Saturday, March 17, 2012

painting for muffin

Happy flat warming present muffin! It took friggen ages, but looked alright in the end. I was eating chocolates during the painting - dropped one. It still tasted fine, it was wrapped so it was fine!

I have been sick these last few days - pretty horrible cold of some description. Couldn't really get off the couch much, just sat around. My Ta said to me just now "atleast you didn't get a fever... except maybe, Boogie fever". So lame.

Monday, March 5, 2012


We had a roast dinner the other night, with a pavlova as the finish. Mum happily said to me when I came home from work "You can decorate the pav If you want Ga!!"
You see, if I hadn't been working I probably would've been doing the whole dinner AND the pav, but since I was off slaving away somewhere else - mum had to get stuck in and do it herself.

Anyway, I did the pavs cream blue, and her face said "I regret giving you this task....". Mum hates blue, but I DONT CARE. It was blue cream with blue berries!