Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Pirates and Ninjas?

Yeah, so on Friday its our last EVER school mufti day of my entire life!
Which sis totally insane to the membrane, obviously, but its a pirates and ninjas theme. Which is still totally awesome, but I don't have many pirate related clothing options in my room and If I were to go as a ninja I would feel pretty dark and gloomy.
I'm thinking that seeing as tomorrow is THURSDAY. I am going to bus home, then I'm going to bus, walk or blackmail my sister into taking me (I have good reason for it, ill explain in a tick) to Browns bay so that I can get a pirates hat and a toy sword or whatever.

My sister OWES me three dollars, because she stole it from my room without ever intending to tell me about it... Only, much to her dismay, I discovered her treachery and THREATENED that she would SUFFER if she didn't pay me back - with interest!
Nah, I'm not pushy enough for that. She keeps making totally lame excuses not to pay me back. That bitch. (kidding, if your reading this Sta).
I'm planning to claim my money back in lifts from her brilliant driving skills. I'm smart aye?
You'd have never guessed I was that smart. WELL I AM!!

So there.
But yeah, Tib suggested I be a fail ninja, and have bright colours instead of black.

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