Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Sitting here, at home. Have been since like 2.
Cause, I feel sick, and gross, and yuck and and and.. Well. Yeah. Sick.
I have that 'stomach-melting-itself-in-it's-own-stomach-acids' feeling, and my head feels kinda like it doesn't exist. My body just stops at the top of my neck and thats it. Nothing. Just clouds and floating eyes.

But see, the thing is that I have allot of homework to be doing, yet I'm sitting here type-type-typing away because I don't FEEL like sending my business studies chick an email containing my minutes. And I don't FEEL like writing about an unreleased photography book, nor do I FEEL like writing a proposal for my next photography assignment.
I don't FEEL like reading over my geography notes on waves for our test tomorrow. I don't FEEL like doing my conceptual drawings

So here I am, sitting here, at home. Have been since like 2, ignoring all the homework that I DON'T want to do.
I guess, theres no choice in the matter about me emailing the business chick my minutes... I have to do that one... fml...
Oh well.

Yeah. I'm actually at my dads house, surprisingly. It's mums week, but I asked her to drop me off here instead of taking me out all the way into the middle of nowhere (which is where I live every second week), because I think there may be a possibility that I'm coming here for dinner tonight. But then again, maybe not. You never know these days!
Lol its like today at school in business, my group all had to swap details. And its like
Name: Orangejar
Home Phone: Depends where I live?
Celphone: 029 3247873
Email Adress:

I ended up having to write two home phone numbers instead of one. People are always like "Oh I feel sorry for you, it must be terrible". Im like "Yeah, so is your face but I don't see you complaining"
No I'm totally kidding, I don't mind people saying they feel bad or w/e's. I mean people who live in "happy families" can't really imagine what it's like very well - but then again, I live in a happy family myself (usually). Its just bigger than other families. Like, my dads engaged and his fionce has three kids. And mums married and her husband has two kids - ones married, with a kid of her own! So thats another two people. So NOW my immediate family is at a grand total of...
of... uhh...
4 + 4 + 3 + 2 = 13!! Including myself.
Then again, a baby is pretty small so I'll count her as half a point.
So thats 12 and a half.
I'll wait till she reaches a year or two then I'll upgrade her to her full human status.

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