Friday, December 30, 2011


Corn, cauliflower and chicken nibbles are currently on the bake (or the boil, in the case of the veges), because my tummy's A'grumblin and my ovens A'cookin!
I do take note that Im a little late in dinner, considering that it is infact ten minutes to 10pm. But does that matter? I got out of bed at quarter to 12, so really, if I work from that time and compare it to my usual waking hour of 7 or 8am, its really an early dinner. Probably about 5pm.
So I'm actually way ahead of time, and preparing dinner early (because I'm a spectacularly organized person... ask anyone, they will back me up).

Im guessing that the holiday season will excuse my late waking and my late cooking, because after all, it 'tis the season to be jolly!
Better check the chicken though. Don't fret, I'm not one of those mothers on the 'dont leave your cooking unattended' adds from TV because the computer I am at is mere meters away from the oven itself (also, I haven't given birth recently... or at all. So cannot be a mother), so all is well.

I am going to excuse the fact that this post is flowing from my brain without writers block because of the copious amounts of the 'naturally elegant rosé' I have consumed. I don't believe it is a particularly naturally elegant wine, but the bottle says it is, so I guess I can't argue with that....
Not only because it is a bottle, and no matter how convincing my argument it - the bottle will not agree, but because I know nothing about wine and wouldn't be anywhere near capable of formulating a convincing argument.

Never the less, my chicken is roasting its self into perfection. I wish I'd thought to add some kumara too. I love kumara. Although, I'm pretty sure that everyone loves kumara - as my mum would say, "Its like the town bicycle".
My computer doesn't recognise kumara as a word, so I spell checked it and the closest option was "chimera". And I must say, roasting chimera would be alot more difficult than kumara - even if you excuse the actual capturing of the beast its self. Would it be red meat or white? What herbs does it go with? Do you roast at 180 or 200 degrees? Or even, would it be barbequable? .... Does it go with gravy?
Do you drink it with red or white wine? Can you glaze it with sugar?

... Does the taste even go well with roast vegetables?
I guess we'll never know. I don't have the means to catch one, or cook one... what size oven would you need.... so complicated...
I'd much rather stick to my glorious kumara. Especially the way I cook it!
You peel it and dice it into bits, then you chuck it all in a plastic bag - tip in vege oil, rosemary, oregano, salt, pepper and bread crumbs. Twist the bag shut, shake it all around and spread it on a tray (minus the plastic bag) and roast it at 180.

Dont want chicken nibbles now. I want kumara.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! I can honestly that I didn't expect to be on here on christmas day!
But here I am, Writing. I just wanted to tell you that santa loves me so much that he delivered me a gift on christmas eve.... the gift of a rash....
It seems that when I died my hair last night, I was allergic to the conditioner it came with... so I have loverly pink dots all over my back and shoulders and chest! HORRAY.

THANK YOU SANTA. This will look great in the photos.... I loved your gift so much that I put it on straight away... And haven't (been able to) take it off since...

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Glorious Sunshine....

It seems that no matter what bribe is offered, or how many compliments it receives, the sun is bent on burning me. I put on sunblock whenever I think theres the chance of me being in the sun, I wear hats, I have sleeves, I stay in the shade.
It's like the sun is sitting up there, just waiting for me to step outside so it was muster all its burning potential and throw it at me. While Im inside, it daydreams about how much fun it will have watching me change colour, and peel. For all I know, the sun gets off on burning me.

I wouldn't be surprised it the sun was a sadist, I mean, think about it.
 It melts peoples ice creams, chocolate and melts tar - for people to step in. It causes sub burn, heat stroke, sun stroke and skin cancer. It influences prickles to grow in the grass, it heats sand so we burn our feet on the beach, it causes car crashes (when you suddenly get a full face of sun when you turn a corner - your momentarily blind, everything around you becomes a hazzard! BAM you hit 5 trees and roll the car all the way down a hill and into a river thats infested with piranhas, as you blindly swim to safety - even though both your arms are broken from the tree impact - they eat your skin off and pull your hair out. When your finally on shore, another driver who had the same issue runs you over).

So essentially, the sun is a murderer.
But we can't live without it... so I guess I should just get over it and buy sunblock with SPF 1000 or something.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Good morning surprise

I awoke this morning, thinking "uuuuuugh gotta get up in half an hour for work...", I then pressed snooze about 5 times, because the alarm goes off every 5 minutes until you turn it off properly. It was almost 8am, when I realized that I actually started work at 9.30, not 9 like I'd thought.
HORRAY!!! I could sleep in for another whole half hour!
Oh what a good surprise! I was so happy with that! TIS THE TIME TO BE JOLLY!

When I finally got up, ten minutes earlier than needed - so no rushing for me. It was good, roll out of bed, streeeeeeetch, pull on my socks. Streeeeeetch!
Pick up my dress for work, nicely hung on the coat hanger, no creases! Pull it over my head and straighten it. But then something falls off it and drops onto my leg - whats this?
I look down and see a massive black white tail spider at my feet. It was IN my dress. I PUT THE SPIDER ON. uuuuughghghghghgh1!!! So gross
It was like, thumb sized, no exaggeration. I almost vomited. I squealed like a little girl, over and over, until Tib came and rescued me....

He squashed it with my coat hanger... no more crease-less dresses for me. Im not touching that coathanger ever again.

Santa must have a sick sense of humour...

Monday, December 12, 2011

Being a slacker

My post title is directly aimed at myself. Im a total slacker!
Im like "yeah, I'll write a post when I .... *SNORE*
it just never happened, and it eventually got to the point where I stopped feeling bad about for leaving it too late. Usually when Im being terrible at honoring this bloggular commitment, I get really guilty, and every time I'm on facebook or checking my emails... this little voice in the back of my head nags at me - like an old woman.
And old people usually make me feel bad (the REALLY old ones, not the semi old ones), so its generally an effective strategy.

But not this time! This time I didn't even write about my birthday - every year since I started this blog, I've written about it. I fret about if the weather will hold out on the day, or wether or not the plans I made will fall through. I fret that everyone will forget, or that I'll die, or something ... incredibly irrational.
But this birthday went... mainly smoothly. No wild parties - Im too much of a GOOD girl (that, and work dominates my life).

You know, actually, thinking about it now. I always get stupid irrational fears. Its like the ones that everyone gets - if open the blinds at night some half dead deranged person will be peering through to eat your face. Or that when I get in the car at night, there will be that same half dead deranged person sitting in the back seat... waiting for the opportunity to get my delicious face.... he will eat it slowly, savoring it..... Should he eat the nose first? or maybe, the eyes. Yes, yes... the eyes... maybe with some BBQ sauce......

Anyway, In conclusion, I apologize for my general lack of writing. I would like to say "I promise I'l keep up and write at least one post a week" but yeaaaaaaah nah, I'll try but it probably wont happen.

Although IT IS THE SEASON TO BE JOLLY. I'll be writing about christmas, I imagine.