Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Alright, this post is faaar more than over due - not only because I haven't been writing that much recently, but really its because I haven't had lasagna in AGES. Its really about time that I got that tomatoey, pasta-ey, cheesy, mincy goodness all chewed up and in my stomach. Im making it myself, which is proving to be a little bit of a disaster... I mean, this IS only my second lasagna.

I started off by frying the mince (and carrots. Im using carrots cause Tibs dad uses carrots in HIS lasagna, and it was TO DIE FOR) in the pan on the stove right. Doesn't seem too hard. But I wasn't sure if I needed any oil... So I got some anyway, and that was all fine.... and then I put a little more in, just to be safe.
But it wasnt 'a little' more at all. It was a whole-freaking-lot more! It friggen gushed out of that bottle like it was a waterfall on acid! I mean WTF! Arent oil bottles supposed to have like, those limity kind of tops? so that catastrophes like this don't happen.

Anyway. So my lasagna is all put together and in the oven cooking away happily.
Oh wait. Now it's out of the oven. Dad just put my beautiful masterpiece in the bench...

Now I must go, and eat my slice of heaven, in a fish shaped plate.

I wrote all of this by touch typing- no looking at the screen! SWWEEEEEEEETTT

1 comment:

  1. You know touch typing is when you dont look at the keyboard right? like you look at the screen but not the keyboard
    love you
