Saturday, April 28, 2012

Yamete kudasai!!

Ive recently bought some fabric pant.
Its been pretty cool, I've done Tib a top and myself too - I'm wearing it right now. I have a picture at home (I'm at Tibs right now, on Firefox because for some unknown reason internet explorer crashes everytime I click 'new post), and my camera is at home, regrettably.
Its an orange, cut in half, with a crown above it on the back of a long sleeved (L/S) charcoal top. I think it suits me 'cause I'm a queen ...
Kidding. Its 'cause I'm orange, and were pretty cool despite the fact that people think were lame from our weird hair.

Anyway, during the painting part of my ... painting. I was sitting with my top, with a magazine inside it (to prevent the paint from soaking through onto the front). I didn't, and rarely ever do, think to put down news paper on my white duvet cover to protect it from the numerous spills and splatters that accompany a painter in the 'zone'. Anyway, my white duvet cover is now splotched with red. And wouldn't you know it, it wont wash out. I guess thats what I get for painting with fabric paint, over fabric.
I watched the paint splatter off my brush like it was in slow motion, sailing towards the brilliant white. I thought PLEASE STOP! desperately towards it, but it didn't listen to me. It was determined to RUIN EVERYTHING.

But it doesn't really matter because I've already spilt a lot of paint on it before. In-fact, nearly every time I paint, my duvet gains a new souvenir. Only once this year have I thought to put down some kind of protection.... It was one sheet of new paper. I thought that was a solid effort, considering that all the way out in the wilderness and desolate area of Paremoremo we don't get a news paper. It took friggen ages to find it.

I will make a point to post a picture of my top when I get home am are re-united with my camera.

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