Friday, October 2, 2009

Little town called Morrinsville.

OKAY! Im on my bus home from Morrinsville now. 
This has been very fun... Just what I needed to be honest. An escape from Earth to a little town called Morrinsville: where all men seem to be truck drivers and majority of women are snotty little bitches who spend their spare time talking behind their backs. 
Everyone drinks at the pub every night, and has MASSIVE meat filled dinners - with plenty of ice cream for desert. However, there are draw backs to my little slice of heaven... Majority of people smoke all the time, which is DISGUSTING! Being in the car with Debbie while she smokes almost makes me want to tip a bucket of water over her head and wave my hands around franticly screaming "YOUR ON FIRE! YOUR ON FIRE!!!"
Seeing as things which are on fire send off smoke.
-And anyone with half a brain would know that being on fire has GOT to be bad for you.

Now Im not sure if this has something to do with being at Debbie's or not; But my nightmares have become a little bit different - more memorable, more strange somehow. 
For example! Murder has stared in a lot of my nightmares. Lol like I dreamt that I was invisible, and I could fly!! then everyone decided that I wasn't allowed, so they all tried to kill me. Also, I was in a house with all my friends from school right - and also my old friends Lauren and Rachel (who I haven't seen in YEARS) - and then they all started killing each other off! I mean COME ON. Wtf.

Haha, there's a man sitting across the isle from me, and I'm not entirely sure but I think he might be looking at me every so often. You know, kind of wondering what I'm writing - perhaps even imagining that maybe I'm writing a story and casting him as the sexy, oiled up, body building hero that runs around all day having sex and saving women from fires.
He's wearing a leather jacket and has a briefcase - which isn't leather. Perhaps he's a police man who's a little rough around the edges? He's quite tan... Almost orange. Maybe he's really into his appearance; I mean, he does have quite nice looking hair! And his face looks handsome-ish from the side. 
OMG! leather jacket... oiled up... tan.... HES THE TERMINATOR!!!!!
He even has a matching facial expression!!
Hahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaha just noticed! He has a mole behind his right ear! There's nothing intensely funny about having an ear mole, its just that I've spent all this time studying him and I only JUST noticed it! Im going to name it Jordan. Jordan the Mole. I think it works quite well... Classy almost.

The names Mole...

Jordan Mole.

Oooooooh it has a ring to it doesn't it?
Hey... Its kinda weird that I've spent all this time writing about some random guy on a bus. 
Well I guess this makes it official. Im weird and I like it ... I think

NOTE: Approximately 10 minutes after I finished writing this, the man moved seats. Lol oops.

Orange Jar

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