and a research film/book/short story/poem to read and analyse, 4 paintings to complete and 2 exams to study for in the other departments of homework... which I've been putting off so that I can do my business homework. Even though I'm never planning to stem a career from the learnings I will gain in my business studies class.
Anyway. Whilst sitting here discussing mashed potato fights and evil/good clone-like twins with various wonderous indeviduals, I managed to take a brilliantific photograph of the magnificent beast who was in my fruit bowl, even though he is CLEARLY a dignified and sophisticated vegetable.
Orange Jar
Friday, April 23, 2010
lol so, talking about my family. I dont even know what to say about it.
I just thought i needed to mention it.
Because its just. Yeah.
My cat got hit by a car this morning.
I dont know what to say about that.
I'll type this out.. more later.
I just thought i needed to mention it.
Because its just. Yeah.
My cat got hit by a car this morning.
I dont know what to say about that.
I'll type this out.. more later.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Phabulous photography!
I am PLEASED BEYOND MEASURE to announce that I have FINISHED my entire weeks worth of photography... This includes both the in class time and the homework time. Thats like, like... ALOT of hours of photography which I have now done!
And the wonderful amazing fantastic thing about it is that its only MMMMMMMMMONDAY!!!!!!!!!!!
Im very excited. That gives me another FREE CLASS!! inwhich I can depress myself about my lack of painting ideas. Hmm. Thats kind of putting a damper on my mood, but WHO CARES! I FINISHED THE WEEKS WORK!
Im pretty exhausted, like, I kinda don't have any brain cells left. And my face has been blank for hours, staring at a screen (this screen, infact) which has probably given me serious life threatening eye disease or something, which will like, spread all around the world mutilating eyes left right and centre... but you know what?
you know WHAT?!
IT . IS . WORTH . IT !!
Ahahah. haha.. hah.... wwwooooow... Okay. I should probably like, go to bed.
You know, grow some new brain cells.
I should do this more often...
Heres some of those photos, btw;

And the wonderful amazing fantastic thing about it is that its only MMMMMMMMMONDAY!!!!!!!!!!!
Im very excited. That gives me another FREE CLASS!! inwhich I can depress myself about my lack of painting ideas. Hmm. Thats kind of putting a damper on my mood, but WHO CARES! I FINISHED THE WEEKS WORK!
Im pretty exhausted, like, I kinda don't have any brain cells left. And my face has been blank for hours, staring at a screen (this screen, infact) which has probably given me serious life threatening eye disease or something, which will like, spread all around the world mutilating eyes left right and centre... but you know what?
you know WHAT?!
IT . IS . WORTH . IT !!
Ahahah. haha.. hah.... wwwooooow... Okay. I should probably like, go to bed.
You know, grow some new brain cells.
I should do this more often...
Heres some of those photos, btw;

Saturday, April 17, 2010
Empty Ga
You know when you have a jar full of lollies, or nutella or gherkins even.. and you love them to bits, it tastes SO GOOD! You just wanna eat them all!!
So you eat them, and eat them, and eat them till theyre all gone. And thats it, theyre gone. You ate them all, and you miss it alot now that its gone and you want MORE.. but you know there isn't any left.
Then its just an empty jar.
Perhaps even an Orange Jar.
Pretty drained from lack of sleep. I go to sleep late, thinking "hey, its the holidays! I can just sleep in tomorrow to make up for it!!"
then every day, it seems, I wake up early in the morning from nightmares or a noise or even just because its hot.
So Im sitting here, face blank. Eyes blank.
... first day of school tomorrow.
On a lighter brighter and BRILLIANTER note!
Its tobits and I's 4month anniversary tomorrrroooowwww
So you eat them, and eat them, and eat them till theyre all gone. And thats it, theyre gone. You ate them all, and you miss it alot now that its gone and you want MORE.. but you know there isn't any left.
Then its just an empty jar.
Perhaps even an Orange Jar.
Pretty drained from lack of sleep. I go to sleep late, thinking "hey, its the holidays! I can just sleep in tomorrow to make up for it!!"
then every day, it seems, I wake up early in the morning from nightmares or a noise or even just because its hot.
So Im sitting here, face blank. Eyes blank.
... first day of school tomorrow.
On a lighter brighter and BRILLIANTER note!
Its tobits and I's 4month anniversary tomorrrroooowwww
Friday, April 9, 2010
Recovery by Monday? Doubtful.
I'd say that if my 'being', as in 'human being', were to be divided up into a percentage depending on how tired I was I would be approximately 75% NON HUMAN.
But even if my being were clinging onto the last 0.000001 percentage of its beingness, I would still tell it to SUCK IT UP because its got allot of things to do by the end of next week! Such as going to my aunties house with Muffin for three (possibly four) days.
That will require a rather large quantity of beingness.
I cant say being now in my head without it sounding weird.
But, Mmm... Muffin and I have a few wondrous and awe inspiring tasks to complete. For example, seeing as my aunty is a cat breeder... and she feeds those cats baby chicks. . . Muffins and I will be accompanying my aunty-dearest to collect those hundreds of dead baby chickaroos and TAG 'EM AND BAG 'EM. Im pretty sure muffin must hate doing that stuff, but she keeps coming down with me to the wilderness of New Zealand farm land, so she mustn't hate it too much.
I reckon it does a person good to get out of a busy, WHAT THE FXCK?! IM DRIVING HERE!!! kinda environment and into one with cows and grass and mud.
Everyone needs to get away sometimes. I mean, its the holidays for me! YAY! But school wasn't the only thing I wanted to get away from. This little trip to Morrinsville will hopefully restore my being to around about 85%. Thats a big jump.
But then everything will be back to how it always it - difficult.
But, on the lighter side! I flooded the laundry today!!
yeah, apparently I put like waay too much washing li quid in the machine... and the bubbles couldn't be contained. So they spread across the floor and like, smothered the towels in the washing machine. I had to spend 20 minutes rinsing the towels out with the hose outside because the bubbles were so jam packed in them.
This is a pretty airy fairy post considering how my family is at the moment. They SEEM well, but actually arent. Last night was good though, I had a whooole bunch of my girlfriends stay the night (a grand total of six lol). We ate lollies and watched movies.. played table tennis... And my dad made us spaghetti Bolognese! And he got us bickies and things to eat. It was pretty cool :) then he made us a cooked breakfast and we lounged around for the whole day watching movies.
Tonight, Tobit ( my BF is coming over to my mums place and I have to wash mums car as payment for her letting us lol. Should be GREAT. No, really. It will be wonderful. He always is.
But even if my being were clinging onto the last 0.000001 percentage of its beingness, I would still tell it to SUCK IT UP because its got allot of things to do by the end of next week! Such as going to my aunties house with Muffin for three (possibly four) days.
That will require a rather large quantity of beingness.
I cant say being now in my head without it sounding weird.
But, Mmm... Muffin and I have a few wondrous and awe inspiring tasks to complete. For example, seeing as my aunty is a cat breeder... and she feeds those cats baby chicks. . . Muffins and I will be accompanying my aunty-dearest to collect those hundreds of dead baby chickaroos and TAG 'EM AND BAG 'EM. Im pretty sure muffin must hate doing that stuff, but she keeps coming down with me to the wilderness of New Zealand farm land, so she mustn't hate it too much.
I reckon it does a person good to get out of a busy, WHAT THE FXCK?! IM DRIVING HERE!!! kinda environment and into one with cows and grass and mud.
Everyone needs to get away sometimes. I mean, its the holidays for me! YAY! But school wasn't the only thing I wanted to get away from. This little trip to Morrinsville will hopefully restore my being to around about 85%. Thats a big jump.
But then everything will be back to how it always it - difficult.
But, on the lighter side! I flooded the laundry today!!
yeah, apparently I put like waay too much washing li quid in the machine... and the bubbles couldn't be contained. So they spread across the floor and like, smothered the towels in the washing machine. I had to spend 20 minutes rinsing the towels out with the hose outside because the bubbles were so jam packed in them.
This is a pretty airy fairy post considering how my family is at the moment. They SEEM well, but actually arent. Last night was good though, I had a whooole bunch of my girlfriends stay the night (a grand total of six lol). We ate lollies and watched movies.. played table tennis... And my dad made us spaghetti Bolognese! And he got us bickies and things to eat. It was pretty cool :) then he made us a cooked breakfast and we lounged around for the whole day watching movies.
Tonight, Tobit ( my BF is coming over to my mums place and I have to wash mums car as payment for her letting us lol. Should be GREAT. No, really. It will be wonderful. He always is.
Washing machines
Monday, April 5, 2010
Knowledge vs end of the world
I was doing the dishes today while having incredibly in-depth and important inner conversations - as per usual - and I came to the conclusion that if people discovered absolutely everything there is to know about anything, the world would end.
I mean think about it! (I did, you may as well follow my lead).
Thats all people do isn't it? They discover things, and learn and learn and learn. Every day there are scientists out there discovering new cures for horrific diseases, finding new animals - learning about those animals, killing those animals - then learning why they died, making new technologies, operating on everyone to find out about people, making their new technology NEW AND IMPROVED!!!
Its like that saying "You learn something new everyday".
What happens when there isn't anything left to learn?
I mean, we will eventually figure out how to make people immortal so we don't die, then if every single one of us is learning something new everyday.... sooner or later, we're going to run out or facts and figures.
That will be it wont it? Eventually, people will turn on each other. The hip thing to do will be to attack your neighbors and study their brains by dissecting them to figure out all their memories from the brain tissues... Trying to see if that person knows more than you, see if they're hiding a secret piece of knowledge from the world.
I mean think about it! (I did, you may as well follow my lead).
Thats all people do isn't it? They discover things, and learn and learn and learn. Every day there are scientists out there discovering new cures for horrific diseases, finding new animals - learning about those animals, killing those animals - then learning why they died, making new technologies, operating on everyone to find out about people, making their new technology NEW AND IMPROVED!!!
Its like that saying "You learn something new everyday".
What happens when there isn't anything left to learn?
I mean, we will eventually figure out how to make people immortal so we don't die, then if every single one of us is learning something new everyday.... sooner or later, we're going to run out or facts and figures.
That will be it wont it? Eventually, people will turn on each other. The hip thing to do will be to attack your neighbors and study their brains by dissecting them to figure out all their memories from the brain tissues... Trying to see if that person knows more than you, see if they're hiding a secret piece of knowledge from the world.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
You know, when something looks like it may be damaging to a person or an object, I often say that the situation is "potentially dangerous".
This is so that people who like to inform me "Nothings happened SO far, so nothing WILL happen!" will be warned that when everything goes pear shaped, I can sliently rub it in their face that the shit has hit the fan. It means that I can say to myself - put the mega phone down Orangejar, you pre warned them and they ignored you, their choice.
But as I have recently noticed, "Potentially dangerous" is similar to "parentally dangerous".
But I cannot rub the shit covered fan in my parents faces when the situation resembles beige fruits. Oh no, I can't do that because I am the child and they are the parent.
Im not here to complain about parents making me do dishes, or put out the washing... Im here to complain about parents who complain about each other. When it comes to divorcee's they always see themselves as the better parent. Not nessesarily that the other parent is a 'bad parent', but that THEIR morals and THEIR rules for the kiddies are better than the... the... the "Other" parent. Its annoying, to say the least. I mean. Yeah k, sometimes when people inconvenience you I understand a complaint - like one parent forgetting to pick a kid up, so the others gotta do it. But its the complaining just for the sake of complaining that bugs me. The little bitchy comments that are really totally un-nessesary to say.
This is so that people who like to inform me "Nothings happened SO far, so nothing WILL happen!" will be warned that when everything goes pear shaped, I can sliently rub it in their face that the shit has hit the fan. It means that I can say to myself - put the mega phone down Orangejar, you pre warned them and they ignored you, their choice.
But as I have recently noticed, "Potentially dangerous" is similar to "parentally dangerous".
But I cannot rub the shit covered fan in my parents faces when the situation resembles beige fruits. Oh no, I can't do that because I am the child and they are the parent.
Im not here to complain about parents making me do dishes, or put out the washing... Im here to complain about parents who complain about each other. When it comes to divorcee's they always see themselves as the better parent. Not nessesarily that the other parent is a 'bad parent', but that THEIR morals and THEIR rules for the kiddies are better than the... the... the "Other" parent. Its annoying, to say the least. I mean. Yeah k, sometimes when people inconvenience you I understand a complaint - like one parent forgetting to pick a kid up, so the others gotta do it. But its the complaining just for the sake of complaining that bugs me. The little bitchy comments that are really totally un-nessesary to say.
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