Thursday, December 22, 2011

Glorious Sunshine....

It seems that no matter what bribe is offered, or how many compliments it receives, the sun is bent on burning me. I put on sunblock whenever I think theres the chance of me being in the sun, I wear hats, I have sleeves, I stay in the shade.
It's like the sun is sitting up there, just waiting for me to step outside so it was muster all its burning potential and throw it at me. While Im inside, it daydreams about how much fun it will have watching me change colour, and peel. For all I know, the sun gets off on burning me.

I wouldn't be surprised it the sun was a sadist, I mean, think about it.
 It melts peoples ice creams, chocolate and melts tar - for people to step in. It causes sub burn, heat stroke, sun stroke and skin cancer. It influences prickles to grow in the grass, it heats sand so we burn our feet on the beach, it causes car crashes (when you suddenly get a full face of sun when you turn a corner - your momentarily blind, everything around you becomes a hazzard! BAM you hit 5 trees and roll the car all the way down a hill and into a river thats infested with piranhas, as you blindly swim to safety - even though both your arms are broken from the tree impact - they eat your skin off and pull your hair out. When your finally on shore, another driver who had the same issue runs you over).

So essentially, the sun is a murderer.
But we can't live without it... so I guess I should just get over it and buy sunblock with SPF 1000 or something.

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