And the wonderful amazing fantastic thing about it is that its only MMMMMMMMMONDAY!!!!!!!!!!!
Im very excited. That gives me another FREE CLASS!! inwhich I can depress myself about my lack of painting ideas. Hmm. Thats kind of putting a damper on my mood, but WHO CARES! I FINISHED THE WEEKS WORK!
Im pretty exhausted, like, I kinda don't have any brain cells left. And my face has been blank for hours, staring at a screen (this screen, infact) which has probably given me serious life threatening eye disease or something, which will like, spread all around the world mutilating eyes left right and centre... but you know what?
you know WHAT?!
IT . IS . WORTH . IT !!
Ahahah. haha.. hah.... wwwooooow... Okay. I should probably like, go to bed.
You know, grow some new brain cells.
I should do this more often...
Heres some of those photos, btw;

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