Saturday, April 28, 2012

Nightmares - nuclear

I have written about my nightmares before - and as of late, I have been considering making part of this blog be devoted to just that. The crazy adventures of my sub-conscious.

A recent one, starred my best friend. Some know her as 'Ba'
She and I were shopping and we saw a whole van of TV presenters pull up in the car park outside.
Whats this? A chance at fame? A chance to show off our stunning beauty?
We we're game. We hung around, watching the goings-on...
The announcer was saying "and the nuclear explosion grounds for this TV show will be set in none other than our very own STILL WATER! Yes, thats right folks! That tiny piddly little suburban area that nobody ever seems to go to will be NUKED!"
As the crowd cheered, Ba and I stared at each other in horror - Tib lives in still water. Did the announcers bother to tell the inhabitants of piddlyville that they and they're beloved homes were to be burnt to dust?
We had to warn them!

So we ran to the nearest speedy looking car (a red convertible, naturally), leaped over the doors (the roof was open, naturally), turned it on (the keys were inside, naturally) and sped off towards our destination (the tank was full, naturally.
At some point, the road we were driving on had turned into a river, and we were on East Coast Road. We were drag racing a car full of drunken teenage idiots - for lols.
Suddenly, our friendly river dwelling killer whale bursts through the surface and plays smash-the-convertible-boat-into-the-riverbank, his favourite game, naturally. We played along for a little while, but he wasn't giving up, he wanted a full on game with all the rules. We didn't have time for this, radiation was about to be set loose!

I sacrificed myself, "Ba, just go. GO! Run and tell them, warn them of the impending danger! I'll deal with Mr Monochrome here, and you warn them!"
She threw herself out of the car, ran across the river and onto the riverbank (somehow), and all the drunken teens went with her. She ran towards the houses that seemed impossibly far away, she was never going to make it. WHAM. Killer whales weigh a similar amount and as a huge truck. My stolen borrowed sports car wasn't going to survive this ordeal. In case you haven't heard, they may be pretty cars but aren't the best when it comes to durability. Perhaps I should have taken a tank from the car park - I'm sure they were there, it was my dream, after all.

I watched her running towards the danger zone, as that horrible siren sounded.
You know what, Tibs alarm clock is that siren.
I open my eyes, and its time to get up. FXCK OFF.

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