I sit here, thinking about the things that never make sense... As per usual.
I mean, why does black look good on everyone, but not yellow? Thats a little ridiculous, isn't it?
Blacks a colour that influences negative thought - when all anyones trying to do in this world is find their happiness... but they continue to wear black. Over and over. Its like, "Oh hey! what should I wear today? My black dress/top/skirt/shorts/pants/jacket/socks/underwear... nail polish... hair tyes... make up.... bracelets... earrings... watches.... bags... brief cases... Or even perhaps, all of the above at the same time. I'm sure someone could pull it off. Im sure many people pull it off, everyday : all day.
Its down right stupid. YES, everyone suits black. But theres how many other colours in the world to choose from??
Oh my Geoff, Like, black isn't even a colour. Its a tone. Oh yay! Lets all clothe ourselves in TONES!!!!! YAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY IM PRACTICALLY RADIATING BECAUSE IM SO ECSTATIC!!!!!
Oh come on. Even pretending to think surrounding yourself in black would be good is making me depressed. Its like, mums colour co-ordinating the entire house with red, black and white. Why? WHY, would she do that to herself?
ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous.
This reminds me of geography. Its like, my teacher talks about the green team who are all SAVE THE TREES!!!! and then she talks about the economic party who are like Mr Crabs - money money money!
Im a member of the green team in this problem, Im all for the colours. Im the one who wanders through the mall with fluro everything - If I had fluro underwear, believe me, I'd never want to take them off (but, I would. Seeing as that would be gross if I didn't). The black wearers... are my opposites. They're just.. yeah. They're rejecting the fun. I mean... if you have colours to brighten your day, why would you choose to ignore them?
I just wish that some people would try to put a little more colour into the world. Into their own lives... Its kinda like, if your surrounded by happy people, they wear off on you. If I were a colour, I'd like to be able to say I'm yellow. But I know I'm not.
But one can dream, right?
Alright, enough of my rant. Its silly that I've not written on this much, for such an incredibly long time. I guess I've been feeling pretty out of my self - I think that its just having to get back into the school routine, or some shizz. I don't know.
But I'm going to try and pull my head in and get back into the constant stream of posts I used to spit out each week... Back in the days where my imagination was willing to give me a hand every so often. I had to bribe it today, to give me a smidge of help in this post... I bribed it with custard.... and it's still a pretty sucky attempt.
I still haven't written about mums wedding, or anything that I should really have informed you kids about. But hey, good things come in time (HAHA! Is is incredibly immature that I laughed at that sentence?).
Finish this later.