Thursday, February 11, 2010

Chain-saws and screaming.

When I was young, I was never able to wrap my head around the fact that humans have brains.
I knew that we have them, I knew that they were in our heads, and I knew what they looked like.
But when ever I contemplated thoughts .. It wasn't a brain I would imagine.

In my head, I would see a little man sitting at a desk with a chain saw. He would be sitting in an office - which was the shape of my head. And although I knew there was a brain in there, this was all I could see when I thought about thoughts.
I think that a part of me genuinely believed the contents of my head were a desk, a chain-saw and a human being. It was easier that way, you see. Because if there was something bad happening in my life, a thought or memory I didn't want to think about.. I would simply imagine him getting a few sheets of paper and shredding them to smithereens with his chain-saw.

This was a simple way to make me feel better. Problem solved!
I guess he must have had a little bin behind his desk also because once the paper was shredded, it would go away, and I would feel better.
Then I started to grow up.
The little chain-saw man would still pop up in my head occasionally, he would try his best to mutilate and destroy all of the paper. He really did, he would be sitting in my head shredding and shredding! But the paper work was building up and he was growing old, he wasn't equipped for all the hard work that he was being given.
Its a shame that I didn't know paper shredders existed back then, it would've made his job allot easier (although admittedly, much more boring).

I think that when I started to get some logic, the paper shredding man gave up his job and morphed into the filing cabinets that now exist in my brain. Or perhaps, maybe at this current time in my life. Perhaps there is just the pink squishy mass that we call a brain.

If the man still existed, he would be screaming at the top of his lungs for some peace and quiet to relax - even though he would be by himself.

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